Sins Of Pride On The Straw Hats

78. What If You Become The Demon King Who Destroys Hope! (Please Subscribe!)

"Since you don't care, then go die." But Nuo Qigao listened to the child's words.

Not only was there no consolation, but he was sent to die by himself, which is conceivable.

This boy, as long as he walked out of this room and went to the murloc to fight for his life, she would no longer care about him, nor would she save him.

Because all you really want to do is die, and those who don't have the courage to live can be saved once or twice, but they can't be saved forever.

"Anyway, you don't have the courage to live in the predicament, so it's better to die early and reincarnate early! It's easy to die, but hard to survive." Nuo Qi said coldly.

The boy was dumbfounded by the scolding, but the anger in his heart could not be appeased, how could he let the dragon go, and what did she know.

"They also lost their family members." Reka said lightly, making the boy freeze in place immediately.

Not only did she lose her relatives, even her sister became a tool of the dragon, but even so, Nami never gave up.

Everyone knows that giving up is very simple, find a high point, close your eyes, jump down, everything is over.

But no, their lives were saved by Bell Mel, if they were ruined casually, how could they be worthy of the people who kept them alive.

No matter what kind of predicament, what kind of disaster, they must live well and live for everyone to see.

Live for Mel Bell!

Especially Nami, even if she is tired, even if she is doing good deeds, it is for the safety of the village.

But in other villages, she was a traitor, spurned by thousands of people, and known as the witch cadre of the Dragon Pirates.

Nami has never given up no matter how many hardships she has experienced, life is precious!!

As long as they live for one day, they must fight against this fate to the end, and this kind of people who easily give up their lives are the group of people they hate the most.

780 Because their mothers wanted to survive at that time, but they couldn’t!!

The boy suddenly became quiet. Losing family members under the rule of the dragon seems to be nothing new.

The current him will only die in vain, useless, is death an escape?

Then I have to grow up and become stronger, and then kill the evil dragon!

When Nuo Qigao heard Reka say this, she was surprised: "Nami even mentioned this to you, tell me honestly, what is the relationship between you two, I have never seen Nami openly discuss with anyone other than me Heart!!"

"Besides, you have been injured so badly, and you still want to find the evil dragon. Don't you... like Nami?" Nuo Qigao's eyes suddenly became very bright.

Nuo Qigao, who was staring at Reka firmly, felt excited, but this excitement didn't last for a few seconds.

Thinking of the Dragon Pirates, her heart immediately turned cold, under this kind of control.

Like, I'm afraid it won't end well.

The deeper it gets, the more likely it will lead to tragedy. How will Nami face it when the time comes?

The things she is carrying are already heavy, can she really carry them?

"What's the matter with you?" Reka asked with concern, and Eight Trigrams looked expectant for the last second.

She didn't admit anything, didn't say anything, why did her expression become so serious and cold.

"Can you please leave Nami?" As soon as the words came out, Reka was stunned. This was an answer he had never thought of.


"You'll cause trouble and trouble for her!"

"I'm here to save her. When the sun comes out tomorrow, the evil dragon will not become a threat."

"You underestimate the Dragon Pirates!"

"No, I know their strength better than you!"

"If you are strong, why are you injured so badly! If you were surrounded just now, you might have died! I don't hate resistance, and one day, we will resist again." Nuo Qigao said firmly. Know Nami's contribution.

It's just that they all put on a cold face towards Nami, ignored Nami, and regarded him as a traitor, except himself.

This is their protection for Nami, hoping that one day Nami will give up on them, go out and never come back.

Live for herself while they fight the Dragon Pirates for the final battle!

In particular, the fire of resistance in Gosa Town also inspired them, and now Kekeyasi Village has secretly stockpiled a lot of weapons.

"I'm very strong, and the evil dragon will not abide by the 100 million Bailey agreement with Nami!" Reka knows that the two parties are not on the same channel in terms of strength perception, so it may be extremely difficult to convince Nuolin.

After all, he is now lying on the bed, unable to move the wounded.

Whatever he said, he was quite pale and powerless.

"What?!" Nuo Qigao really didn't care about how powerful Reka said he was.

Were there still few people who felt powerful before? But that was a whole group of evil dragon pirates!

The Devil Pirates from the Grand Line, the weakest pirate, is probably thousands of times stronger than the Common people.

How could they know how terrifying and powerful the Murloc Pirates are.

They can easily lift an entire house, and ordinary bullets hit them, and some of them can't even penetrate the skin!

But when Reka said that the dragon would not keep the agreement, Nuo Qigao was extremely excited!

She couldn't imagine that this would become a reality! How desperate Nami would be!!

"How did you know?"

"Guess, do you think that with the style of the Dragon Pirates, they will really give up such a talent as Nami? Think about the planning maps drawn by Nami over the years, and how much profit the nautical charts have made for them."

"The evil dragon is about money promises, I haven't heard that he will break his promise!!" Nuo Qigao has already learned that the evil dragon is a human being from Nami.

And under his control, as long as enough money is paid, he really will not say that he temporarily regrets killing the person who paid the money.

Unless it is the exception of a rebellion event like Gossa Town.

"I didn't break my promise, it's just because the benefits are not big enough. With enough benefits, the promise is extremely fragile!"

"You are still guessing now, and you can't be sure, so you can't take this risk. Do you know what Nami has paid all these years to keep this agreement?!"

"I know."

"No, you don't know. If you knew (cbbj), you wouldn't make such a judgment lightly. Have you ever seen her only eat one meal a day outside in order to save money when she was young?"

"Do you know how a 10-year-old kid would be beaten up if he was caught stealing money from pirates?"

"Do you know that Zhan Zhan who lurks among the pirates, dare not sleep every night, for fear that the words in his sleep will be leaked?"

"Do you know that betrayal again and again made her cry countless times?"

"Do you know how tiring it is to carry someone else's life on your back?"

"How can you say such a thing, you will deprive her of her only hope!" Nuo Qigao remembered all that Nami had encountered in these years, and tears burst out of his eyes.

After so many years of suffering, I finally see hope!

If this kind of thing really happened, she couldn't accept it just by thinking about it!

The boy stared blankly, that witch has experienced so much!

Reka was also silent, he didn't know about these things!! He just thought about it and couldn't empathize.

But now, from Nuo Qigao who was roaring and bursting into tears, he could feel this weight.

It turns out that the suffering imagined is completely different from the suffering felt by seeing and empathizing.

"The Dragon Pirates just killed them! It's too cheap for them!" The culprit who caused all this cannot be easily forgiven!

"Whether it's going to happen or not, I don't want you to tell Nami about your speculation in advance."

"But what if it's meant to happen."

"Then it is pain when it happens, but you said in advance, before it happens, it is already pain, and when it happens, it will cause a second pain."

"I'm going to stop it from happening."

"The most terrifying thing in this world, do you know what it is? It is hope. Since you have an unusual relationship with Nami, you should know that she is a strong girl. What she has fought for for many years, as long as there are hundreds of millions One-third of the possibilities will never give up! If you stop her in advance with guesswork, tell her this, then...

"You will become the devil who destroys her hope! And when you stop her, she will know about it! You can't avoid it! It will still bring pain, do you want to be hated by her forever?"

Hearing Nuo Qigao's words, Reka was stunned, and he suddenly understood a truth!

Killing, destroying, these are easy!

But hopefully, helping those is harder.

Especially when you care about this matter, this person, you must consider whether it will hurt her even if it is a good thing!

This is more difficult than defeating the enemy. If you don't handle it well, you may become the devil who destroys hope.

No wonder Nami, who was hopeful at that time, flatly rejected Luffy's help at the beginning, and drove them away many times!

Because she is kind and doesn't want them to get involved, and because she still has the hope that the dragon will keep the promise.

When Luffy really helped her, Nami had already felt hopeless.

Not yet, but revelations have the potential to do more damage.

The two situations are different!

"Should I just watch?" Reka was at a loss as to what to do.

"If it really happened, I hope you can help her at that time!" It's best if it didn't happen, if it happened, Nami will need someone by his side, and this man, who has an unusual relationship with Nami, may be the best good medicine.

A few words of comfort may restore Nami's hope. After all, Nuo Qigao believes that Nami is not someone who is easily knocked down.

"Okay, I'll wait! I'll let the Dragon Pirates experience for themselves what real despair is!!" Reka said with murderous intent.

Nami suffered grievances, he will double the price to make them pay! He will not hesitate to shed blood!

"Stupid!! I didn't ask you to seek death!" Nuo Qigao felt that this man seemed to have misunderstood the meaning of helping!

"Needless to say, I understand. Before dawn, I will wait quietly! I have to keep my spirits up!"

The territory ruled by the evil dragon was in turmoil overnight, and several murloc compatriots were killed, which made the evil dragon furious and stepped up its search.

The person who killed his compatriots must be found out! It's just that there is no result overnight.

When the first rays of the sun rose, Reka opened his eyes, and he felt the sound of someone running out.

"Marine is here! Marine is here! Nuoqigao! Marine is here!" This was the voice of a child. He took Nuoqigao's hand and ran towards the coast! Excited, Marine noticed the small island , indicating that they are saved!!.

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