Sins Of Pride On The Straw Hats

88. Death! One Man Kills Marine Base! (Seeking Subscription)

But soon, the evil dragon was next. When Luan Dao came to him, he had a ferocious face and struggled!

In other words, he didn't know what to do! When he raised his hand, he killed his own compatriots!

Can't do it! Can't do it!

The evil dragon roared in his heart, but when one of the blades forced his neck.

With a strong desire to survive, the evil dragon subconsciously made a move, no, it made a move!

He slammed his foot on the murloc's chest, and the powerful force directly collapsed the murloc's chest.

The collapsed ribs pierced Neri's heart. The murloc froze for a moment, then vomited thick blood and fell to the ground dead.

Even if the dragon's hands are crippled and only his feet are left, his explosive power is still astonishing.

"Compatriots!!" The evil dragon kicked the dead man, but he was anxious and wanted to stretch out his hand to pull him.

As a result, more blades slashed over, and the bullets began to fly randomly.

The evil dragon opened its mouth and bit many blades, and when it pressed up and down, the blades burst into pieces.

"Stop!" The evil dragon tried to persuade the murlocs, but there was no turning back.

They all know the character of the evil dragon. If they offend him, they will die soon. All they can do now is to deal with him!

"That sounds good, Evil Dragon Sang, you killed your own compatriots!"

"I..." The evil dragon was at a loss for words, not knowing how to answer these words.

The facts are in front of you, how else can you explain it!

"While he is seriously injured now, we will have no chance later. It's not like you don't know how strong the recovery ability of the evil dragon is."

"Bastard!!" His own desire to survive made the evil dragon unable to truly lead the neck to be slaughtered, and he started to fight back like crazy!

I couldn't think too much, and soon I was stained with the blood of my compatriots.

Many murlocs also hesitated because of the power of the dragon.

"Stop it, stop it!!" The evil dragon looked in the direction of Nami's 073 again as if going crazy.

He was on his knees just now, begging Nami to let that man end this crazy game!

It's just that before Nami could answer him, the murlocs couldn't wait to attack him!

Seeing that Nami was still unresponsive, the evil dragon rushed over to kill him.

Take Nami, maybe it can be used to threaten the madman and save everyone a lifeline.

Otherwise, if this continues, his hands will soon be stained with the blood of more compatriots.

And as time went by, his injuries became more and more serious.

Either he killed all his compatriots, or he died at the hands of his compatriots, there is no third possibility.

"It seems that for the Common murlocs, even without hands, you still have outstanding combat power." Reka said lightly.

Stretching out his finger, a ray of fire from the sun shot out with a whoosh, directly piercing one of the dragon's thighs, causing him to suddenly kneel and half kneel!

It is difficult to move quickly anymore, and the sword greeted him, cutting out many wounds, and with only one mouth, he could not move for a while, no matter how strong he was, he was just waiting for death.

To kill him, it depends on how much murloc life needs to be paid, but even if it is all paid, Reka is happy to see it.

These murlocs were planned to be killed.

Kind Nami, at the moment when the dragon begged for mercy, there was indeed a look of unbearableness in his eyes.

You can see that Reka still has his own blood on his body, and all this kindness and resentment have been hidden by her!

To be kind to the enemy is to be responsible for their own and Reka's life!

"Nami, don't listen to him, don't forget how Bell died, and don't forget how they forced you to draw pictures and break the agreement over the years!" Nuo Qigao looked at the murderous murlocs .

There is only happiness in their eyes! These murlocs are full of evil, no matter how they die, they are not worthy of sympathy!

In other words, only this kind of death can be called punishment.

He killed so many people, made so many families lose their loved ones, and made so many people live in fear.

Common's dead, that's cheap for him!

"I know!" Nami nodded firmly.

If there is no Reka, maybe the entire Cocoyasi Village has died at the hands of the evil dragon, and the despair that Nami felt would not be so easy to forget!

Seeing the tragic situation of the evil dragon now, her heart is more relaxed than ever before!

Fortunately, he is here! As long as he is here! Even if the sky falls, it doesn't matter!

Nami stared at Reka obsessively.

"Ahem...... But then again, Nami, how did you meet this friend? Why, I feel that he is more ferocious than pirates like dragons!" Jian couldn't help asking curiously.

He can be regarded as the father of Nami and Noki Gao after the death of Bell Mel.

Now that the evil dragon can have this disaster, of course he is happy, but as a bystander.

But he felt that this handsome young man's methods were really not kind.

"He is not cruel!!" Hearing this, Nami didn't answer the first question, and subconsciously refuted Ah Jian's words.

"Uh...Is that so..." Ah Jian was a little unconfident when he choked on Nami's words.

Isn't this cruel? This is a kind of torture that is worse than death.

Let the racists like the evil dragon kill our compatriots, and I was forced to kowtow and beg for mercy just now.

This was before, even if it was a dream, they had never had such an outrageous dream.

In the current situation, if there is no accident, the evil dragon will undoubtedly die!

"Damn!! If I knew this would happen, I should have killed you all! Killed all of you!" The evil dragon saw Nami's firm eyes.

He immediately understood that no matter how much he begged, Nami would never forgive him!

Thinking about it in another way, it is impossible for him to forgive!! But when people have the advantage and the chance of victory is in their hands.

How could it be possible to put yourself in the victim's shoes!

Now it's useless for him to regret it!

As the evil dragon spoke, he killed a fellow murloc with his mouth.

He knew that he shouldn't do this, but his survival instinct forced him to do it.

If he doesn't resist, he has no chance of catching Nami and disarming him, but then one of his legs is cut off by a line of fire from Reka.

He immediately understood that he had no one and no hope! He couldn't get close to Nami at all!

So while biting his own compatriots to death, he wept mournfully, laughed wildly, and roared angrily after a while, the spirit of the whole person was already a little abnormal!

One murloc after another died on his mouth, even if he kept a distance, he could move in a short range with a kick of one leg (cbbe).

But getting to Nami by surprise is no longer possible.

And the devil is watching everything from the roof.

No chance of success at all!.

"You devil, I curse you to die!!" The dragon looked at Reka and cursed viciously.

"You are ahead of me." Reka just looked at him indifferently.

"Also, how does it feel to be hacked to death by your own people? Isn't it very comfortable! Does it feel like you deserve to die? Or, do you want to kill all your compatriots? Then you are really a [hero]!"

"You, you... puff!!" The evil dragon had a cerebral hemorrhage directly, affecting all the wounds on his body, and he was so angry that he was half dead, but his heart couldn't help trembling due to fear!

This is a devil, definitely not a creature that should exist in the world: "Devil...hehe, devil, scare hahaha..."

He was half crazy, half insane, and in the end, among the less than ten murloc survivors left, he was hacked to death by random knives!

"Congratulations on successfully killing your own boss! Now there are 9 people left, but there can only be 3 survivors!" Reka's faint voice sounded.

The other murlocs were already red-eyed. Hearing this, they didn't even have the energy to scold Reka.

They didn't dare to scold! Instead, they started fighting, and soon there were only three exhausted and lucky people left. They looked forward to it, and knelt down, looking at Reka and Nami!

Hope they let them go!

"Dragon, just died like this?!" A Jian, Nuo Qigao, and Nami are all evil dragons who look at the tragic death with disbelief!

It feels like a dream, the Dragon Pirates that ruled the entire island for so long are in the hands of this man, and they are so easily destroyed!

Ah Jian squeezed his arm hard: "It's not very painful, what's going on!? It's not really a dream!"

"Ajiansang, you are too excited!!"

"Isn't it a dream?"


"Has Cocosia Village been saved?"

"Yeah!" Nami nodded emphatically!

"Saved, finally saved, Bell Mel, did you see it!! Nami, Nuoqigao! And we are all free!" Jian couldn't help kneeling on the ground, crying loudly.

Nami and Nuo Qigao also shed tears of excitement and relief.

At this time, other surrounding towns have already noticed the anomaly in Cocosia Village.

Many people know that Cocoyasi Village is going to launch a counterattack, and what happened in Gosa Town.

There are already more cities and towns that can't stand this kind of rule, and they are all ready to find out.

Some even planned to join Cocoyasi Village and start a fire of resistance together.

"Can you let us go?" a murloc asked humbly.

"Of course, but what they do is none of my business!" Reka looked up at the teams of villagers approaching.

Among them were the people of Cocoyasi Village who were gradually waking up, after they woke up in a daze.

Went to the Dragon Park, rushed to nothing, learned the situation from the dying Cro Obi, and killed him.

He quickly turned back to Kekeyasi Village, planning to find the evil dragon and his gang to fight to the death.

"No, no..." Seeing so many villagers around, only the last three lucky ones screamed in horror!

They were rightfully drowned and beaten to death by the villagers!

"Wait for me here, I'll be back soon." Reka came to Nami and said.

"Where are you going?" Nami suddenly felt uneasy. Hasn't the dragon been defeated?

"Somebody took your money!"

"No, don't go! I don't want the money!" Nami quickly grabbed Reka's hand.

Killing pirates is completely different from killing Marines!

The former usually kills as soon as they are killed, while the latter will definitely cause a series of troubles.

Offending the whole system, Nami doesn't want Reka to take another risk!

"He made you cry, this account cannot be settled!" Reka said, his whole body stood up.

"Don't..." Nami didn't have time to stop him.

At this moment, the Marine 17 branch is the Marine Base directly under the Marine Headquarters.

In an exquisite and luxurious office, Colonel Mouse is tasting delicious food and wine, holding a reluctant female Marine.

Looking at the blood-stained Bailey on the table happily: "I didn't expect the money to be so easy to earn these days. It's a pity that I let the octopus split half and give it to the dragon!"

"I heard that the marine hero Garp is also active in this sea area recently. If you pass by here at that time, if you can gain some connections, no matter how much you spend!"

"Woman, don't look reluctant, who made your Ensign husband like a gambler, and owed me a huge debt, so I can only obediently give you to me!".

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