Sins Of Pride On The Straw Hats

92. Just Wanting To Kill You, Garp Arrived At The Marine17 Branch! (Please Subscribe!)

"I'm here to find Colonel Mouse, that wicked loan shark. Is it necessary to risk my life for him? Maybe he's doing something wicked again!" a Marine Cao said in a low voice. The brothers heard the words.

They all nodded, took a step back, and were no longer so active.

The main reason is that Reka has always been ruthless, but not fatal.

The real fatal thing is that when they heard that those Marines were the direct subordinates of Colonel Mouse, they cut off their heads!

Anyone who is not stupid can immediately guess that this man came because of personal grievances.

If they can stop it, they will naturally maintain Marine's strength and justice.

But the key is that you can't stop it, so it's much easier to find excuses to convince yourself.

If you really don't know anything, and you are killed by him like this, then your death is not worth it!

And now Wilhelm Rear Admiral didn't give the death order, and asked Colonel Mouse to come out and explain.

It's not too late to decide whether to go up or not after figuring it out.

Colonel Mouse is naturally extremely popular with his own clique, but not at Marine Base.

Many Marines encountered difficulties and asked him to borrow money, but were overcharged because of unclear terms and interest.

Don't give it? Then you will be greeted with endless revenge and boss's little shoes!

As for giving, it is basically hurting the muscles and bones, being beaten to the bone and sucking the marrow, and squeezed to the end!

"Colonel Mouse, why are you still standing there? Do you want the entire Marine Base to be buried with you!" Wilhelm didn't know whether Marine Base would be buried with you, but he didn't want to be like Colonel Mouse's idiots just now.

Beheaded with an axe!

He doesn't want to die! As long as he doesn't die! What does other people's death have to do with him!

Even if Colonel Mouse is handed over, the monster will not kill him, what's wrong!

So when Reka is getting closer, there is no Marine, no shelling can stop him from going forward, and he is already targeting him!

Under the pressure of Reka, Wilhelm decisively turned his attention to Colonel Mouse!

"I..." Colonel Mouse looked at Wilhelm Rear Admiral sullenly.

At this time, he had no choice but to face it. He stood up tremblingly, came to the edge of the gap, leaned out half of his body, and then politely shouted to Reka with Wilhelm's words: "Little brother, we have never I’ve seen it, did you admit to the wrong person, or listened to someone’s lies?”

There is really no way, Colonel Mouse can only try to extract himself from certain things.

Never met, no matter what he hears, there will always be room for maneuver.

Hearing this, the other Marines also stopped their progress and watched silently.

They also wanted to know what made him single-handedly come to Marine Base.

If it wasn't for his strength, someone else would have been hacked to death or captured alive by the Marines long ago!

"Have you forgotten what you did this morning? 100 million Baileys is very comfortable!" Reka calmly looked at Colonel Mouse.

Colonel Mouse felt the real murderous aura enveloping him, and his heartbeat accelerated wildly, as if the heart would jump out of his chest due to nervousness and fear in the next second!

"You were sent by the thief named Nami! Impossible! This is absolutely impossible, a little thief cat, how could he know someone like you!||!" Colonel Mouse instantly understood!

It's just that he never imagined in his dreams that a little thief, a small person who was allowed to be slaughtered by him, would have a relationship with such a powerful person!

It is common sense that birds of a feather flock together! The circle where the little Thieves live is destined to be only common villagers and evil dragons and other pirates!

If you have such a powerful friend, how can you be played around by the evil dragon!

It doesn't make sense at all!

"She is the navigator on our ship, you have two choices now!" Reka said indifferently, carrying an axe.

"What choice?" Colonel Mouse asked subconsciously.

"First, you choose to commit suicide, and second, I will kill you!"

Hearing Reka's words, Colonel Mouse's face changed drastically: "You are not a choice at all! Don't deceive people too much, this is Marine Base, do you know what you are fighting against?!"

The other party didn't intend to let him go, Colonel Mouse was instantly furious when he heard this!

The other Marines also became serious when they heard the words, this young and handsome boy must have gone too crazy!

But the thought of this man blowing up the entire Marine Base simply and rudely by himself!

Until now, they still have no way to take him down!

He does have arrogant capital!

Wilhelm Rear Admiral's complexion gradually darkened. At this time, no matter what he said, it was inappropriate.

Even though it was obvious that the Marine Base he was in was ignored by this man, he didn't dare to intervene rashly, and didn't want to get involved in the conflict between the two.

It's just that every second of Reka's madness in his territory is slapped in the face by him.

"I was originally a pirate, so it's strange to be an enemy of Marine? How about it, have you considered it?" Reka twisted his neck, it should be almost enough for him to feel despair before dying!

Maybe it's unnecessary, but it's okay, he can afford it!

"It's just some Baileys. I will return all the Baileys I got to you, but I only took 50 million Baileys, and the other 50 million Baileys are in the hands of the ruler of Cocosia Village!" Seeing that the threat doesn't work, the opponent still wants to kill himself.

Colonel Mouse had to take another step back, and said in a low voice.

Money Precious, but he doesn't want to risk his life!

And in public, he certainly won't admit his relationship with the Dragon Pirates!

To put it another way, if this man knew Nami, he would know who he was talking about.

It is best to be able to divert trouble from the east.

"It's just some Baileys? Hahaha! You have committed an unforgivable crime!!" Reka's eyes became more murderous!

"What's the crime? It's only natural for the Marine to collect the thief's stolen goods!" Colonel Mouse tried to "argue with reason"!

"You made our navigator cry! This is an unforgivable capital crime! As for the evil dragon, don't waste your efforts in vain. I have already killed the evil dragon. Don't worry, he walked very painfully! Before dying, he knelt Pray, and curse me! That voice is really sweet!" Reka grinned!

The rather morbid appearance made everyone believe what he said for the first time!

With such strength, and speaking so intoxicated, it is impossible to pretend!

"I'm willing to take out the other half and make up a hundred million Baileys. No, I'll give you 150 million Baileys! As long as this matter is over!" Colonel Mouse's heart was pounding violently. Such a powerful dragon died unexpectedly. up?!

"Do you think money can solve problems?"

"You don't have to kill me!! If you kill me, you won't get any money! That's the money she has saved for a long time! Didn't you come to ask for money?"

"No, I'm here to kill you, and now I'm here!" Reka strode towards Colonel Mouse again!

Along the way, the Marines froze in place with some fear.

A few subordinates of the mouse jumped out from the crowd to sneak attack!

As a result, Reka raised the knife and dropped his head, bloody, ruthless and brutal!

Seeing Reka's appearance, the mouse couldn't help taking a few steps back: "You lunatic!! What are you still doing! This guy just admitted that he is a pirate, don't forget your responsibilities!"

Seeing Reka's teasing, killing intent in his eyes, Colonel Mouse was sure that this guy came here to kill himself from the very beginning!!

I will never let myself go! Those crazy eyes are sure to kill me!

"Damn the evil dragon!! You bastard evil dragon!! That little Thieving Cat has such a backer, but he has no news at all!" Colonel Mouse crazily insulted the evil dragon in his heart.

What should I do now, what should I do, who can save myself?

Listening to Colonel Mouse's words, the nearby Marines looked at each other and tightened their weapons!

Since the other party is a pirate, they are Marines, and if someone breaks in like this, there will be no response.

What will their justice, the Marine headquarters, and the people outside think of them?!

Their eyes turned to Wilhelm Rear Admiral, waiting for his order!

"Idiot! You can do whatever you want. Why do you look at Laozi with such eyes? Didn't you see that this killer is still here? If I issue a lore order, the other party may immediately abandon Colonel Mouse and solve the problem." Commander myself!"

Through observation, Wilhelm felt that he might not be able to make twenty moves in the hands of this man, and he might lose and die!

He doesn't want to risk his life, but now everyone is looking at him, he's under a lot of pressure, he's in a dilemma!

"Boy, since it's a personal grievance between you guys, I won't get involved, but the Marine Legendary hero, Monkey D Garp, is about to arrive. If you don't want to die, I advise you to leave here as soon as possible!" Wilhelm Rear Admiral quickly thought of a person who could both Accepted steps!

As long as this guy doesn't make trouble now and doesn't threaten his life, that's fine!

For the next thing, think about it later, and get through the current difficulties!

Wilhelm originally thought that once these words came out, Reka would restrain himself, and even retreat into timidity!

After all, Garp, the Marine hero, is the hero of the world! He is Legendary!

He is a strong man who can scare off countless pirates just by his name!

How could there be pirates who are not afraid!

"God can't save him today! I said it!" Reka is still calm, what he decides to do, he will definitely do!

"The guy who wants to do it must think about what he is doing. This guy colluded with pirates, harmed dozens of towns including Cocosia Village (Lima's), and robbed a girl in order to redeem her from the pirates. In my hometown, I have accumulated 100 million Baileys that I have accumulated for many years and worked so hard to get together. Now I want to kill him! From this moment on, anyone who prevents me from killing others will die with him! The choice is yours!"

Reka clarified the facts, but he didn't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately, and when the facts were clarified, whoever would go up, no matter what the reason! Kill all the altars!

"What!? There is such a thing!?"

"It seems to be true. I heard that one of his subordinates vaguely mentioned the matter of cooperating with pirates. I heard that they made a lot of money!"

"Why didn't you say it before?"

"Anyone who tried to speak up is dead! You think I'm stupid!"

"Then you say it now!"

"I think what he said may be true, I don't want you to die in vain!"

Colonel Mouse saw the Marine soldiers falling into suspicion. He was full of fear and uneasiness. Some things had been guessed for a long time, but he usually succumbed to his rights and no one dared to speak nonsense, but now it is different. He is weak: "Nonsense! Nonsense Gossip! You are Marine, he is a pirate, do you want to be executed for dereliction of duty!!"

"Who kills him!! I will give him 100 million Baileys! Save my life! Also give him 100 million Baileys!" Colonel Mouse's words made the eyes of many Marines light up!

"The Conqueror's Haki broke out from Branch 17 just now? Huh? That's...the gate of the fortress was blown open! Is it an enemy attack?" Garp's ship gradually approached Branch 17. When he looked at it, his pupils suddenly Shrink!.

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