Sins Of Pride On The Straw Hats

96. Shocked Marine Headquarters! The Straw Hat Pirates Who Were Rewarded For The First Time!

When the hot white light, accompanied by energy shock waves, washed the entire island.

Magnetic fields, gravity, and airflow are all greatly affected.

Garp's Observation Haki was also seriously disturbed, and he couldn't detect Reka's breath.

In order to prevent the spread of the disaster, he alone blocked the shock wave that swept towards the Marine Base.

After the surrounding area was completely flattened by the explosion, and the billowing smoke and flames dispersed,

Garp looked at the scorched earth in front of him, showing a puzzled expression: "What's the meaning of his last words? I stimulated the energy in my body, causing it to go berserk, and with the burning vitality, he should definitely die. In that kind of explosion, There is probably no body left."

"But is he so confident that he won't die? Could it be that his self-esteem is too strong, and he is unwilling to accept this reality until death?" Garp couldn't help thinking.

Thinking back on Reka's character, it's not impossible that this kind of thing happened!

After all, from what Garp personally saw, Reka blew himself up!

"Why are you here!?" But at this moment, Adjutant Garp exclaimed from Marine Base!

"Lord Seagod! It's actually Lord Seagod!" Apparently, the people who have arrived at Marine Base.

Not only Garp alone, his subordinates also arrived later!

"This kid is actually still alive!" Garp was so surprised, he jumped with his legs bent, and flew through the air like a missile, heading straight towards the Marine Base.

"Just take back what doesn't belong to you." Reka's slightly weak voice sounded, and his whole body shot into the distant sky like a line of fire!

When Garp jumped a few times and flew towards him at top speed, Reka's figure had disappeared into the sky!

Only his slightly tired and old back could be seen, and even his breathing was fast.

If Kapu tried to catch up, it was already too late!

"Let him run away again!" Garp felt a little helpless. Obviously, the speed of the opponent's flight in the air is not only due to Moonwalk, but also other energy sources that can last for a long time.

Otherwise it can't be so fast!

"This is troublesome. If that kid is really evil, I'm afraid there will be another disaster in the sea. I hope not!" Garp's heart sank.

Although he thinks that Reka should not be a bad person.

But nothing is absolute, if his judgment is wrong, Marine will have another formidable enemy in the future!

"How do you understand the matter? What exactly is it?" Garp asked the adjutant quickly.

"The situation has been fully understood. According to those present, the Colonel Mouse and the Dragon Pirates are colluding together to provide protection for the pirates. On this island, there is a girl named Nami, whose mother was killed by the Dragon Sea. The bandits killed the girl, in order to save the village, the girl joined the Dragon Pirates, and she heard that the sailing talent is very strong, so the girl made an agreement with the captain of the Dragon Pirates!"

"As long as she collects 100 million Baileys, the village will be returned to her. For so many years, the girl has kept the agreement and has become a thief who specializes in stealing pirate treasures since she was a child. Buy your own village!"

"But the pirates never kept their promises. The Dragon Pirates contacted their umbrella, Colonel Mouse, and landed on the island, snatched the girl's Bailey [and shared it equally with the pirates."

"This man came to retrieve Bailey who belonged to the girl. Of course, he came back to seek justice rather than to get the money. Although the other blockers were seriously injured, there were very few casualties. The people who died were all Colonel Mouse’s subordinates, and Colonel Mouse spent 100 million Baileys to save his life from the greedy Marine!”

"This news came from one of Colonel Mouse's surviving subordinates. Of course, the man has been controlled to ensure that he will have the most fair and fair military trial! And according to him, when that man came, Dominic Dragon Pirate The regiment has been destroyed by him!" The adjutant's work ability is extremely good.

During the period of time when Garp was fighting Reka, he almost completely understood the ins and outs of the matter!

The more Garp listened, the more gloomy his face became: "In other words, in the face of the pirates' atrocities, Marine not only failed to help, but instead worked hand in hand with the pirates, and participated in the oppression of the victims, that's what it means!"

The adjutant could tell at a glance that Vice Admiral Garp was very angry: "Yes!"

"Bastard thing!!"

There is such a scum in Marine, no wonder that kid refuses to join Marine no matter what he says!

If it were me, I'm afraid I would have called the Marine Base directly. If I didn't kill the culprit myself, how could I get through my thoughts.

"Because of a few hot Marines who knew the law and broke the law, we not only let people suffer for many years, but even missed a Marine Admiral who may become the youngest Marine Admiral in the history of Marine! They deserve to die!!"

Garp said indignantly that as a Marine, he cannot bring stability to one side of the people.

Instead, it became the source of disaster, if only I knew about it!

No need for Reka, he's going to clean up the house himself!

"Where's Wilhelm Rear Admiral?" But Garp didn't forget that just now Wilhelm Rear Admiral was also intentionally guided by Reka and killed him!

"This is not yet fully understood."

"Vice Admiral Garp, I don't think Lord Seagod will kill innocent people indiscriminately!" Brin Brin hurriedly stood up and said.

"He is the Lord Sea God who saved you earlier? Isn't that guy an ability user?!" Garp took Reka for granted as an ability user!

But if it is a capable person, how can it move freely in the sea, it is really strange.

"Vice Admiral Garp, Wilhelm Rear Admiral usually collects bribes and indulges Colonel Mouse's actions. He promoted Colonel Mouse's military rank many times! He also secretly collects money from the nobles and bends the law for personal gain!" The school stood up and said!

The faction who used to be afraid of Colonel Mouse and Wilhelm Rear Admiral saw many things in their eyes, but dared not speak out!

But now that everyone is dead, if you tell the truth, you won't be afraid of retaliation!

"Organize another team to thoroughly investigate the entire Marine Base, and find out all the corrupt Marines that have violated the law!" After pondering, Garp issued a new order.

In his investigation, he will not only investigate this Marine Base.

During the time he is still in East Blue, all Marine Bases in the entire East Blue will be thoroughly checked!


"By the way, Vice Admiral Garp, although Marine made a mistake in this matter first, you should also be aware of the way the people above and the headquarters handled it. Such a scandal will not be publicized, and since he is a pirate, he will definitely Become the most wanted target of the headquarters! Should intelligence be reported truthfully? Or selective reporting?"

"Report truthfully!" Choose to be a pirate, once the strength is re-evaluated by Marine.

Regardless of whether you do such a thing or not, being offered a reward is unavoidable.

Because of personal violence, the law here is also not advocated!

"By the way, Vice Admiral Garp, there is one more thing related to this."

"What's up?"

"Received a report from 14 branches not long ago, Marine headquarters Lieutenant Finbudi was beaten up by a pirate named Straw Hat Crew in the sea restaurant Bharati! It should be Reka who did it, besides, the overlord of East Blue and the leader of Krieg Also lost to a pirate captain named Monkey D. Luffy at the Sea Restaurant!" when the name was mentioned.

The adjutant's tone also became cautious!

After all, Garp mentioned this name a lot in front of them!

"Nani?! In other words, this brat and Luffy are indeed in the same group?!" Garp was shocked and his head grew dizzy!

"Yes, there are also eyewitness reports that there is also a bounty hunter from East Blue on board, Noah Zoro. I heard that he challenged the world's number one swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk, and showed amazing strength! Afterwards, Reka also challenged However, it’s exaggerated! I didn’t believe it at first, but now I can’t believe it.”

"It's a pity!" Hearing this, Garp felt very sorry.

"What's wrong?"

"That kid forcibly burned his vitality during the battle with me. Even if he survived, his strength may not advance but retreat in the future. Life force is the source and foundation of all power!"

"Understood, I will truthfully report this to the headquarters! Don't you need to hide the matter of Luffy?"

"No, since that brat has chosen to be a pirate, he has to bear the corresponding consequences! This is the path he chose!"

"I see."

"By the way, you just said that Luffy defeated the leader of Krieg. How about that Krieg's strength?" Garp asked curiously.

"According to my guess, I'm afraid it's not much weaker than the elite colonel in the army! And I heard that he won within five minutes."

"five minutes!?"

"Yes!" 840

"Hahaha!! As expected of the old man's grandson!"

"Vice Admiral Garp, I don't think there is anything to be proud of being a pirate Excellent!" The adjutant was a little speechless!

Half a day later, Grand Line, Marine Headquarters, Intelligence Room.

A Marine Vice Admiral summoned many Rear Admirals, colonels, to conduct a detailed analysis of the intelligence sent back by East Blue at this moment.

Finally worked out a suitable bounty!

"East Blue has a newcomer pirate group with good strength!"

"In just a week or so after going to sea, they have already killed Colonel Monka in Shields Town, defeated the clown Buggy with a bounty of 15 million Bailey, and the East Blue overlord Krieg with a bounty of 17 million. Originally, Krieg's bounty Jin is planning to raise the price in the near future, but now it seems that there is no need for this!"

"At present, the two most important cadres of the Straw Hat Pirates are Noah Zoro, the original pirate hunter, who failed to challenge Hawkeye, but it is said that he has a relatively outstanding performance. The other is Reka, who also fought against Hawkeye. Many times stronger than Noah Zoro!"

"And the most important thing is that not long ago, he single-handedly destroyed the entire Dragon Pirates, penetrated the Marine 17 branch, slaughtered the Marine Base, killed Colonel Mouse, and killed Wilhelm Rear Admiral. As for the truth and The reason, I believe everyone knows."

"But even if there is a reason, this kind of personal violence is not advocated. Otherwise, what would our police system and courts do! This person is far more dangerous than his captain, and cannot be ignored! After all, they are pirates, and they will happen to us at any time Conflict, don't underestimate their danger!"

"In view of the above, the Marine Intelligence Headquarters has decided to place a bounty on the three or more members of the Straw Hat Pirates!"

"They are Monkey D. Luffy, the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates! Noah Zoro, the original pirate hunter, and Reka, the sun tyrant!"

...discussions in progress.

The last Rear Admiral looked at the set reward amount, and his face changed slightly: "Stolo Berry Vice Admiral, is this bounty wrong? This guy named Reka is wanted for the first time. Why is the bounty so high?" high!".

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