Lin Yi smiled.

"You ask me, is this song a satirical good song?"

"Hmm...... How do you say that?"

netizens looked forward to.

Waiting for Lin Yi to reply online.

In fact, the irony of this song is very strong, a satire on all kinds of weirdness.

The subtlety of it is that you can apply it to most social chaos, not just the music world or the entertainment industry.

Any weird reversal of right and wrong can be satirized with it.

It's like the "rat head duck neck" incident that made a big fuss on the Internet a while ago.

The student ate a rat's head in the cafeteria.

After the incident was exposed, it caused a sensation on the Internet.

The hygiene of the school canteen has also been concerned by the whole network.

Everyone originally thought that the evidence was conclusive, and after the incident became serious, the school would severely punish the canteen organizer.

It may also cause colleges and universities across the country to conduct a thorough inspection of the safety and health of canteens.

These are all good signs.

Who knows, such a major food safety problem, the colleges and universities involved still want to cover up.

The local supervision and management bureau sent people to the canteen to investigate, and after sending it for inspection, they insisted that the foreign body was a "duck neck".

For a time, the stalk of the rat's head and duck's neck spread all over the Internet.

The pressure of public opinion was too great, and a provincial investigation team was dispatched.

Finally, it was determined that the foreign object was a rat's head, not a duck's neck.

As a result, it has attracted a second fermentation of public opinion.

Why does a rat's head need a provincial investigation team to find out?

The topic has frequently rushed to the hot search.

The credibility of the authorities has been questioned.

Isn't this the lyrics corresponding to the lyrics in "Rakshasa Sea City"?

"That Ma Hu doesn't know that he is a donkey......

" "No matter how you wash it, it's also a dirty thing......

Lin Yi said: "Let me tell you about the background of the creation of this song first!"

[Teacher Lin's small class has been launched

!] [At school, the teacher is so handsome, I must listen carefully!]

[ No, you can't talk about it, you said princess

, please listen to the class!] [And the prince, please listen to the class!]

Lin Yi continued.

"There is a story in "Strange Tales of Liao Zhai", called "Rakshasa Haishi", which tells the story of a merchant named Ma Ji who went to the Rakshasa country 26,000 miles away to do business, and found that the local people were beautiful and ugly upside down, and Ma Ji was rejected because of his handsome appearance;

"So, I was inspired to write this song in the backing key.

"I think the meaning of this song should be for the listener to feel it themselves, rather than the creator jumping out to explain what this sentence satirizes and that sentence satirizes.

"The point is, what you think it is, it's what it is!"

[Class representative summary, do you think it is!

] [It's a satirical good singing, Brother Ringo admits it in disguise!]

Some people are questioning.

[If a good singing voice is really shady, why

don't you dare to respond positively?] [I'm not satisfied with such an ambiguous answer!

] [Why don't you dare to be rigid?]

Lin Yi still has a casual attitude.

For sunspots, if you're serious, you'll lose.

Yang Mi'er was a little anxious.

She made a phone call to be a friend of her network.

"Buy me some trolls. Other

: "You say." Yang

Mier: "Lin Yi's live broadcast room, buy some water army control comments, and focus on praising Lin Yi's singing well."

The other party: "How much do you want?"

Yang Mier: "Buy 3,000 first, and then

look at ......" The other party: "You said Lin Yi's live broadcast room? Wait, you look at the comments first"

Yang Mier hurriedly read ......the comments.

It was found that the comments were overwhelmingly in favor of Lin Yi.

She was just on the phone, and she didn't know what was going on

! Lin Yi seemed to have some magic power, and she turned the situation around in an instant!

Yang Mi'er's friend suggested: "You don't need to buy a water army in this situation, the fans are estimated to be very fast, and you need to contact me again

......" Yang Mier: "......"


Three minutes ago.

Lin Yi replied to the question.

"Some people said I didn't dare to reply positively. "

Actually, I replied!"

"I said, the irony of the Rakshasa Sea City is all up to the reader to comprehend. "

I didn't say that the song is satirizing the good singing voice, how much money to turn around, how much to give to the promotion!" "I didn't say that the song is satirizing the

good singing voice, reversing right and wrong, and taking ugliness as beauty.

"I didn't say that the song satirizes that the show is shady.

"What kind of good singing crew sells miserably, makes up stories, hypes up characters, embarrasses mentors, and tramples on the dignity of the contestants, I didn't say any of this, don't over-interpret it!" Lin Yi's

fans mainly rely on passers-by, not on marketing accounts to brainwash, and the IQ of fans is much higher than that of the fan circle.

They interpret it accurately at once.

Isn't this all said? It's

just that in order to avoid suspicion, a "I didn't say" was added in front of it.

[Understood, all the words are upside down, just like the Rakshasa Kingdom

!] [Nothing is there, there is nothing!] [Isn't this clear? You have to learn to over-interpret in order to understand the meaning of the song

!] [What we think is what is, so we think there is a shady curtain, there is a shady curtain!]

Lin Yi raised his hands.

"It's not what I said, it's what you said, I have a screen recording and playback of my

live broadcast!" "I also made it very clear during the competition that we must boycott shady programs to the end! Which program you think has shady scenes, you will boycott whichever program you think!" The

number of people in the live broadcast room exceeded 2 million.

The barrage exploded.

[Haha, you are really Gou

!] [Dare to openly oppose good singing in front of two million people

, you really have you!] [Lin Yi's careful wit

is so cute!] [Good singing formed a group to send a lawyer's letter, but you can't do it

!] [I think Lin Yi is very smart, why should you be so stupid and tough, you have to pay attention to tactics!] Lin

Yi said slowly.

"You asked me why I was eliminated, and you asked me why Sister Coco quit, and I think everyone should learn to think for themselves. I was eliminated because Sister Coco turned around for me, and the program team said it doesn't count, that's it, nothing else!"

The barrage is hi again.

[Good singing has jumped the two words of shady curtain on my face

!] [It's really boring, Lin Yi is such a good singer is eliminated, and such a good mentor as Sister Wen will be treated unfairly, this rotten thing must be resisted to the end!]

Lin Yi stretched: "I mainly came up to sing today, you asked me to respond, I responded I didn't say, now I'm going to sleep!" Lin

Yi finished speaking, and it was broadcast in three seconds.

Netizens are crazy.

What's the situation

? A small grassroots who usually only has a few thousand people watching live broadcasts, in the face of the huge traffic of two million people online at the same time, even said that it will be broadcast next?

If someone else else is desperately trying to attract fans, for fear that this sky-high wealth will run away

! When he arrives at Lin Yi, Lin Yi runs faster than a rabbit, and Fugui will always be one step behind him!

Fans are anxious.

[Brother Lin is back! Sing two more songs!

] [Why is it off the air with such a large amount of traffic?]

But the live broadcast room did not light up again.

Netizens had no choice but to lie flat.

[Forget it, your own idols, you have to be spoiled

!] [Don't say it, work, resist good singing, and crush their super words tomorrow

!] [Don't be afraid of sunspots

, come one to kill one, come to two to kill a pair!] [It's very difficult to fight between grassroots and capital, everyone must support

Lin Yi!] After Lin Yi went off the poll, public opinion changed dramatically!

Rotten Star urgently held a meeting.

It is necessary to discuss a way to fight against Lin Yi.

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