Lin Yi opened the first topic.

Professor Qingbei commented on "Rakshasa Sea City".

Lin Yi found that this was Professor Qin Hongfei who supported him on Weibo last time.

The old man really worked hard, a long Weibo, sprinkled thousands of words, and commented on the pros and cons of the lyrics of "Rakshasa Haishi" from a professional point of view.

The text uses a lot of easy-to-understand sentences to describe the excitement of the lyrics.

"Lin Yi's child gave me a big surprise, today's young people can pay attention to traditional culture, and combine traditional culture with pop music to spread it, which is what touches me the most!"


"The lyrics show Lin Yi's profound literary creation skills, a large number of folk sayings, dense information, and methodically tell the story of the Rakshasa Kingdom upside down black and white, and the exquisite satire makes people can't help but scream!"


"The emerging civic literature of the Ming Dynasty was the beginning of a new aesthetic consciousness in the history of Chinese literature, and "Strange Tales from Liao Zhai" inherited the identity concept of civic ethics, depicting the reality and the ideal world, men and women, good and evil, debts and repayment, strong and weak, sacred and blasphemous, full of opposition. Although reality and fantasy are accompanied by various incompleteness, "Strange Tales" is by no means a tragedy of disillusionment, and many of its chapters are full of idealistic brilliance, a story that allows the listener to get a glimpse of an era that does not belong to them. “


"Don't take this song as a simple contradiction between the bottom masses and the social elite, this is a misinterpretation of the song itself, the idea of "Rakshasa Haishi" is not to vent anger and satire, but to attack the ugly phenomena of society!"


"Literary classics are often read and updated, and Lin Yi has integrated traditional works into his own understanding and has a new interpretation, which is very meaningful innovation...... "


Qin Hongfei's Weibo post was posted at eight o'clock in the morning.

In an hour, the likes exceeded 500,000 and the comments were 10w+.

It is impossible for a retired professor in Qingbei with high moral standing like him to buy hot searches and water army.

Word of mouth soon fermented.

[I knew that Brother Lin would be recognized, come on

!] [Good singing is obviously pouring oil, divert attention, don't be deceived

!] [Professor Qingbei personally came down to support, Brother Lin is awesome

!] [I know everyone is in a hurry, but don't worry, many professionals have already left the field to stand in line with Lin Yi, Brother Lin is popular with the people!] [That's

right, Professor Pei Yajian's Weibo gave Brother Lin a high evaluation.

Lin Yi clicked on the Weibo of Professor Pei Yajian.

Pei Yajian's Weibo is shorter than Qin Hongfei's.

The advantages of Lin Yi's arrangement are emphasized.

"I know that everyone is paying attention to the lyrics of "Rakshasa Sea City", but in fact, the real charm of this song is its arrangement. The basic rhythm of this piece is an ordinary four or four beats, but he deliberately changed the arrangement to an unusual eight or seven beats, such an arrangement is like a maze, dazzling, but unconsciously ......attracted

to it" "Its arrangement is a bold experiment, the rhythm is arranged in the Ska style, but the design weakens the backbeat, and uses the Chinese suona with orchestral fusion to set off the whole melody.

"This feeling of fusion of ethnic and Western instruments is very novel.

"I can say responsibly that what Lin Yi pursues in this song is not to sing, but to pass it on!" Pei

Yajian's Weibo was sent at about the same time as Qin Hongfei.

But the number of likes has exceeded 80w+, and the comments have also been 20w+.

The reason lies in his evaluation in the last sentence.

It's not a sing, but

a passing on to the world! Lin Yi is a newcomer who just debuted at the age of twenty! Professor

Moyin has such a high opinion of him

! Moreover, if Lin Yi has such a pattern, it is really a great thing

! [Lin Ge Beef Beer

!] [Professional professors from major famous universities have left one after another, and the songs written by Lin Yi are really good

!] [Now I see how the singing is black!] [

Just ask a good song and judges, do you have any heirloom works?]

Lin Yi nodded desperately while eating melons.

I also used the trumpet to like various comments.

"That's right, that's it

!" "That's right!" "I think it's good too!" Lin

Yi was like a

Ru in a melon field, wandering under various topics.

I have completely forgotten that I am the melon owner himself

! However, what does Kua Daolang's song have to do with him

Lin Yi? I am just an ordinary porter!

The topic of Lin Yi is constantly rising.

Lin Yi knew that there must be a good singing voice in person, pouring oil on the good singing.

He felt that he should still explain about being an orphan and plagiarism.

Lin Yi pondered the words and spent ten minutes editing a Weibo.


@林易V: Regarding today's black hot search, saying that I plagiarized, an orphan, etc., at eight o'clock in the evening, I will respond in the live broadcast room, netizens who eat melons come quickly!

After that, Lin Yi posted several pictures on Weibo in a row.

There is an emoji pack of eating melons by yourself on the Meitu App PS.

A selfie with various sand sculpture expressions!

@林易V: Don't just listen to "Rakshasa Sea City", "Horse Husbandry City" I think it's also very good, you go to listen to more sparkling water music, you can pay to download it if you can, and increase my income, I don't have any money to buy a water army now

! Netizens are stunned!

Lin Yi, do you have no idol baggage

? How can a melon owner personally call netizens to eat melons?

How can anyone who has been hacked publicly declare that he has no money to buy a water army and let netizens listen

to the song! Besides, everyone has picked up the fact that you are an orphan

! Even if you are not bitter and hateful, you can take the opportunity to sell a miserable wave!

Why do you seem to be very happy, like a Ru jumping up and down in the melon field?

Those fans came with the mood of "feeling sorry for Brother Lin Yi".


Yi seemed to have a face full of words, "Wang, come and arrest me!" Netizens

can't fix

it! Even the group that secretly manipulates public opinion with a good singing voice feels that Lin Yi

is outrageous, and he is outrageous! Ordinary people are afraid of Internet violence, and it is easy to fall into the trap of self-proof.

Why did Lin Yi get more and more fun the more he played?

Eight o'clock in the evening.

The people who eat melons came as promised.

all gathered in Lin Yi's live broadcast room.

[Brother Lin hurry up and explain it on the air!] [I'll see if Lin Yi has any big news to explode

!] [Hurry up and break the news, I'm in a hurry!]


Yi is on the air on time.

Today, because of the relationship between hot searches and Weibo warm-ups.

Many netizens squatted in the live broadcast room for a day.

Hundreds of thousands of people were online at the same time before the broadcast.

After the broadcast, the number of online users exceeded one million within one minute.

Let netizens have to sigh at the strength of the Douyin server!

Lin Yi was not polite, and directly responded to the question of the barrage.

"What broke

the news, who told you that the news was broken?" Netizen: [???]

Lin Yi: "I mean the response, I didn't say the news, how can there be so much information for you?"

Is this guy a golden hoop stick

? Why is he so upright?

As soon as you say it, don't

you expect it to be gone? When the wealth of the sky descends on the live broadcast room, only you hold up an umbrella to the sky!

Sure enough, after Lin Yi said that he didn't expect it, the popularity of the live broadcast room did not increase again.

It came and went around a million, and it didn't break through 1.2 million.

Only then did Lin Yi speak.

"I'm just going to filter out those black fans and malicious melon eaters, if they don't have even a minute of patience, they don't deserve to listen to my response

!" "Next, I'm going to respond to these two things head-on!" "

But, before responding, make an ad ......".

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