The little fairies have been repeatedly frustrated in Lin Yi's live broadcast room.

No matter how much they turn right and wrong.

Lin Yi and Douren can always make them lose themselves in the life of repaying money.

This can make the little fairies angry.

Men who beat you poor ghosts, dare to fight back?

They gathered in various groups and frantically sent war reports.

[Sisters, ask

for support, the little green book can't stand it!] [The search man has broken the little green book

!] [The family is not good, the battlefield on Weibo is lost, ask for support

!] [Jimei, we have already scolded the search

man on the side of Douyin!] [What should I do now? It's all Lin Yi, the lower man, if he hadn't forcibly stood in line, we would definitely have picked up all the black material of the search man and hung it on the Internet to let him die!]

[Jingjing is so pitiful, such a pure girl, she has been toyed with by the search man for six years, and finally forced to pay back the money!

] [If Jing Jing didn't come out of the countryside, it wouldn't be the turn of the search man at all, why didn't he admit it after eating?]

They were discussing how to bring down the search man and Lin Yi.

They are defending their good sister, the little white flower Yuan Jing.

But they forgot that it was their innocent sisters who split their legs many times, and turned their faces and refused to admit their accounts after scooping!

Half an hour later.

The little fairies thought of a better way.

They need to ask for help from the organization!

They posted on major websites asking for support from women's boxing.

A bunch of female boxers rushed to Lin Yi's live broadcast room to abuse.

However, Lin Yi was not afraid.

Lin Yi said with a smile.

"I'm still the same sentence, call you a girl, do you dare to agree

?" "Are you cheating many times during your relationship?" Isn't it you who eat and drink for nothing to let your family go to college and support your family?"

"I once swore an oath to the mountains and seas, and in the end I threw it off when I used it

!" "The first sword on the shore, the first to kill the person you like, is to let you play clearly!"

Don't say what you have, whether you have cheating, whether you have repaid the money, give me these two questions!"

[Yo yo yo

, the search man has broken the defense!] [Spending this money is also a profit? Sympathize with you, after all, you are the only one in your household registration book, and I haven't seen any money

!] [Lin Yi estimates that it is the same as the search man, a nest of snakes and rats, disgusting people!]

There are also those who avoid the important and light.

[Expose other people's privacy at will, I can't imagine how terrifying this kind of person is

!] [Only morally corrupt people will publish chat records!]

Really put aside the facts!

The barrage war in the live broadcast room has begun.

The situation was at an impasse for a while.


Magic City.

Several old professors of the Sunset Red Reemployment Men's Group are gathering at the home of Professor Pei Yajian.

They were discussing Lin Yi's affairs.

Qingbei Qin Hongfei said first: "In other words, Lin Yi, this kid has a lot of positive energy, after his songs came out, my little grandson's attitude towards me is a 360-degree change!"


Li Youcai: "We should promote such positive songs in colleges and universities." Hu

Da Miao Yang: "The two new songs released by Lin Yi Competition, "Rakshasa Sea City" are more artistic, and they have overwhelmed "Horse Husbandry City", in fact, the song "Horse Husbandry City" is also very well written!"

Hearing the words of several old friends, he said with a smile.

"In the second half of the year, next year at the latest, several of Lin Yi's songs will enter the teaching materials in various places one after another, I hope he can have more positive energy songs, don't get lost in fame and fortune!"

These old professors with extremely correct views naturally don't want Lin Yi to go the wrong way.

Qin Hongfei snorted.

"I'm different from a village network like you! Lin Yi, this kid, persuaded back a boy who was hurt by love and wanted to commit suicide last night, and he is still as positive as before!"

Pei Yajian twitched the corner of his mouth.

Just last night, I caught up with a report and didn't go online, and I was overtaken by a few old guys!

Qin Hongfei took out his mobile phone.

"I'm going to see what happened today...... Hey, why is Xiao Lin on the hot search again?" Several

retired old professors have become Lin Yi's grandfather fans!

Now that I look at it, Lin Yi has been bullied.

One by one, they were filled with righteous indignation

!"What is the situation

?"Why are so many people scolding

Lin Yi?"There are black fans, and the black fans are arching out!

" "We want to defend Lin Yi's child!" Several

old professors surfed the Internet when they had nothing to do.

I am deeply worried about the rampant keyboard warriors on the Internet today, and the opposition between men and women.

At this time, I saw indiscriminate sunspots bullying Lin Yi.

One by one, they logged in to their tuba and ate melons online.


In Lin Yi's live broadcast room, sharp-eyed netizens found out.

Aren't these the old professors of the famous schools who supported Lin Yi before

? They all came to eat melons with yellow V certifications

? What are they going to do?

For a long time, these old professors began to post barrages.

[Don't bully Lin Yi, he's a good boy!]

[We can't condone some people to incite contradictions and support moral turpitude in the form of cyberbullying, society needs fair judgment and fairness in the hearts of the people.

[The younger generation unites to resist the occurrence of cyberbullying and the negative impact of moral degradation!]

The old professors are typing very slowly.

But every once in a while, a barrage will be posted.

The pressure is already being felt.

[Good guy, I feel like I'm taking an online class

!] [The professor's speech is so positive, I feel that my soul has been washed

!] [Qingbei, Renmin University, and Fudan professors are all supportive, now I see the little fairies break the big defense!]

Yuan Jing peeped at the screen in the live broadcast room.

Originally, she was relieved to see the little fairy's combat power bursting.

said that if he didn't want to be cowardly, Lin Yi would not continue to investigate.

But now that several professors from famous universities are strongly supporting Lin Yi, public opinion will definitely stand on Xiang Hongliang's side!

Yuan Jing was so frightened that he hurriedly deleted all Weibo.

She was going to retreat from the net and pretend to be dead!Half

an hour later.

This incident has attracted the attention of the sheep mother.

Yang's mother posted a related Weibo.

"#恋爱过程中赠予的财物属于自愿赠予, but romantic relationships should be based on equality and loyalty. Violating principles during the relationship, having improper relationships with multiple members of the opposite sex, and being suspected of cheating money, is also a contempt for ethics and morality, and should be condemned#林易为纯爱战士出头#纯爱战士应声倒地!

Public opinion is almost one-sided in favor of Lin Yi.

The clamor of the fishing girl to repay the money is getting louder and louder!

Yuan Jing hid in the bedroom.

The head of the dormitory walked in.

"Yuan Jing, why are you still here? The head teacher is looking for you everywhere, and I heard that the school is going to punish you and give you a withdrawal from school!" Yuan Jing

was frightened

! She couldn't be expelled from school! She

had an affair with many men, but she knew in her heart that the only one who was really willing to lick her and be good to her was Xiang Hongliang.

If she is dropped out of school, it will be a problem to find a job in the future, who will support her?

Those rich second generations can't really want a woman who has been dropped out of school and died because of cheating!

Yuan Jing hurriedly rummaged through the phone book.

I dialed Xiang Hongliang's phone.

She used all her life's strength to clip out the softest and most pitiful clip sound

!"Brother Hong Liang, please, don't push me again, I'm really going to die!".

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