@林易V: I did grow up in a welfare home, not as miserable as everyone said, not so inspirational, just doing what I like! Please don't set up a character for me, I just want to be a beautiful man quietly! #林易越扒越励志

netizens originally thought they would see some exciting news.

As a result, Lin Yi said

not to set up a character and label

it! Everyone even thought that he would say that he would be a singer quietly, but he said that he was a "beautiful man"

! Lin Yi really has no baggage at all, a purebred sand sculpture

! Now, netizens like him more

! Sincere, real, talented, and very beautiful

! Lin Yi, there is no loss when he invests in shares!

Lin Yi Xiaopo Station has a member account, and his main battlefield was in Douyin before, and the fans of Xiaopo Station did not exceed 1,000.

At this time, the fans are rising.

Before he even played, the number of fans rose by 3,000!

The party began.

In front are important leaders, celebrities speaking.

This was followed by student performances.

Lin Yi's program is ranked tenth.

The previous show was a skit performed by a student.

It just happened to heat up the field.

After the skit ended.

The host walked onto the stage.

“...... Next, I would like to invite our powerful singer Lin Yi to bring you an original song, "The Wind Rises"!"

when the host pronounced the name.

The audience applauded continuously.

The discussion also quietly sounded.

"What's the wind?"

"What a strange song title!" "

I thought he would sing 'Horse Husbandry' or 'Father's Prose Poems' or something like that." "

The title of the song sounds weird.

Lin Yi calmly stepped onto the stage.

A bright light shrouded him.

Fresh notes sounded.

The piano tinkling and beating beautiful notes.

The light melody is like a mountain breeze, blowing through the ears of every listener.

The audience felt a shock to their spirits.

I'm used to listening to sluggish sad songs, or fast songs and sweet songs that I don't know what to do, and suddenly I hear such a fresh and refined melody.

There is a feeling of listening to the ears of Xianle.

What is displayed on the big screen is the lyrics and Lin Yi's self-made MV.

The MV is presented in the form of an animation.

The city is full of high-rise buildings, the streets are full of traffic, and the afterglow of the sunset is sprinkled on the earth ......

A boy walks in front with his hands in his pockets.

Behind him was a delicate girl chasing him.

There was no verbal communication between the two men.

But the girl's black hair was raised by the wind, and the longing and reluctance in her eyes moved the students present and the audience in the live broadcast room.

Soon after the party was broadcast, the number of people in the live broadcast room exceeded 500,000.

After Lin Yi debuted, the number of online visitors came to the 700,000 mark.

It is steadily moving towards the million mark!

Even the operation of Xiaopo Station is silently emotional.

Qingbei's graduation party, because of Lin Yi's blessing, has the posture of the annual meeting of Xiaopo Station!

Lin Yi adjusted a strong juvenile voice and opened his mouth to sing.

"Along the way

, I stopped and stopped, following the traces of the teenager's drifting.

The moment I stepped out of the station, I


I can't help but laugh at this homesickness, but

it is still inevitable.

And the weather in Nagano

is still so warm, and the

wind blows from before. The

clear and ethereal singing voice, as well as the lyrics flashing on the big screen, stunned all the listeners.

They have never heard this style of song

! Lin Yi's lyrics have a strong sense of narration! The lyrics

have no flowery rhetoric or dazzling techniques, and the main thing is sincerity.

Stop-and-go, teenager drifting, and timidity ...... hometown

In just a few words, he sketches the image of a young and slightly confused teenager.

The wandering of being uprooted from home is always sad.

The image of the boy has appeared in front of everyone.

As the song continues, the picture of memories unfolds little by little.

"In the past, when I first knew this world

, I lingered in every way

, looking at the horizon as if it was in front of me, and

I was willing to go to the soup and fire to walk through it.

Now walking through this world

, lingering in every way

, turning over the years with different side faces, you

can't prevent breaking into your smile. "

Graduates, I feel like I've become the main character in the song.

The boy who wandered lonely and cowardly in a foreign land is about to embark on his way home.

At the train station, he stopped and was about to step out of the station.

Looking up at the familiar blue sky, accompanied by a warm breeze, let the past pass through my heart one by one.

In the four years of college growth, from youth to maturity, from ignorance to sobriety, from lonely and brave to young and frivolous to today's cautious, those once good times are gradually gone.

Everyone began to worry about the future, worried about the way out, and was about to run for work and life.

In the future, there may be a partner, children, a mortgage, a car loan, ......

Mountains weigh on the young man's immature shoulders.

Can they still find their original simple and happy selves?

From the first acquaintance to the time they have traveled, people are like walking through a storm, not knowing what time has taken away, but they are only full of vicissitudes.

All kinds of lingering, but do we still have the courage to love this real and cruel world?

Lin Yi's song gives the answer.

"I used to be unable to extricate myself from the size of the world, and I

was addicted to the dreams of it

, not to be true or false, not to struggle, not to be afraid of jokes.

I have turned my youth into her, and I have

also popped up the midsummer with my fingertips

, and my heart is moved, and I will go with the fate.

Walk against the light, let the wind and rain blow. Lin

Yi on the stage shined.

The words of the lyrics hit the hearts of the graduates with unmistakable precision.

Those memories of youth, those unspoken love buried in the bottom of my heart, are like beating notes, surging in the air.

Memories are like cracked green olives, filled with a sweet and sour aroma.

The big world can't accommodate a small me.

However, despite all the difficulties and dangers, I still moved forward in the face of the wind and rain.

Life is like a reverse journey, and I am also a pedestrian!

In the MV, the girl is still running in the wind.

The boy's figure couldn't catch up.

High-rise buildings on both sides of the building swept by quickly.

In the afterglow of the setting sun.

The girl stopped and stared at the boy.

The interlude sounded.

The applause of the audience continued!And

Lin Yi raised the microphone again and started the second lyrics!

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