Sister's training method is not scientific

Chapter 256 Battle of Spiritual Beasts

Yun Jin is overall quite satisfied with the effect of this spirit gathering array.

Moreover, there is not only a first-level spirit gathering array in this world.

Her circulation method can continue to be used on level two, level three and even higher level spirit gathering arrays.

When the time comes, the spirit gathering effect will be very terrifying.

Gu Jinghong brought some formation materials with him, and Yun Jin tried several other formations.

To her surprise.

Even without any help from the system, she seems to be particularly talented in this formation, and has easily mastered five first-level formations.

Then the system made a prompt sound.

"Master five first-level formations and reach the level of a first-level formation master."

In addition, except for the perfect level Spirit Gathering Formation, there are simplification buttons behind the other four first-level formations.

It can be seen that these four formations can continue to improve their quality. As long as the emotional value is enough, it will not be a problem to improve it to the perfect level. If the simplified formation of the system is taught to Gu Jinghong. In the future, Gu Jinghong's formation cultivation will be passed on to her.

Yun Jin already knew this in his mind, but it was already getting brighter now. Yun Jin waved his hand and asked Gu Jinghong to step aside for the time being.

It’s not too late to get busy with this matter after finishing all the busy things.

Gu Jinghong witnessed Yun Jin's abnormal behavior of becoming a first-class formation master overnight. He only responded and retreated in a daze.

Even if he is the master, he needs to calm down.

Yun Jin looked at Gu Jinghong's dazed look and couldn't help but shook his head.

No, she, a servant, looks like she has never seen the world.

Just a first-level array mage?

Is it difficult?

If he still makes such a fuss in the future, he will have to teach him a lesson.

She was so shocked that she would be embarrassed if she went out in the future.

The sky is bright.

Tianxingzong Square.

Many disciples have gathered to watch the fun.


Yun Jin proposed the fight to Han Xiaoyu in person. She didn't want to hide it from anyone, and many people heard it at that time.

Things related to Yunjin always spread very quickly. By this time, the disciples of the Tianxing Sect had already gained experience. The arena competition had not even started yet, so they had come early to seize their position.

The more Zhao is, the more experienced he is.

He has already cultivated a group of younger brothers who sell various snacks and drinks on site. Business seems to be going well.

Another group of boys started betting on which side would win.

"I think Yun Jin has never suffered a loss since he joined the sect. This time, I still have the upper hand over Yun Jin."

"If it were Yun Jin herself, I would win against ten Han Xiaoyus one by one. However, only her spirit beast will fight this time. This spirit beast will follow Yun Jin for only three months in total. As we all know, the spirit beast's The breeding cycle is very long, three months, so I'm afraid there hasn't been much change. I've checked out the Iron-eating Beast, and his qualifications are very average. What's more, he is still at a disadvantage in level. Want to win? I think it's a bit Disaster."

"Is Yun Shen able to do things that I'm not sure about? Listen to me, and you have no brains to overpower me, Yun Shen!" Yun Jin suddenly has fanatical fans in the Tianxing Sect.

Everyone was bustling, and in the end the bets placed by both sides were almost the same.

Yue Zhao couldn't help but sigh.

This little junior sister is too strong.

A foundation-building spiritual beast was fighting against a golden elixir-stage one-on-two, and there were so many brainless fans who pressured her to win.

How can I earn spiritual crystals from this?

Forget it, I'm not making any money from this, just watch the fun.

In this lively voice.

Han Xiaoyu glanced at Gungun with a smile.

Gungun's appearance hasn't changed much, he still looks cute and cute.

Han Xiaoyu raised his eyebrows: "Xiao Hei, your name is Gungun now? I didn't expect that one day you would be able to enter the foundation building stage. I thought you could only do that for the rest of your life."

Gungun glanced at him angrily and waved his hands angrily.

Han Xiaoyu had a mocking look on his face: "You're still looking so reckless. That's all, for the sake of our acquaintance, I'll stop there."

Gungun's ears stood up and he wanted to rush forward and fight him desperately.

After all this time, he still really hated this person.

"Gun Gun." Yun Jin patted Gun Gun on the head: "Come to the ring. You don't have to say some things, your fists will prove everything for you."

Gungun nodded, glared at Han Xiaoyu, and jumped directly onto the ring.

Huanhuan lay on Yunjin's shoulder, also cheering for Gungun.

Han Xiaoyu glanced at Yun Jin: "Junior Sister Yun, aren't you going to the ring?"

Yun Jin looked indifferent: "If you say it's me, the spiritual beast, who fights you, then he fights you. I can just watch from below."

Yun Jin said this, Han Xiaoyu was completely reassured, and he smiled slightly: "Actually, two against one is inevitably unfair. If you want to come together, Junior Sister Yun, I can do that too."

He didn't want Yun Jin to play, but he didn't want to be inferior in public opinion. He knew Yun Jin was in the ring, but deliberately said some hypocritical words.

Yun Jin glanced at him with a half-smile but not a smile: "Senior Brother Han, how can I kill a chicken with a bull's knife? A spiritual beast like me is more than enough to deal with you."

She looked casual and seemed to have great confidence in her spirit beast.

Han Xiaoyu's expression changed. He was wary in his heart, but he just said calmly: "We'll see."

Han Xiaoyu came on stage and immediately summoned his spiritual beast: Mysterious Butterfly.

The body of this Mysterious Butterfly is as tall as half a person, and there are strange black lines on its spread wings.

What Mi Tiandie is best at is the art of flight and movement. Her flying skills are very superb and her body is even more agile.

The second is her wings.

The patterns on the wings have a mesmerizing effect. If you look at them for a long time, you will be in a trance. Therefore, when fighting the Mysterious Butterfly, you must fight quickly, otherwise, the longer you watch, the more confused you will be.

The third is the poisonous powder of the Mysterious Butterfly. This kind of spiritual beast is good at using poison and can use different poison powders. Different poison powders will have different effects. Some make the body stiff, some cause direct harm, and are very difficult to deal with.

Spirit beasts like the Mysterious Butterfly are not weak in themselves, and can also cooperate with their masters in various ways. They are the most popular among medium spirit beasts.

The arena competition had just started when the Mystical Butterfly moved and flew at high speed. Her speed increased and her figure was completely difficult to catch.

Gungun was not in a hurry, he landed on the ground with four palms, and with one force, an astonishing roar suddenly came out from his throat.

Basic skills: Roar!

This is really just a basic skill.

However, he couldn't help but Gungun practiced day and night. Now, this skill has reached level six!

Even a spirit beast in the Nascent Soul stage may not possess a sixth-level skill.

But Gungun used his foundation-building body to master it!

This time, it was the first time that he let out a level 6 roar in front of everyone!

This roar seemed to shout out all his grievances.

As if to declare.

He rolled around and was different from before.

He is very strong now, very strong!

Although his opponent is a big step above him.

But after he rolls around, he will reach the top with his master.

It's just a big step across, so there's nothing to be afraid of.

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