Six Realms Conferred God

Chapter 4432: Fight monsters to get armor

Chapter 4432 Fight monsters and get armor

The body size has increased dozens of times, and the strength has also improved a lot. Before, it was easy to kill a monster, but now it is not so easy to kill a monster.

Xiao Han still did not consume profound energy, but chose external power, and the silver power burst out, condensed on the Xuanyou halberd and stabbed out.

A huge monster's head was pierced, Xiao Han slammed it hard, and the huge monster was thrown out directly.

After Xiao Han killed more than a dozen such monsters in succession, he shouted again: "How are your conditions?"

"The monster is getting stronger and stronger, and the profound energy it consumes is getting bigger and bigger." Xiao Meng said.

Xiao Han said: "Where are the others? Are they still there? Report the number, number one!"

"Number two..."

"Number three!"

"Number Four!"

"Number 18." Everyone was still there, and their voices were all fine.

Xiao Han said: "Everyone hold on, the monster is getting stronger and stronger, which means that the big guy is about to appear."

"Yes." Responses came from all directions.

Huge monsters continued to attack. Xiao Han waved the Xuanyou halberd and shot out continuously. Huge monsters were beheaded. After dozens or hundreds of them were killed, the ground shook.

Xiao Han was shocked and immediately felt that this must be the big guy.

At this time, the fog was gradually dissipating, and Xiao Han could clearly see his teammates.

However, just in front of them, a huge monster with a height of three feet, only a few feet away from them.

Moreover, around them, there are other monsters of different sizes, everywhere on the trees and on the ground, and the number is very terrifying.

Xiao Han and others involuntarily moved closer to each other, Xiao Han asked, "How is your profound energy consumption?"

Xiao Meng said: "It's all okay, it took about half of it, that big guy's breath is very strong, it's hard to deal with."

"Leave that big guy to me. If the other monsters also shoot, you will kill them." Xiao Han said.

Xiao Meng nodded and said, "Okay."

Xiao Han walked towards the big guy, and the huge monster roared, the sound was deafening.

Then the huge monster rushed towards Xiao Han quickly, Xiao Han's force broke out completely, Xuan Youji's third form changed, and he launched an attack directly.

All ninety-nine blades were shot out, and they spun around quickly, and the huge monster slammed its fist directly.

The fist collided with the ninety-nine blades, and the ninety-nine blades quickly spun, but they couldn't break the huge fist.

Xiao Han was startled, then restored Xuan Youji to its first form, and said in his heart: "This guy's defense is really strong, and Xuanyouji's third form can't even break his skin."

Xiao Han's profound energy surged, turned into six rays of light and condensed together, and then quickly spun.

"Six helix waves!"

Xiao Han shouted loudly, the spiral-like attack slammed into the past, and the huge monster roared and slammed down with a ruthless punch.


The six-spin spiral wave collided with the fist, pounding continuously, and relied on the power of rotation to break open the skin of the huge monster, but it did not cause much damage.

"This guy's defense is really terrifying." Xiao Han's eyes narrowed, and then the power of martial arts burst out.

This monster is not easy to deal with with profound energy, so use the power of Martial Soul. Its Martial Soul can't be that powerful, right?

Xiao Han replaced the Xuanyou halberd with Zhige, the martial spirit condensed on Zhige, the light of Zhige flickered, and then waved Zhige, shouting: "Jade Soul Shura Slash!"

Zhi Ge chopped off, and a beam of light burst out, slashing towards the huge monster's head.

This is an attack of spiritual power. Although it looks tangible, it is actually intangible. Therefore, if it is not blocked with martial spirit, or if the book is blocked with profound energy, the physical body cannot resist.

This is why the outer martial artist encounters the martial arts martial artist. If there is no martial arts defense treasure, they will be restrained to death.

This huge monster wanted to use its fist to resist, but it couldn't stop it at all, as if it was bombarded into the air.

The Jade Soul Shura Slash entered directly into the head of the huge monster, and the huge monster screamed in agony, and his soul suffered huge trauma.


The huge monster fell to the ground with a bang, the ground was shaking violently, and was directly killed by Xiao Han with his martial soul.

When Xiao Meng and others saw this scene, they were all shocked. They actually killed the monster like this?

After the monster fell to the ground, the monster's body exploded, and eighteen pairs of defensive armors fell to the ground.

Xiao Han and the others were overjoyed, Xiao Han smiled and said, "Put on one armor per person."

Xiao Meng and the others immediately picked up the armor and put it on. This armor only has a chest and head protector, protecting the main parts.

Xiao Han did not put on the armor, but took the armor and studied it carefully to see how strong the armor's defense was.

His Xuan Youji was full of power and stabbed directly at the armor. This was his full blow. If it was a martial artist of the Qiwu Realm Nine Heavens, he would have to take the blow with all his strength. to go.


This halberd stabbed, and a crack appeared on the armor, which was basically abolished.

Xiao Meng and others were a little surprised when they saw this scene.

"The defense of this armor doesn't seem to be very good." Someone said after seeing it.

Xiao Han smiled and said: "According to the current situation, at least it can withstand the attack of 8,000 martial powers. If you pour in profound energy, it should be stronger. Do you think this is not good?"

"Doesn't this mean that with this armor, we can compete with stronger opponents?" Xiao Meng's eyes suddenly lit up.

Xiao Han said: "If you have someone else, you may also have it, so you can't be too proud."

"Your armor is broken, doesn't it mean that you have no armor?" Xiao Meng said.

Xiao Han smiled and said: "This armor is not necessary for me. My own defense power is far superior to it. As long as you have it, it's fine. At least our combat effectiveness is much stronger now."

Xiao Meng nodded, Xiao Han said: "Okay, let's leave here and go to Tianhuo, where there are medicinal pills to restore profound energy, let's get some medicinal pills first, if we encounter a strong opponent, we will have medicinal pills in hand. , can consume the opponent to death."

Everyone followed Xiao Han out of the foggy forest, and headed towards Tianshan volcano as shown on the map.

Tianhuo is a volcano, and there are medicinal pills in the volcano, but medicinal pills are definitely not easy to get.

On the way to Tianhuo, Xiao Han's team unexpectedly met another team.

This is a team from Earth Vessel, unfortunately, Xiao Mian is in this team.

"Hey, it seems that before reaching Tianhuo, there is still a team that can destroy the Earth Vessel." Xiao Han's mouth raised slightly.

The team of Earth Vessels was headed by a clan of Qiwu Realm Eighth Layer Heaven, named Xiao Han.

When Xiao Han saw Xiao Han's team except Xiao Han, the rest were wearing armor, and they were the same armor, and he knew that Xiao Han and the others must have obtained the armor in the foggy forest.

"It seems that we don't have to go to the foggy forest, we can get the armor of the foggy forest here." Xiao Han also sneered.

Xiao Mian said: "Captain, this guy is Xiao Han. He is ruthless and cannot be careless."

"Xiao Han?" Xiao Han looked at Xiao Han and said with a smile: "I've heard that Xiao Bo, who was at the fifth level of Qiwu level, was defeated by the strength of the third level of Qiwu level. His strength is indeed very good, but , if you can defeat Xiao Bo, can you defeat me?"

Xiao Mian heard the words and thought it was reasonable. Xiao Han's force could reach 9,300. No matter how powerful Xiao Han was, he couldn't have 9,300.

The main reason is that Ganmai blocked the news, so no one knew the situation of Ganmai when he was in Xuanchi, nor did they know that Xiao Han was baptized, and he had no idea about Xiao Han's strength.

"If you all take the initiative to admit defeat and hand over your armor, I may strike lightly." Xiao Han is very confident.

Xiao Han heard the words and said: "You mean, if you don't voluntarily admit defeat, you will start a little harder? Can you ask how much it weighs?"

"How much does it weigh? Although it can't kill people, it's okay to let you lie down for a few days." Xiao Han said.

Xiao Han nodded and said to Xiao Meng and the others with a smile: "Did you hear that? Just follow this standard and let them lie down for a few days. Don't start too hard, so as not to explain it hard."

"Understood." Xiao Meng and others said.

When Xiao Han heard this, his face suddenly sank, and he said, "Don't think that you can be arrogant in front of me if you have some skills, and you will cry in a while."

"It's you who should cry." Xiao Meng said.

Xiao Han said: "Listen to me, let them lie in bed for a few days."

"Yes." The person behind Xiao Han replied immediately, his arrogance was very arrogant.

Xiao Han's breath burst out, with 9,300 martial powers, he looked at Xiao Han triumphantly and said, "I heard that you had more than 7,000 martial arts when you were in the third level of Qi Wujing. Let me see your current martial arts."

"I'm afraid you will cry." Xiao Han smiled.

"Did you know that the dry veins have also been washed?" Xiao Meng said.

Xiao Han frowned slightly and said, "Someone has been baptized in Ganmai? Why is there no news at all?"

"Since Xuanchi, have you heard any news about the stem veins?" Xiao Meng sneered.

"Who was baptized?" Xiao Mian had a bad premonition.

"It's our captain, Xiao Han." Xiao Meng said.

Xiao Mian suddenly felt a chill on the back of his spine, is it really Xiao Han? how can that be? How could it be Xiao Han's baptism?

"He's baptized? What are you kidding? What are those guys in Xiao Yanyu doing?" Xiao Han couldn't believe it at all.

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