Six Realms Conferred God

Chapter 4459: Get blood crystals

Chapter 4459 Get the blood crystal

Xiao Han won the first battle, and the bearded man fell. Someone soon carried him out, and immediately someone entered the trapped dragon platform to challenge Xiao Han.

The other party was a man with several scars on his face. The man with the scars held a giant sword. His profound energy burst out and he slashed towards Xiao Han.

Xiao Han directly transformed the third form of Xuanyouji, and the blade of Xuanyouji appeared, not ninety-nine, only seventy-two.

The seventy-two blades were strangled quickly, and the whole air was filled with a whirlpool. The scarred man snorted coldly, and the profound energy on the giant sword became even more terrifying, colliding with the seventy-two blades.

A powerful force rushed forward, and the seventy-two blades were scattered under this sword.

When Xiao Han saw this scene, he was slightly shocked. There really is no one here to look down on, and it is not an easy generation to live to this day.

And some people's real realm must be much higher than it is now, maybe it is Qi King Realm, or maybe Qi Emperor Realm, so the combat effectiveness will definitely not be bad, they are all battle-hardened, and the scar on their face is the best proof. .

Xiao Han restored the Xuanyou halberd to its first form, and the profound energy frantically poured into the Xuanyou halberd. The terrifying force rushed out, and the halberd quickly shot out.

The scarred man's giant sword also flashed with brilliance, and a huge sword light slashed straight down, the power was extremely astonishing.


The attacks of the two collided, Xiao Han and the man with scars both stepped back, and the man with scars was also a little surprised, and it was not easy to see the opponent in front of him.

"Crazy Sword Wind!" The scarred man shouted, his profound energy roared out, turned into a whirlwind, and then killed with a sword, and this sword carried the whirlwind and blasted out.

"Tianxuan Zhenlong Qi!"

Behind Xiao Han, profound energy burst out, and a real dragon energy condensed into it, roaring and colliding with the sword wind of the man with the scar.


The terrifying power erupted, Xiao Han's Tianxuan Zhenlong Qi was very strong, shattering the sword wind, and bombarded the man with the scar.

"Sword cut through the void!"

The scarred man struck out again with a sword that was stronger than the previous one, as if to split the void in half.

Xiao Han's Tianxuan Zhenlong Qi was shattered by this sword. Xiao Han watched the sword energy attack, and the profound energy burst out, shouting: "Six spiral spiral wave!"

The spiral wave condensed from the profound energy exploded frantically, and then collided with the sword energy fiercely, and the huge drilling force shattered the sword energy.

The face of the man with the scar sank, and at this time Xiao Han took the initiative to attack, a group of Xuan Youji, a burst of light burst out, and the void was tearing apart.

The scarred man's profound energy whistled, and he immediately threw the giant sword in front of him to resist the blow.


The scarred man's body was shaken and flew out, Xiao Han's body burst out, the light on the Xuanyou halberd became extremely dazzling, a halberd stabbed out, and a halberd shadow erupted, killing him.

The scarred man was shocked, and the giant sword resisted again, but at this moment, the giant sword was shattered by the Xuanyou halberd, and the Xuanyou halberd pierced directly into the scarred man's chest.


The scarred man spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the look in his eyes was very complicated. Xiao Han saw the unwillingness and a sense of relief.

Yes, in such a place, it is better to live than to die, but to live is a person's instinct, so being killed is naturally unwilling.

This is very contradictory. It is better to die than to live, waiting for a hope, but when this hope is far away, perhaps death is the best relief.

Xiao Han pulled out the Xuanyou halberd, and the scarred man completely lost his vitality and was carried out.

There are many people waiting to enter the trapped dragon platform, and everyone has to get a blood source crystal in it.

On this day, Xiao Han won ten games in a row and killed ten people.

However, among them, Xiao Han fought very hard in the three battles. First, after fighting continuously, the profound energy consumption was relatively large. Second, the opponents here could not take it lightly.

There are three people who are very powerful in combat. They are extremely rich in terms of means and combat experience. Xiao Han also suffered a loss in the hands of these three people and was slightly injured.

Xiao Han obtained a blood-derived crystal, which was blood-red and seemed to have blood in it.

He knew that if he got a blood source crystal, he would be targeted. After leaving the trapped dragon platform, Xiao Han quickly got rid of those who wanted to deal with him.

However, there are too many people staring at him. Even though he has a fast pace and strong reflexes, he is still not familiar with this city, and he is still followed by four people.

Xiao Han looked at the four of them. The four of them were all independent, not an alliance. Whoever got the Blood Origin Crystal belonged to him.

The four of them didn't have any nonsense, and they shot directly.

Xiao Han changed the second form of Xuan Youji, and the tip of the halberd flew out, killing one person.

At the same time, Xiao Han slaughtered the Xuan Youji towards the other person. Although after ten battles, the consumption was very large, but his external refining power can be regarded as making up for some of the consumption of profound energy.

Xiao Han also wanted to make a quick decision. After all, if other people came over, the situation would not be easy to be optimistic.


Xuanyouji's halberd tip was haunted, and moved with Xiao Han's thoughts. A warrior who was fighting against Xiao Han was pierced by the halberd tip.

Immediately, the tip of the halberd returned to the halberd, Xiao Han's profound energy and silver light condensed on the Xuanyou halberd and killed another warrior.

The powerful force shook the warrior directly backwards, but immediately following, two other warriors came, Xiao Han quickly dodged, and he didn't even have a chance to breathe.

These people are old fritters on the battlefield, and the timing of their shots is very accurate. If they are a little careless, they may be killed by them.

"Asura Martial God Hand!"

Xiao Han's profound energy surged, an Asura appeared, and he slapped his palm directly.

With this palm shot, the opponent's warrior's face changed, and he resisted with all his strength, but he still shot out.

Xiao Han's second form of Xuan Youji changed, and the tip of the halberd flew out, piercing his throat before the warrior could react.

"Fortune Falling Heaven Slash!"

At the same time, Xiao Han's Xuan Youji slashed down, and a huge beam of light slashed towards another warrior.


The warrior was blown away by this blow, and a deep scar appeared on his body.

However, at this time, five more warriors approached here. After seeing Xiao Han, they joined the battle without saying a word.

Xiao Han's face became solemn, this ghost place is really not easy to mix, these people are not fuel-efficient lamps, so if they are long-winded, they will take action.

Now Xiao Han has deeply realized that the danger mentioned in the book of Endless Gate is really dangerous.

Xiao Han didn't dare to fight again. After a fierce battle, when he found an opportunity, he fled first and continued to fight. He didn't know what the consequences would be.

Those people are chasing after them, and they have absolutely no intention of giving up.

After all, it is a blood source crystal, which can reduce the pain when the catastrophe comes. Who is willing to give up such a good opportunity.

Xiao Han didn't care about those people and ran away quickly. Many people knew that someone must have obtained the blood source crystal without asking if they saw such a situation.

Therefore, there are more and more people chasing Xiao Han. Xiao Han escaped from the city all the way, but he was still chased and killed, and the number has increased to thirteen.

"It's really persistent." Xiao Han was extremely helpless.

After leaving the city, after Xiao Han fled for a while, he was sure that there would be no more warriors, and after there were no warriors around, he did not continue to escape.

As long as there are no more warriors, it will be difficult to deal with these thirteen people, but it is not a kind of cultivation.

"If you want Blood Origin Crystal, then see if you have the ability." Xiao Han said without fear, holding Xuan Youji.

The thirteen people didn't talk nonsense, they rushed towards Xiao Han, surrounded Xiao Han, and killed Xiao Han.

The mysterious halberd in Xiao Han's hand flickered, and then he killed one of the warriors...

A quarter of an hour later, there were thirteen corpses lying on the ground. Xiao Han supported his body with Xuan Youji. At this time, he was covered in blood.

There is the blood of those thirteen people, and there is also the blood shed from his own body.

Xiao Han supported Xuan Youji and left the scene step by step. He had to leave to avoid encountering other people, which would be even more dangerous.

On the first day, these people made him understand that living here is indeed not an easy task.

It's like he has been going all the way smoothly, and he can press the same realm when fighting, and he is still not lightly injured here.

After Xiao Han left the scene, he found a relatively hidden place to start healing. He couldn't use the medicine pill Xiao Tianchen gave him casually, but he could only use it when there was a real crisis.

Xiao Han used the Five Heart Swallowing Technique and began to restore his profound energy. Most of the injuries on his body were skin injuries, and there was no serious problem. As long as the blood was stopped, it would be fine.

After a day's work, Xiao Han's profound energy has also been cultivated.

"Two days have passed. There may be a small disaster tomorrow, maybe there will be..." Xiao Han counted the time.

At the time of the small catastrophe, there is no way to do it. The blood in the body boils, making people lose their minds and become manic and bloodthirsty. Only killing can solve it.

And the catastrophe can use the blood source crystal, which is still a little better, so today he has to get another blood source crystal.

Xiao Han returned to the blood city again, this time he did not wear a mask, because after he got the blood source crystal, he would hide outside the blood city.

This time, Xiao Han did not use the Xuan Youji, but the Tongtian stick. The Xuanyouji had been used yesterday, and if he used it today, it would be easy to be discovered that he was the one who got the Blood Origin Crystal yesterday.

Once it is known that he has obtained two blood source crystals, there will be more people chasing him.

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