Six Realms Conferred God

Chapter 4468: Eliminated at the start

Chapter 4468 Was eliminated at the beginning

Xiao Han, a group of eight, also began to act. This mysterious dragon world is very huge, and they quickly left in other directions.

Before the five clan conference started, Xiao Han and the eight people had already made a plan. They must use the king qi to cultivate first. Only by making themselves stronger can they better **** the king qi of the other four clans.

Yes, their strategy is snatch.

In the early stage, they mainly focus on improving their power, and in the later stage, they mainly focus on plundering. Anyway, the ultimate goal is to capture more king energy.

Just when Xiao Han and the others were looking for Wang Qi, Chu Haoyue, Wushenfeng, Kong Zhisheng, and Gu Liuyun were all looking for their target.

And their target is none other than Xiao Han.

All four of their families received news that Xiao Han was carrying the Chaos Pill.

Just this sentence made the four clans pay attention to it. A warrior with Chaos Pill, his future achievements are not trivial. Once he grows up, it will pose a huge threat to the four clans.

Therefore, they must be removed.

The Xiao family didn't know anything about this, and Xiao Han didn't even know it.

In the Xuanlong world, there are places where a lot of king energy gathers, but such places are rare, and most of them are scattered king energy.

These scattered Wang Qi are scattered all over the world of Xuanlong. Maybe you encounter a Wang Qi while you are walking. Maybe you have been looking for it for a long time, but there is no one, it is all by luck.

Xiao Han and the others headed in one direction, and it didn't take long for them to encounter a scattered Wang Qi.

This Wang Qi is not very powerful, it belongs to the general Wang Qi, but it is relatively powerful for Qi Wujing.

After putting away this aura, the eight people walked for a long time without discovering the aura, but instead found a team from the Gu family.

There are more than a dozen people in this team of the Gu family, and the team is led by a clan of the ancient family who belongs to the Nine Heavens of Qi Martial Realm, named Gu Yunshang.

Xiao Han and these eight people met with more than a dozen other people, and they were naturally disdainful when they saw that they were all at the fifth or sixth level of Qiwu Realm.

"Which family do you belong to?" Gu Yunshang said to Xiao Han with his nostrils.

"We are from the Xiao family." Xiao Han said with a smile.

"The Xiao family is so arrogant? How many people dare to walk around in the sixth level of Qi Wujing?" Gu Yun said.

Xiao Han said: "People think that our strength is too low, and they don't want to take us. There is nothing we can do."

"It's really too low. I don't even have the desire to do anything to you. Although it's the same with you or not, but if you don't like it, just admit defeat and get out." Gu Yunshang said disapprovingly.

Xiao Han said: "Don't, if we were eliminated at this moment, it would be very shameless."

"Then let you have a little face." Gu Yunshang sneered, and then gave a wink to a warrior who was at the eighth level of Qi Wujing.

The clansman walked out very wisely, and said, "Since you feel that you have no face, let's leave some souvenirs on you."

With that said, the five members of the Gu family erupted with force, and the Qiwu Realm 8th Layer Heaven had 10,000 force, which was also very good.

"Fatty, you go, you have a lot of flesh, and you have been beaten." Xiao Han pushed Mei Liangde out.

Mei Liangde said reluctantly: "Why me, fat master, my flesh is empty, how can I stand this beating?"

"You can't stand it, and we can't stand it anymore. Besides, you can't hurt your bones with so much meat," Xiao Han said.

"No, no..." Meliande shook his head.

The martial artist from the Gu family didn't care about this, and rushed towards Mei Liangde, his force surged, and he bombarded with a punch, and he wanted to completely solve Mei Liangde.

Mei Liangde looked terrified, but after the ancient martial artist approached, the corner of Mei Liangde's mouth raised slightly, and then he suddenly shot, the hammer appeared instantly, and he smashed it out.


The ancient martial artist did not expect that Mei Liangde's shot was so fast and his power was so terrifying that he was blasted out by a hammer and disappeared as a little starlight.

The warriors of the ancient family were all surprised when they saw this scene, and looked at Mei Liangde blankly, what did this fat man just do? How did they blow their companions away?

"Fat man! You are playing with me!" Gu Yunshang said angrily.

Mei Liangde said with a look of fear: "What did I just do? I'm so scared..."

Gu Yunshang said with a gloomy face: "Fatty, do you think I'm an idiot?"

"You are an idiot." Meliande said with a smile.

Gu Yunshang's face was even more ugly, but Xiao Han and Mei Liangde were both acting just now, so they were not afraid of him at all.

"Damn Fatty, you are courting death!" Gu Yunshang was furious, and the force erupted, 15,000 lines of force surged towards Mei Liangde.

"Dare to call Fat Master I'm a fat man, you're dead!" Mei Liangde was also furious, he swung his hammer and went up to meet him.

The martial power exploded completely, 18,000 martial powers surged, and the profound energy quickly condensed on the twin hammers, allowing the back to bombard it fiercely.

When Gu Yunshang saw that Mei Liangde had 18,000 martial powers, he was stunned. What was the situation?


At this moment, Mei Liangde's hammer collided with Gu Yunshang, and Gu Yunshang's body was shaken backwards. At this time, Mei Liangde rushed over without stopping at all.

Mei Liangde picked up the hammer and smashed it again, Gu Yunshang shouted loudly, and his profound energy exploded frantically, resisting Mei Liangde's hammer.


Gu Yunshang's body flew out and smashed onto a huge stone, which was shattered.


Gu Yunshang spat out a mouthful of blood and looked at Mei Liangde in surprise, completely stunned.

Qi Martial Realm Sixth Layer, 18,000 martial powers? What kind of monster is this?

Mei Liangde came over with a hammer, Gu Yunshang's face changed greatly, and he said quickly, "What do you want to do?"

"What?" Meliande sneered, turning the hammer in his hand, and said, "Didn't you just call Fatty to death? It's time to pay the price."

Meliande said, he picked up the hammer and smashed it out.

"I..." Gu Yunshang's pupils shrank, and before he could say the word "admit defeat", he was hit by Mei Liangde's hammer, and the whole person flew upside down, spurting a mouthful of blood from his mouth.


Gu Yunshang smashed to the ground and his chest was about to shatter. He really couldn't figure out why this was happening. The five clan convention had just begun, and he encountered such a monster.

If I had known it earlier, I would have taken a good look at the information of various ethnic groups, but unfortunately he was too self-righteous and completely ignored it.

If you look at it, you won't be so careless.

"I admit defeat..." Gu Yunshang didn't dare to think too much, so let's admit defeat first.

After Gu Yunshang conceded defeat, a space force enveloped him and took him away.

"Gu Yunshang has all conceded defeat, what should you do?" Mei Liangde looked at the rest of the Gu family with a hammer.

The faces of the Gu family's team are extremely ugly, do they really want to be eliminated along with them?

"Admit defeat yourself," Xiao Han said.

"Let's go together, I don't believe it's not their opponent." said a martial artist from the eighth level of Qi Wujing.

"That's right, let's go together, we mustn't admit defeat easily." Another warrior also said firmly.

Xiao Han smiled and said, "Want to fight in a group? Okay, come on."


Everyone in the Gu family's team erupted with force, and then rushed towards Xiao Han.

"Bring on your strength." Xiao Han smiled.

The force of several people broke out, the least was 13,000, and all the people in the Gu family were shocked and stupid.

Immediately after, screams came, and after a while, all a dozen people lay on the ground with grins and began to doubt life.

"I surrender…"

"I surrender…"

Afterwards, all of them hurriedly conceded defeat and did not dare to stay in it any longer, it was too terrifying.

Space forces took them away one after another, and the Gu family eliminated more than a dozen people at once. They were also the first batch of people to be eliminated. I don't know what expressions the saints of the ancient family saw.

"These guys are really unlucky, even if they meet us, they still don't have a king's qi." Meliande said.

Xiao Han said: "Hurry up and look for the king's energy."

Several people speeded up their progress, and along the way, they discovered several auras one after another.

Not long after, Xiao Han and the others came to a mountain range. They found a kingly energy in the mountain range, and they immediately chased after them.

Just after arriving at that mountain range, that aura of kingship was snatched away by others.

"I'm really sorry." The other party smiled proudly.

Xiao Han said: "There's nothing to be ashamed of, just spit it out as you eat it."

"Are you qualified to speak like that?" The other party sneered.

Xiao Han said: "It depends on the strength, right? Let's show it to you, let's do it savagely!"

Savage took a step forward and slashed directly with an axe. The opponent quickly retreated, and an axe light slashed on the ground, tearing a huge crack.

"Big brother, someone is bullying me." The warrior's expression changed slightly, and he immediately shouted.

At this time, a figure rushed out from not far away, quickly came to the side of the warrior, stared coldly at Xiao Han and the others, and said, "You are courting death."

Xiao Han frowned slightly when he saw that the warrior came from not far away, and said, "Barbarian, I'll leave it to you here, let's go over there to see."

"Okay." Savage nodded.

"Looking for death!" The other party shouted and rushed towards Xiao Han.

Xiao Han completely ignored it. At this time, the savage battle axe came over, and the warrior immediately flashed, avoiding the savage attack.

The savage rushed over, swung the battle axe and slashed, and the opponent's force burst out, with a full 17,000 Dao, Qiwu Realm Jiuzhongtian Realm, this is also very good.

"Then I'll deal with you first." The warrior's face was gloomy, his profound energy burst out, condensed on his fist, and then punched out, shouting: "Phantom Fist!"

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