Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 100 Magic Potion Experiment

"What type of house does the guest want to rent? I can help you introduce the right person. Google search Situ 520 to read the latest chapter of the correct novel," the hotel owner said.

Herage thought for a moment and said, "It's best to have a larger yard, a quieter area, and not too noisy."

The hotel owner thought for a moment: "I understand. I'll help you contact him. I should be able to take you to have a look tomorrow."

"Thank you." Herage put five silver coins on the table.

The hotel owner smiled and put it away: "You're welcome."

Dinner was delivered quickly. There was a pot of stew. The side dish of the stew was something Herague didn't recognize. It was a green leafy vegetable that he had never seen before.

There was also a plate of pumpkin pie, which was still hot and seemed to have been freshly made.

In the middle of the night, Herage discovered that there was no curfew in the city of Ryan. There were still people walking around on the street outside at this late hour, and a few drunkards were still making loud noises.

Early the next morning, Herage opened his eyes.

He sensed that the hotel owner had received a person, who seemed to be the person renting the house.

But it seemed that because Herage hadn't gotten up yet, he was waiting downstairs.

Herage came upstairs, and the hotel owner immediately came over and introduced: "This is Mr. Geraint, who is going to rent a quieter courtyard here. This is Colen, he has a house in the west of the city. There are many houses, you can show me."

Kelen wears a turban on his head, has a round face, and a big belly. He is estimated to weigh nearly three hundred pounds.

He smiled with only a slit in his eyes, and said to Herrag: "Mr. Geraint, I have houses with monthly rents ranging from ten silver coins to ten gold coins. I don't know what price range you need." ?”

"Ten gold coins a month? That's a bit expensive." Herage didn't expect such an expensive house to be available.

He thought for a while and said: "It's less than one gold coin. It must be quieter."

Colen rolled his eyes: "I know, Mr. Geraint might like that place."

His carriage was waiting outside, and Herage got on his carriage and started heading west of the city.

The carriage passed through streets, passed through a market area and then crossed two main roads, and finally arrived at its destination.

This is a residential area, but the houses are in relatively large courtyards, and the distance between different courtyards is relatively far.

Colen said: "This is a wealthy area. You won't see any homeless people here. There are also soldiers guarding the intersections. There are soldiers patrolling the area every day. You don't have to worry about drunks breaking into your home for no reason."

"It's very quiet here. The monthly rent for this yard is one gold coin. Although it is a bit expensive, it fully meets Mr. Geraint's requirements. What do you think?"

Herage looked around and saw that it was indeed quiet and there was very little traffic.

He walked into the yard and took a look. There were three houses in the yard, and they were relatively clean. It seemed that they were cleaned frequently.

Herage checked every place and found no problems, so he said: "Let's just rent it here for three months."

Since the follow-up arrangements are still uncertain, he will rent it for three months and then check the situation.

Colen didn't expect him to be so cheerful, and his eyes narrowed with laughter: "Okay, no problem. If Mr. Geraint needs a maid who can do laundry and cooking, I can help you arrange it. It only costs ten silver coins a month." "

"Okay, please help me deal with it." Herage didn't want to spend time on this, so he left it to Column.

It's just a matter of spending some money. He doesn't mind if Column earns a little more. Time is more important to him.

That afternoon, Herage completed the formalities and moved into the compound.

Things were done quickly in Cologne, and a woman in her thirties soon came to report. Her name was Judy. She lived in the Ryan slum.

Although she is not young and pretty, she is very good at doing daily chores.

This was specially instructed by Herage. He was afraid that Column would get a young and beautiful woman who could not handle things well.

Colen understood it immediately and understood what Herag's core needs were, and he quickly chose Judy, a woman who worked very neatly.

After Herage moved in, he designated the largest house as his living area.

There are also two slightly smaller houses. The one on the left is allocated to Ed and Judy for their daily living. It has four rooms, which is enough for them.

The small house on the right was listed as a forbidden area by Herage, and Ed and Judy were not allowed to enter. This was the place where Herage conducted potion experiments.

Life soon got back on track. Judy was responsible for purchasing the supplies Herrag requested, while Ed drove the carriage to deliver the supplies and also looked after the horses on weekdays.

Herage stood in a room of the small house, with potion equipment arranged in an orderly manner in front of him.

Just like in Moonlight Grove, he divided this room into several areas for different stages of potion refining.

He has firmly kept in mind the experimental specifications that Larry mentioned, and has been strictly abiding by those specifications so far, and has allowed Deep Blue to strictly demand itself according to this standard.

"100 ml of pure water, 30 ml of mist tree man's juice, 10 grams of dragon tooth grass powder, 3 drops of poisonous viola juice, and 5 drops of datura juice."

This is a magic potion formula deduced by Deep Blue, which can speed up Herage's meditation. It is a formula that Deep Blue has specially customized for Herage based on his physique and meditation method.

Herage checked the formula: "They are all basic potion ingredients. I have them all."

Before he left, the space ring contained a bunch of basic potion materials given by Larry, just so that he would not be short of potion materials to practice after he came out.

Herage started preparing the corresponding materials according to the formula.

"30 ml of mist tree man's juice..."

He took out a branch from the space ring, which was taken from the Mist Treeman.

To get the juice from it, Herage needs to use magic to draw the juice out of it.

He took out a test tube, and then began to input a magic power into the branch and began to 'drag' the juice out of it.

The pale yellow sap quickly seeped out from the surface of the branches and fell into the test tube drop by drop.

Herage looked at the scale and put the branch back when it reached a little over 30 milliliters.

"10 grams of Aralia powder."

Herak took out a delicate small scale, and then took out a dragon tooth grass from the space ring.

The processing of Aralia powder is a little more troublesome. You need to dry the Aralia powder completely and then crush it.

When baking, the temperature should not be too high or too low. If it is too high, the ingredients in the agarwood will lose activity. If it is too low, the moisture removal effect will not be achieved.

This problem is easy to solve for the current Herag, who can now control fire energy particles.

He took out a beaker and placed it on the asbestos net, then used magic power to gather some fire energy particles and ignite a small flame.

With the assistance of Deep Blue, he can accurately control the temperature and slowly roast the dragon tooth grass.

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