Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 136 Garrison

"Mission: Guard the Moonlight Forest Station for one month."

This task seems very simple, just guard the inn.

Although the Moonlight Forest Station borders the Green Lodge, it is still within the Moonlight Forest.

When performing tasks in this place, there will be no danger unless encountering an enemy attack.

Moonlight Forest Station is relatively close to the northern forest area, which is more convenient.

"Herage, are you okay?"

As soon as Herage got off the carriage, he looked up and saw the fat wizard Ferid.

The two of them were assigned the same task again. It seemed that Moonlight Grove was really short of people now.

"It has fully recovered." Herage nodded and said.

Ferid came over and said with a smile: "That's good. This mission is much better, there is no danger. Including you and me, there are a total of four third-class wizard apprentices, and there is also a formal wizard stationed."

He then said: "Actually, there is no need for us to be stationed here if there is a barrier. The power that can break the barrier is not something we can defend."

Herage looked around and saw the barrier covering half of the Moonlight Forest in the distance.

The station in Moonlight Forest is much smaller than the one in the Western Mountains, and it doesn't have tall walls. It's just an ordinary three-story building.

The official wizard stationed here is not here. Instead, he has placed an eye on the roof and will come over only if something happens. Anyway, this place is very close to the town. This is the privilege of the official wizard. ♦ ˆ ♦ s⃣ ˆ h⃣ ˆ u⃣ ˆ x⃣ .⃣ ˆ c⃣ ˆ o⃣ ˆ m⃣

Herage's mission is to guard this inn. If they want to leave, they need to talk to the official wizard and they can only leave temporarily after permission.

Accommodation is available on the second and third floors of the three-story building, which they allocate at will.

Herage found a room on the second floor and moved in. Ferid was next door to him.

After briefly tidying up, Herage came to the entrance of the Moonlight Forest, looking at the familiar surroundings with a lot of emotion in his heart.

He walked along the entrance and saw the sleeping mushrooms buried in the ground through the dark blue. Now he no longer needed to dig for these things.

Herage walked around the Moonlight Forest and saw some traces of his previous battles.

He didn't go deep, just looked around the entrance.

A little further on is the place where the three Runes were killed by Shivara.

Herague has also been studying this matter during this time. Monsters from the abyssal plane like Shiva are normally impossible to appear here.

The only explanation is that the three of Rune summoned Shiva themselves, and that's why they were chased.

"But another question is, why did we go to that strange space at that time..."

Herage never figured out how he and Rune ended up in that strange space.

Late at night, Herage lay in bed meditating.

Ferid snored very loudly next door. Fortunately, Herage didn't need to sleep, otherwise he wouldn't be able to sleep at all.


Herage suddenly felt some movement in the space ring, and looked at the wooden disk, which was floating with a light yellow light.

He remembered that the last time he met Shivara, this wooden disk was glowing, and then the space shattered and left that place.

"Why is it starting to glow again?" Herage looked a little solemn. It would be bad if he met Shivara again. Even a formal wizard would be difficult to deal with that thing.

If it hadn't been for a mysterious toad last time, I would have died there too.

Herage suddenly felt something was wrong, and immediately reacted: "The snoring stopped."

Ferid would snore all night long, but now he suddenly stopped snoring.

He glanced around the room and noticed something was wrong.

The whole room, including the bed, was covered with a thick layer of dust, as if no one had lived there for many years.

"Evil spirit perception."

After Herage released his sense of evil spirits, he found no trace of evil spirits.

He then took out the soul-eating crystal he was carrying and checked that everything was normal, indicating that at least there were no evil spirits present.

Herage stood up and got out of bed. The movement was very slight, but it still stirred up a large amount of dust.

He quickly put a shield on himself to block the dust.

The furnishings in the house are the same as before, and their positions have not been moved.

He came to the desk and found that the quills were completely rotten.

Herage reached out and touched it and it broke into pieces. He didn't know how many years it had been left here before it decayed like this.

He looked out the window and found that it was daytime outside, but the sky was a little dark.

"It was still late at night one second ago."

Herage thought for a while and used starry sky meditation to find the location of the stars.

As expected, the starry sky above was different.

"Dark blue, compare it with the starry sky when you met Shivara." Herage ordered.

Deep Blue quickly gave the answer: "Compared with that time, the positions of the stars are slightly shifted, but overall they are consistent."

"It seems that he has appeared in that space again." Herage sighed, not knowing how to get out this time.

He stepped on the floor and walked out of the room. There was a harsh creaking sound from the floor, as if it was already overwhelmed and might collapse at any time.

After Herage came outside the house, he looked up and saw a huge blood moon hanging in the sky.

It was desolate all around, and the ground was gray and white.

The wooden disk in Herage's hand became brighter and brighter, gradually turning into a ball of light, and then disappeared.

"Huh? Where did you go?"

Herage looked around and found no shadow of the wooden disk, so he disappeared.

"Unknown mark detected in the body!" Shenlan suddenly gave a warning.

Following Deep Blue's instructions, Herage raised his left hand and found a faint mark on the palm of his hand. The pattern of the mark was exactly the same as the six-ring tower carved on the wooden plate.

He touched it and felt nothing, and asked: "Shenlan, check it out. What is this? What effect does it have? Is it harmful?"

"There is a lack of relevant information and the specific information is unknown."

Herage glanced at the palm of his hand and had no clue, so he put it aside for the time being.

The most important thing right now is to get out of this place.

He didn't know anything about this place and didn't know what to expect.

Herage took a few steps forward, ready to look for any valuable clues. He couldn't just stay where he was and do nothing.

"Damn it! You stepped on me!" A yell came from beneath his feet.

Herage looked down and saw that it was a stone with a mouth and eyes on its surface. He was glaring at Herage angrily and cursing non-stop.

"I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention. Can I ask where this is?" It's rare for Herage to meet someone who can talk. Even though it's a stone, he might be able to learn something from its mouth.

"Damn it! You stepped on me!"

"Damn it! You stepped on me!"

"Damn it! You stepped on me!"

Who would have thought that this stone just kept repeating this sentence, and Herage felt that something was wrong.

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