Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 139 Promotion

The snoring next door sounded again, and Ferid was sleeping soundly.

Herage heard his snoring and thought of another question.

At that time, the three of Lu En also entered the abyss plane. In a sense, they did kill Lu En.

However, now Ferid is next door, and there are other third-class wizard apprentices upstairs, but they have not been taken to the abyss plane.

"Compared with last time, apart from the improvement in my strength, other conditions should not have changed. Is it because of the issue of spatial stability?"

Herage thought for a while, and guessed that it was because he was too weak at the beginning, and when he connected to the abyss plane, the surrounding space was unstable, which led to dragging Luen and the other three in.

At that time, Herage remembered that the surrounding space had boundaries, and the area was so small that even the Moonlight Forest could not leave.

But this time, he was chased a long way by the black villain, and he ran a long distance without touching the boundary. This showed that the space was more stable this time, and no one else was dragged in.

But this is all Herage's guess, and we will have to ask Toad next time to find out the specific reason.

No one else felt anything about the movement on Herage's side, everything was normal.

After this night, we entered a peaceful garrison life.

The Moonlight Forest is protected by a barrier and is very safe. Herage and the others are bored every day.

Herage spent most of his time every day on the spell model of the Great Dark Sky, always understanding its principles and studying the various structures of the spell model.

half year later.

"Herag Merlin: Strength 7, Agility 3, Constitution 1, Spirit 3, Magic Power 100%."

"The genetic limit has been reached and cannot be further improved."

Fifteen stars shone brightly in Herage's mind, and the second dot pattern had already lit up five points, leaving ten points.

After completing the meditation on the last star, Herage's mental power reached 3 points, far exceeding the minimum requirements for promotion to a wizard.

Various physical data have also reached their limits and cannot be improved any further.

Since the mission of stationing in the Moonlight Forest ended, Herague has not been assigned any other missions.

The war between Moonlight Grove and Green Lodge has completely subsided, and there have been no more large-scale battles between the two sides.

At least there are no conflicts at the level of official wizards. There will still be some conflicts between wizard apprentices. This is normal.

Herage spent a few days adjusting himself to the best condition, and then went to Larry's house with the ancient potion and Amanda's potion.

He has to complete his promotion there, and having Larry look after him can avoid accidents during the promotion process.

The cabin in the northern woods still wasn't safe enough for him.

"Coming?" Larry came down to open the door himself and led Herage to the eighth floor.

The eighth floor is very spacious and clean, without any feeling of clutter.

Larry pulled out a bunch of golden keys and opened a door. The door was so heavy that Larry had to use some force to push it open.

He said to Herage: "This is my retreat room. The walls and doors are made of special materials. Here you can complete your promotion with peace of mind."

"Thank you, teacher!" Herage took a deep breath, feeling a little nervous at this moment.

Larry patted Herage on the shoulder: "It's okay. You are only seventeen years old, and you have very good mental strength. Just follow what I said, stabilize your mentality, and believe that you will be fine."

Herage nodded, took out the ancient potion and Amanda's potion and walked into the retreat room.

After he walked in, the door slowly closed, blocking out all the noise from the outside world.

There was nothing inside the ashram, not a table or bench, just an empty room.

Herage took out the ancient potion and said to Shenlan: "Shenlan, start monitoring my physical condition at all times now."

"The task has been archived and is being executed."

In Herage's field of vision, a 3D human body model appeared, surrounded by various parameters, and the physical condition was clear at a glance.

To be promoted to an official wizard, you first need to drink the ancient magic potion. After drinking the magic potion, you need to work hard to break through your own limits. After successfully breaking through the limits, you can seize the time to complete the spell model construction of a first-level spell, solidify it into your own natural spell, and then mentally Only when the strength is stabilized can the promotion be considered complete.

During this process, if you are still unable to break through your limits, you will need Amanda's potion to stimulate your body's potential at the expense of burning your lifespan, thereby helping you break through your limits.

This is also the reason why it is necessary to break through to become an official wizard before the age of 18. As you get older, your lifespan will not be enough to burn, and it is very likely that you will be burned alive without being able to break through.

Herage is only seventeen years old now, and he can only drink three servings of Amanda's potion at most.

No matter how much, he will die because his life span will be exhausted.

Herage opened the cork of the ancient potion, smelled a faint fragrance, and then drank the ancient potion in one gulp.

The taste of the ancient potion was much better than Herag expected. It was sweet but not irritating. It was the best tasting potion he had ever drunk.

The lack of irritation actually means that the stability of the potion is very good, and its properties are very stable to have such an effect.

Ancient potions have been developed and improved by countless generations of wizards, and they can now reach such a stable state.

After the ancient magic medicine enters the body, it quickly spreads throughout the body through the blood.

After these magic potions spread throughout the body, their medicinal properties penetrated into every cell in the body.

"Warning! 20% of the cells in the body are entering a state of failure."

"Warning! 30% of the cells in the body are entering a state of failure."

"Warning! 40% of the cells in the body are entering a state of failure."

As the ancient potion took effect, Deep Blue kept giving warning messages.

Herage was always paying attention to his own condition and found that even after half of his cells began to fail, he still showed no sign of breaking through the limit.

He no longer hesitated and immediately drank a portion of Amanda's potion.

After Amanda's potion entered her body, Deep Blue gave a prompt: "Cells throughout the body are dividing at a faster pace, and the number of divisions is decreasing."

Herage knew what this meant. The number of cell divisions was limited, and increasing the number of divisions meant that lifespan was also decreasing.

"Warning! 20% of the cells in the body are entering an unknown state. Do you want to use magic to force it to stop?" Deep Blue warned again.

Herage knew that this was the beginning of promotion, and immediately said: "Don't stop."

"Warning! 40% of the cells in the body are entering an unknown state."

"Warning, the genetic structure of 40% of the cells in the body is changing, and the results are unknown."

"Not enough, not enough."

Herage shook his head. The promotion process stalled at 40%. If this continues, the promotion will fail.

Once the promotion fails, it will be difficult for him to be promoted to an official wizard in his life.

He picked up a portion of Amanda's potion again, raised his head and drank it in one gulp.

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