Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 142 Leaving

At night, Herage entered a meditative state as usual.

Although he has been promoted to an official wizard, he must not slack off in meditation practice.

There is some white mist floating in my mind, which is the spiritual power after gasification.

After reaching this stage, many feelings are completely different from before.

Herage now only needs to hook his fingers to condense a fireball in his hand that is not weaker than the small fireball technique.

Since someone was monitoring him, it was not convenient for him to test the changes in the intensity of his spells for the time being.

Before starting to meditate, Herage drank a starry sky potion to test the effect.

Half an hour later.

"As expected, the starry sky potion has no effect anymore."

When Herage was meditating, he discovered that the starry sky potion had minimally improved his meditation speed.

He was not surprised by this. The effect of the starry sky potion was already greatly reduced when he was a third-level wizard apprentice.

"We have to develop new potions in the future."

Herage planned to continue experimenting with new potions to speed up his meditation after he settled down.

It's inconvenient to do anything now that I'm being watched. I just hope that I can get to the Church family's potion garden and settle down as soon as possible.

Early the next morning.

Herage wrote a letter to Lilian, briefly talking about his situation.

Then he took out a wooden box, put the Heart of the Ocean necklace in it, and finally found someone to send it out. |!¤*'~``~'*¤!||!¤*'~``~'*¤!|

Originally, he wanted to give it to Lilian in person, but the hidden danger of Malcolm has not yet been resolved, and Herage cannot go to Augustus College alone.

Malcolm himself knew the art of divination. If he was wandering around outside, he might be found at some point.

Herage had just been promoted and was still in the gasification stage. And Malcolm is already a crystallized wizard, so he has no way to compete with him.

Malcolm was always a hidden danger, a bomb that didn't know when to explode.

Herage has been thinking about how to solve this problem.

Judging from the current strength, the gap in strength is too big, and it will definitely not work to fight head-on.

The only way is to stabilize your practice and improve your strength as soon as possible.

Larry's action was very fast. As soon as Herage returned home after sending the letter and necklace, Larry came.

"How's the cleanup going?" Larry asked.

Herage looked back and looked around. The room had been cleaned by him, and the tables, chairs and other things had been put back in their original positions. Everything was the same as when he came.

He nodded and said: "It's packed."

Larry patted him on the shoulder and said, "Let's go then, the family members are already here."

After taking one last look at the house, Herage turned and followed Larry out. 【】

They also sat on the hell foot when they went out, and arrived at the Hongfeng Station on the east side.

This is the easternmost part of Moonlight Grove, and the main activity area of ​​the Church family is in the Kingdom of Karn to the east.

The Kingdom of Karn is the largest kingdom in the east and is within the jurisdiction of Augustus Academy.

The people coming to pick them up from the Church family could not get close to the inn and were waiting in the red maple forest outside. Herage had to walk there by himself.

When Herage got out of the car and left, Hellfoot gave him a gentle nudge with his head.

"Goodbye." Herage smiled and touched Hellfoot's head.

Herage had some impression of this Hell Foot. It was the one he often sat on before.

It seems that this hellfoot still remembers him.

Herague also had two horses at the horse farm in Moonlight Grove, which were given to him by Erza to pull the carriage.

He directly handed over the ownership to Larry, and continued to raise it in Moonglade in his name, at no cost anyway.

If nothing else goes wrong, the two horses can spend the rest of their lives at the racecourse, and they don't have to go out to pull the carriage all day long.

Larry accompanied Herage out of the Red Maple Inn, and entered the red maple forest after going down the mountain.

After walking for about half an hour, a carriage stopped not far away.

There were two people standing next to the carriage. Judging from the aura, one was a great knight and the other was an official wizard.

When Herage saw them, the two men also looked over.

Larry stepped forward and introduced: "Uncle Brak, this is Herague."

Brak has a beard and looks to be in his forties. He has a big sword at his waist and is wearing armor. He looks more like a knight than the knight next to him.

"Herag, this is my uncle, the first-level crystallized wizard Black Church. This is the family's high knight Peter, who is usually responsible for some chores in the potion garden." Larry gave Herag Introducing.

"Mr. Brack, Mr. Peter." Herrag greeted them one by one.

Although Peter is only a high knight, he is still a member of the Church family. He cannot look down on others just because he is an official wizard. He still needs to have the basic respect he deserves.

Being kind to others can save you a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Of course, this also depends on the target, and some people need to be indifferent and ruthless.

Peter didn't expect Herrag to greet him, and there was a look of surprise on his face.

He had met many official wizards, but few had looked at him seriously.

Peter had a slightly better impression of Herage and said respectfully: "I am responsible for the daily operation of the potion garden. If Mr. Herage needs to buy any daily necessities or other supplies, you can come to me."

He is responsible for daily logistics and personnel management in the potion garden.

For Herage, he was just an errand boy who could help with daily chores.

Brak looked at Herrag and said: "Thank you for joining. Our Church family very much welcomes an outstanding wizard like you to join. We will try our best to provide you with a good environment and excellent resources."

"Thank you Mr. Brack, thank you to the Church family, and thank you to Mr. Larry for providing me with a place. I will try my best to maximize my value."

Of course Herague knew that the Church family would not pay in vain, and he had to be of some use.

Larry said: "Uncle Brak, this boy learns things very quickly and is also very talented in refining potions. You can trust him with many things and you will be pleasantly surprised."

When Larry said this, Brak paid more attention to Herlag.

Just like Larry said, if Herague had just arrived in the potion garden, Brak would definitely not assign important things to him.

First of all, he was not familiar with Herrag's personality, and secondly, he didn't have enough understanding of his level.

Even if Herage is Larry's student, it can only mean that talent is enough, but experience may not be enough.

But Larry admired Herage so much that Brack began to reconsider some of Herage's arrangements.

Brak smiled and said: "It seems that you are very confident in your students."

"Of course." Larry looked very proud.

After a brief conversation, the few people were about to officially set off. Herage got on the carriage and sat face to face with Brak, while Peter sat at the front of the carriage and drove.

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