Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 145 Absorbing Bloodline

This castle looks very old at first glance, its style is at least seven or eight hundred years ago. ◆𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞 Search for 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝟓𝟐𝟎𝐜𝐨𝐦Read◆

The castle also covers a large area. Herage estimated that it should cover more than 6,000 square meters.

It was very quiet inside such a big castle, and no sound of human activity was heard.

"This castle is owned by the nobles who originally lived here when they bought the Black Rock Valley. No one usually lives here, so it has always been empty. Those wizard apprentices and servants are not worthy of living here, and I don't like it here. It's too big. .What do you think?" Brack asked.

Herage was very satisfied and said, "It's pretty good. I like it here."

For others, this place may be too empty, too quiet, and not suitable for ordinary people to live for a long time.

But it was just right for Herage, he liked to be alone, and it was nice not to be disturbed.

It is much easier to do many things when you are alone.

"Let's go in and have a look." Brak led Herage into the castle.

There are many buildings in the castle, and Herage chose the innermost inner castle as his bedroom and place to conduct experiments.

"I will arrange two servants for you. They will usually live at the gatehouse at the entrance of the castle to help you deal with some chores in life." Brak said.

Herage: "Thank you. I quite like this place."

Brak smiled and said: "I'm afraid you might think there's no life here, just like it. I'll leave first. I live in a courtyard to the east. If you need anything, you can come to me. There are servants to help you with food, clothes, etc. If you need anything, just tell them directly."

After Brak left, two servants, a man and a woman, came to report.

The man's name is Lennon. He is forty years old. He can drive and raise horses. He is mainly responsible for helping Herrag deliver news and run errands.

The woman's name is Mary, she is in her thirties and is responsible for cooking, washing clothes, cleaning and other chores.

"You just have to do your own thing normally. You can't enter the inner castle without my permission." Herage ordered.

The two of them bowed and saluted to show their understanding.

Herage took a look at their physical condition. There was nothing wrong with them at present, but their appearance did not match their age.

Both of them are only in their thirties or forties, but some gray hair can already be seen on their heads.

Inside the Black Rock Valley are either wizards or wizard apprentices. Ordinary people who stay here for a long time will be affected by radiation and their life span will be greatly reduced.

But they are just servants, just consumables to the Church family, and no one cares about their lifespan.

Only great knights like Peter could barely offset the effects of these radiations with their strong physical fitness.

This is because there are very few formal wizards in the Black Rock Valley, and most of them are wizard apprentices. ☜

If Peter were placed in a place where formal wizards gathered like Moonlight Grove, and he did not take some anti-radiation potions, his lifespan would also be shortened by radiation.

After Lennon went out for a trip, he came back with a carriage. This carriage would later belong to Herrag and you could travel in this carriage.

He unloaded a lot of things from the carriage, including bedding, mattresses and other daily necessities.

The sanitation in the castle had been cleaned in advance, but Mary still carefully cleaned every place in the castle.

This was the place where Herage wanted to live, and she didn't dare to slack off at all. She would pick up a hair that fell on the ground and throw it into the garbage.

Mary still has a lot of work to do, and Lennon will have to haul a lot of vegetables later. Some vegetables need to be stored in the castle cellar, and some need to be pickled and dried.

There are also preserved meats and smoked fish that must be kept in reserve. Herage may not be able to eat so much for the time being, but he must have them.

Herage walked around the castle, looking at every room, mentally planning the subsequent use of the famous place.

After discovering that the inner castle also had a wide basement, Herrag decided to set up the laboratory here to make it more hidden and isolate it from sound.

Herage took out some experimental equipment from the space ring and quickly divided the basement into various areas. The prototype of a laboratory was quickly formed.

A few days later, in the basement.

After a few days, Herage was completely familiar with the castle and accidentally discovered two secret rooms, but there was nothing in them.

The operation of the castle was also on track. Mary would put the cooked meals on the designated table every time it was time to eat.

Tonight, Herage will begin the most important step, which is the practice of the Great Dark Sky.

A glass vessel in front of Herage was filled with potion, and a small black leg was soaked in it.

A long time ago, practitioners of the Great Dark Sky directly ate the flesh and blood of the target bloodline, digested it, and then devoured the power of the bloodline.

Herage didn't need to use such a primitive method. He had complete experimental equipment and Deep Blue to help extract the blood, so he didn't need to eat the stump directly.

The little black man's calf is still active and not rotten or dilapidated.

Herague took the calf out, and after a brief treatment, he used magic power to inject it into it, and squeezed all the blood into a beaker.

The subsequent processing is even more troublesome. Herage needs to use magic to remove all other impurities in the blood.

In this step, Herage used the help of Deep Blue to slowly remove the impurities one by one.

An hour later, only bright red blood remained in the beaker.

Herague instilled magic power into the spell model of the Great Dark Sky, and a phantom of a stone slab appeared behind him.

With a thought, the blood in the beaker was absorbed into the shadow of the stone slab.

Immediately, the bloodline power in the blood spread from the stone slab and merged into Herage's bloodline.

Herage felt some pain everywhere in his body, indicating that the blood power was being absorbed and fused.

An hour later, Herage slowly opened his eyes, and a flash of lightning flashed in his eyes.

"Deep Blue, check my physical condition."

"Herag Merlin: Strength 5, Agility 3, Constitution 4, Spirit 2, Magic Power 100%."

All physical statistics have been greatly improved, especially agility, which has risen to 17 points.

This is just the improvement of the physical body after absorbing the blood power, and the blood power is not used.

After absorbing the blood power of the black villain, Herage gained an additional innate ability, which is the ability to control thunder and lightning, called Thunder Control.

Herage can use the power of his blood to stimulate his body's muscle tissue with lightning, greatly improving his body's speed, defense capabilities, and strength.

He also learned through the inheritance of bloodline power that when the bloodline power becomes stronger, the entire body can be covered with the power of thunder and lightning. By then, the body's speed and strength will be qualitatively improved.

There are two ways to enhance the power of blood. The first is to continue to absorb the same type of blood, which can directly enhance one's own corresponding blood.

The second method is to improve one's own strength. As the strength increases, the power hidden in the bloodline will gradually be revealed.

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