Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 150 Advanced Healing Potion

In the square in the backyard of the castle, a giant more than three meters tall stood in the middle of the field, wearing a full-body black armor.

That is to say, there is no one around, otherwise anyone who looks at it will get numb.

After Herage's experiment ended, he put away his spells and his body quickly shrunk.

He glanced at his tattered clothes and smiled helplessly.

"I can't run naked into the backyard..."

Herage had no choice but to wear some clothes.

Although he was the only one in the inner fort, there was still something strange about running around naked in broad daylight.

After taking a set of clothes from the space ring and putting them on, Herage felt much more comfortable.

"It seems that I will have to prepare a few more sets of clothes for a long time in the future." Herage thought in his mind.

"The next step is to complete the advanced version of the starry sky potion. The current starry sky potion is no longer useful to him. He needs to experiment with a new potion formula to speed up his meditation."

He returned to the laboratory and was about to let Deep Blue deduce the formula for improving the starry sky potion when Brak came.

Herage could only put this matter aside first and go to the castle gate to see what happened to Brak.

After seeing Herage coming, Brak said: "Your first order task is here. There is a batch of orders for high-level healing potions that you need to complete. There are fifty copies in one batch, and the delivery time is three months. "

"No problem.☞" Herage nodded.

He also had some itchy hands. Advanced healing potion is a very commonly used potion among formal wizards, and its effect is more than a hundred times better than Bai Xian healing potion.

Of course, the price is much higher than that of Bai Xian healing potion.

According to the market price, one high-level healing potion costs 70 to 80 magic stones, and the average formal wizard only buys two or three copies to prepare for emergencies.

Because the price of this thing is too high, even formal wizards have to consider the price issue.

"This batch of advanced healing potions will be given to you at a rate of 10%. The time is very flexible, so you don't have to worry. This order is mainly for you to practice. You have not refined advanced potions before, and you still need to get familiar with it. ." Brak ordered.

"I understand," said Herage.

"The materials will be delivered tomorrow. Generally, a potion master needs 5 to 2 parts of raw materials to refine potions. I will prepare two parts of raw materials for you first. If you don't have enough, let me know." Brak said.

Herage asked: "What if there are many?"

Brak smiled and said: "The more you have, the more it belongs to you. This is also one of the benefits, but it depends on your ability."

He didn't think that Herage would have much raw material left over from refining the advanced healing potion for the first time. Even two copies might not be enough.

It’s not that Brak looks down on Herrag, it’s purely a matter of experience.

No matter how good your talent is, you still need to accumulate experience. In the beginning, you will definitely make various mistakes due to experience problems, and the loss of raw materials will be more.

Early the next morning, wizard apprentices pulled several carriages to the gate of the castle. Lennon helped transport the goods on the carriages to the warehouse in the castle for storage.

After Herrag took some materials from the warehouse to the laboratory, he began to prepare for the refining of the advanced healing potion.

The main ingredient of the advanced healing potion is dragon blood grass. The ingredients contained in this grass have strong healing ability for wounds.

After wizards use special methods to refine dragon's blood grass into a high-level healing potion, it can have a strong recovery effect not only on external injuries, but also on various internal injuries.

In most cases, as long as you have a high-level healing potion, you can save your life, unless you have been separated from the body.

"Deep Blue, start refining the advanced healing potion."

Herage had read several books sent by Larry many times during this period, and was familiar with the formulas and refining processes of many advanced potions.

In these books, advanced healing potions are almost explained as cases for introductory teaching.

Herage took out a green grass and used magic power to squeeze out the juice.

Green grass, but the squeezed juice is blood red.

Not only that, the blood-red juice kept bubbling like water boiling after being squeezed out.

Herage immediately wrapped the juice with magic power, integrating the magic power into every part of the juice to stabilize the properties of the juice.

Soon the juice stopped boiling and became quiet.

This step seems simple, but actually requires strong mental strength.

If Herage was still a third-class wizard apprentice, he would not be able to stabilize and control the juice of the dragon's blood grass with his mental power.

This is a hard requirement for mental power, which cannot be achieved even with the assistance of Deep Blue. This is why only formal wizards can refine high-level magic potions. Many links have extremely high requirements for mental power.

Now that Herage's mental strength has reached the standard, he cooperates with Deep Blue's assistance to refine the potion in an orderly manner.

About three hours later, Herage had a blood-red solution in a test tube in his hand.

Judging from the color, this is a very pure high-level healing potion.

The first refining took three hours, and Herage estimated that the follow-up would be faster once he became more familiar with it.

It seems that fifty parts can be refined in less than a month.

Brak did not expect Herage to be so fast. His original expectation was that Herage would need at least a few days to familiarize himself with the refining process before he could refine the high-level healing potion normally.

The quality of advanced healing potions takes a period of time to be slowly adjusted and optimized. This all takes time, and it is the time that a novice must spend when refining potions.

Herage plans to refine two copies a day, which will take about five or six hours. The rest of the time will be used for meditation, practice and study.

With his current mental strength, it would be almost impossible to make a mistake.

Herague would not spend any more on the two materials prepared by Brak, and the rest went into his own space ring.

Herage also focused more on refining, after all, whatever was left was his.

In terms of the quality of the potions, Herage also controlled it a little. Generally speaking, they were above the passing line, and there were many high-quality ones.

Herage knew that he needed to keep a low profile, but he couldn't be too low-key. He had to reflect his own value so that the Church family would increase their investment.

He planned to tell Brack that he had completed the order in two months.

It won't be too late or too early, it will be within a reasonable range.

A month and a half later.

Herage looked at the neat fifty high-level healing potions in the row in front of him and felt quite accomplished.

He had asked Lennon to inform Brack.

In addition to these fifty portions, Herage also refined thirty portions of advanced healing potions for himself and kept them for later use.

Ordinary wizards only prepare two or three copies, but Herage directly reserved thirty copies. Those who didn't know thought he was planning to open a store.

Outside the castle.

"Have you finished refining it?" Brak asked in surprise.

Herage nodded and took out a packed box of advanced healing potion.

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