Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 153 White Fang Castle

Herage was surrounded by a jungle, and behind him was a fountain that was sputtering with water. x ̸͍̘̳͂͊̂̊̀͊̕͘.̷̹̦̆̆c̶͙͈͚̽̄̈̎̒͜ó̶̧̧̝̳̠͇͕̺̲̹̔̈́ ́՝͝m̷̗͓̽̂̌̋̌̌

What was originally a cliff has now turned into a long white stone bridge.

The Baishi Bridge spans a large river. The water is rushing and the water is roaring.

"Where is this?" Herage asked doubtfully.

Brak also held a wooden sign in his hand and explained: "This is the token of White Fang Castle. Only the wizard holding the token can see the way to the White Stone Bridge."

Herage looked at the wooden sign in his hand and found nothing strange.

"Let's go, this is the effect of the witch formation here." Brak saw Herage studying the wooden sign, smiled and walked in front.

"It's the witch formation again..." Herage knew nothing about the witch formation and had no knowledge in this area at all.

After he walked onto the White Stone Bridge, he saw a brightly lit town on the other side of the bridge.

The town was very lively with people coming and going.

After Herague passed the White Stone Bridge, an aunt soon came over pushing a cart. There were various candies on the cart, and there were all kinds of insects in the candies. ♦♗

The aunt looked at Herage and asked: "Do you need to buy some Chong Chong candy? I made them all by myself. They are delicious."

Herage waved his hand, indicating that he was not interested.

The aunt didn't bother, but smiled politely and continued to push the cart elsewhere.

Herage noticed that even this aunt was a first-class wizard apprentice.

He looked around and saw that there was no ordinary person on the street, either a wizard or a wizard apprentice.

When Herage was walking on the street, he also noticed that some wizard apprentices were even hanging clothes upstairs.

He asked strangely: "Mr. Brack, do many people live here permanently?"

Brak said: "Yes, there are many wizards or wizard apprentices settling here."

Herague noticed that there were many stores here, and the stores usually had imprints similar to family emblems. It was obvious that these stores belonged to a certain wizard organization or wizard family.

"We're almost there. Our Church family's property in White Fang Castle is right in front." Brak smiled and took Herage around a corner.

Herage's eyes suddenly opened up. It was a very open street with tall buildings on both sides.

The tall buildings were even more than ten meters high, and there were lights on each floor. At this moment, Herage felt like he was in a previous life.

The crowds on the street became denser, and many people looked like they were shopping. ♦♕

There were couples holding hands, and there were also families of three carrying and holding children.

There are also people pushing wheelchairs. In the wheelchairs is an old man with gray hair, walking slowly on the street.

Herage looked back and realized that the area behind him was more like a residential area, so it was not that lively.

The street in front of me is like a commercial street, almost full of various shops, shops, and restaurants.

"It turns out that the world of wizards is more exciting than I thought." Herage murmured to himself.

He originally thought that wizards were bored at home and studied hard every day, but he didn't expect that there were so many wizards who enjoyed life.

Brak heard his muttering and laughed: "Do you think everyone works as hard as you? Many wizards will relax in time, which is why I took you out for a walk. You stay in the Black Rock Valley all day Inside, I haven’t been out for a whole year, and I don’t know how you can stay here.”

Brak really admired Herage for this. He stayed in the deserted castle every day and never came out unless something happened.

Herage smiled sheepishly and did not say that he was afraid of encountering an accident when he went out.

He always remembers to have the Sword of Damocles on his head, and he may meet Malcolm as soon as he goes out.

Herage would not act rashly until he was sure of victory.

If it weren't for Brak's company this time, he wouldn't have been able to come out.

Herage observed the people on the street and suddenly understood.

Not everyone can be promoted like him. Most people reach a threshold and can never cross it again.

Perhaps because of qualifications, perhaps because of resource constraints, promotion is not so smooth for various reasons.

Many people begin to enjoy life after knowing that there is no hope for promotion, or, like Bessie, they begin to consider the training of future generations.

Because Herage has been working hard to improve, he has never lied down flat, and even sleeps are replaced by meditation.

The two of them squeezed on the street for ten minutes and came to a shop.

The store was brightly lit, and there were a few big words written on the door: "Church's Potions Store."

This is the property of the Church family, which sells various potions and potion materials, and also accepts orders for refining various potions.

"Lord Brak!" After seeing Brak, the waiter in the store had a surprised expression on his face and rushed over immediately.

Brak just hummed and introduced: "This is Herague Merlin. He has completed many orders during this period."

A group of waiters looked over, bowed and saluted, while remembering Herage's appearance.

The store manager was a skinny middle-aged man. He trotted over after hearing the news.

In the store, there is usually one steward who is responsible for daily affairs, and these waiters are responsible for receiving customers in the store.

The decoration inside the shop is very grand, with various magic potions placed in different categories everywhere.

Herage took a look at the prices. They were all much higher than the market price, and many of them looked like they were refined by himself.

Although the price is high, business is very good.

The Church family's potions are famous for their quality, so there is an endless stream of buyers.

Brak and Herage walked in front, followed by a group of people.

Herague's status was naturally higher than that of them. These people were just wizard apprentices.

Within the Church family, potion masters have a very high status.

"We will stay here for the next few days. There are many rooms here and the conditions are good." Brack said.

Herage nodded and said: "Mr. Brak just arranges it, I don't have any objections."

The lower floors of the store are all for selling things, and the top two floors are rooms specially reserved for the Church family or guests of the Church family.

The house has a large area, bathrooms, toilets, etc., complete facilities, and all kinds of decorations are very luxurious.

Herage smelled a fresh fragrance as soon as he stepped in, and immediately recognized it: "It's the fragrance of withered vanilla, which can relieve anxiety and help you fall asleep."

This is a relatively luxurious incense, and its price is equivalent to high-end potion ingredients.

The auction would not start until the day after tomorrow. Herage lay in the bathtub and took a hot bath, then fell down on the big soft bed.

The very comfortable feeling made Herage want to take a nap. After thinking about it, he eliminated distracting thoughts and entered a meditative state.

You can sleep if you want, but you have to complete your meditation practice first, and you can't slack off even a day.

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