Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 161 Robbery

There is also dragon language magic. It is difficult for a wizard like Herage to control dragon language magic. ♧♦

Because the spell model of dragon language magic is extremely complex, it takes a lot of time and effort to master it.

But now Herag no longer needs to master dragon language magic by building spell models.

He now has the power of the dragon's blood. As long as he continues to absorb the power of the dragon's blood and awakens the dragon's language magic inherited in the blood's power, he will automatically gain the ability to release the dragon's language magic.

Herage glanced at the data panel and felt that the current data panel was no longer enough to display his own information, so he said: "Deep Blue, adjust my body data panel and add a talent column."

"Adjustment completed."

Name: Herage Merlin

Strength: 8

Agility: 6

Constitution: 1

Spirit: 46

Magic: 100%

Talents: Great Dark Sky, Bloodline Sense, High Fire Resistance, Dragon Language Control.

This is the current body data. The power of the dragon's bloodline brings a direct improvement to his body data. Unlike the bloodline power of the ancestor of the Thunder God, the body data will only increase after being actively stimulated.

After a year of meditation practice and absorbing dragon blood, various body statistics have reached more than 20 points. Herage estimated that with various buffs, it should be able to exceed 40 points.

After Herage absorbed the dragon's blood, he wanted to go back and get some of Shalltear's blood for experiments, but he didn't expect Brak to come, and his expression was a little solemn.

"Mr. Brak, what happened?" Herrag asked.

Brak said: "I just received news that a batch of finished potions at Gemstone Peak Potion Garden was robbed, so I need your help to re-refining them as soon as possible."

"No problem." Herage agreed immediately, and then asked, "Robbed? Who did it?"

Brak shook his head: "It's not clear yet. The wizard apprentices and knights who transported the batch of potions were all killed. And the people who did it were obviously well prepared and removed all traces. It's currently impossible to know who was responsible. The family is also holding a meeting to discuss this matter."

"We signed a contract with Augustus Academy for that batch of potions, and they must be delivered on time. There are a total of one hundred giant hammer potions, and we need your help to refine fifty. We only have fifteen days."

Signing a contract means that if you fail to turn in the potion on time, it will be considered a breach of contract and you will have to bear the consequences of the breach of contract.

Although Herage didn't know what the consequences of breach of contract would be, he knew from Brak's expression that the consequences would be serious.

If it's an ordinary wizard family, forget it, we can discuss it.

But the Church family signed a contract with Augustus College. Behind Augustus College was the wizard organization of the Land of Dawn, and the Church family was too weak compared to it.

The Giant Hammer Potion is also a high-level magic potion. It is mainly used to enhance the strength, agility and physical fitness of the whole body. It is generally used for knights and great knights.

Because wizards generally do not rely on hand-to-hand combat, this kind of potion is often provided to the knights under the wizard.

A total of one hundred copies, so many that Herage needed to complete fifty copies in fifteen days, at least three to four copies every day.

This is actually not difficult for Herag, but it will take up some time for his own experiments, and Shalltear's bloodline research plan will have to be postponed for half a month.

"Okay, I will start preparing the refining of the giant hammer potion." Herage nodded.

Brak said: "The task is a bit heavy. I hope you can understand it. There is nothing the family can do."

In his opinion, refining fifty parts in fifteen days was too difficult and too stressful, so he felt a little guilty towards Herage.

Herague smiled nonchalantly: "It's okay. You have to do things after you get the money. When the Church family is in trouble, I will naturally do more to tide over the difficulties together."

Brak patted Herage on the shoulder and said nothing.

The relevant raw materials for the giant hammer potion were quickly prepared, and they are all available in the Black Rock Valley.

Herage stood in the laboratory. With a wave of his hand, a batch of potion materials appeared on the ground. These were only some of the raw materials, and there were many more in the space ring.

He picked up a white rhizome from among the materials, which looked ordinary.

This is a magic potion material called fog root, and its special feature lies in its growth process.

Mist roots are difficult to find in the natural environment and are often cultivated artificially by wizards.

The cultivation of fog roots requires placing the seeds in the air and watering them with magic power. After about half a month, the seeds wrapped in magic power will slowly sink into the ground below.

Once the seeds are planted in the ground, they develop into this white rhizome.

In a natural environment, fog roots will only grow in special places where energy particles are extremely concentrated, so that they can achieve the effect of sprouting and then growing into the ground.

The processing of fog roots is also quite special. Herage needs to follow a special method to infuse magic power into the fog roots, and squeeze the fog roots into gas with extremely high-quality magic power.

All this must be done in a special round-belly sealed glass bottle. The magic power penetrates the glass bottle and slowly squeezes the fog roots inside into white gas, turning into a ball of white mist.

This white mist needs to be wrapped with magic throughout the process to keep its properties from changing.

While Herage was inputting magic power to keep the properties of the white mist stable, he began to process other potion materials.

"Having an assistant is indeed a lot more convenient." Herage sighed inwardly and continued to deal with the matters at hand.

The refining of these high-level magic potions is already very cumbersome and complicated, and often requires several things to be completed simultaneously. That is to say, the official wizard has strong mental power and can multi-task and take care of both.

But this is still very tiring. It would be much easier if someone helps.

Larry's house elf actually used to be his potion assistant, but now he's too old to help.

Herage originally wanted to find an assistant, but the assistant had to be trustworthy and of a high standard.

It is hard to find someone who is trustworthy, and someone who is above the standard is not very cheap. I don’t have much money, so I can’t afford such an assistant.

After buying Shalltear, Herag only had 300 magic stones left.

Now that Shalltear has signed a master-servant contract, the problem of assistants has been perfectly solved.

Shalltear is his servant and obeys him completely, so there is no need to worry about trust issues.

What's more important is that Shalltear is a royal elf herself, has a high affinity for magic, and is fully capable of taking up the position of a potion assistant. All that remains is to learn potion-related knowledge.

Elves have a high affinity for plants, which will be very helpful in the process of refining potions. They are born with a high degree of control over plants, which exactly meets the requirements for refining potions.

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