Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 170 Demonized Items

However, the probability of production is very small and it is difficult to find.

The last time someone found something with the power of rules in the ruins of Death Swamp was more than a hundred years ago.

Despite this, every time the Death Swamp ruins are opened, many people still enter.

The Death Swamp ruins are opened every ten years, and this year is the time to open it.

The ruins of the Death Swamp have long been controlled by major wizard families and wizard organizations, and wizards without backgrounds have no chance of entering.

The number of places each force can enter is also limited, and these places have already been allocated.

For the Moss family, losing a few spots is more uncomfortable than compensating for the 100,000 magic stones.

There are many things in the Death Swamp ruins that cannot be bought with magic stones, and their value cannot be measured with magic stones at all.

But this was the result under the auspices of the Augustan Academy, and the Moss family could only accept it even if they complained.

"Herag, we now have a few more places. Are you interested in going to the Death Swamp ruins?" Brak asked with a smile.

Herage made great contributions to the Church family this time, guarding the Black Rock Valley, and received a reward of 5,000 magic stones.

In addition, after discussion, the Church family also decided to give Herage a place to enter the Death Swamp ruins, depending on whether Herage was willing to go.

After learning about the ruins of the Death Swamp, Herage also began to think about it. ⁶⁹ˢʰᵘˣ.ᶜᵒᵐ

His first consideration was the issue of danger.

There are definitely dangers inside the Death Swamp ruins. Although after so many years of exploration, all parties have already known which places can be visited and which places are best not to go.

But no one can say what the variables will be if we actually go in.

But danger also comes with opportunity, and there are a lot of good things in it.

Especially things with the power of rules. Although Herague has only become powerful now, he will reach the stage of crystallization sooner or later.

If you can get it in advance, it will definitely be of great help in the future. At least you will be much more sure of being promoted to a second-level wizard.

The Death Swamp ruins are opened once every ten years. If you miss it, you will have to wait another ten years.

The Church family specially gave Herague a quota, which was actually a benefit to him.

Because more people from the Church family entered this time, their strength was naturally stronger.

Herage only needs to follow them, and picking up some things along the way will be a big reward.

Herage had some thoughts in his heart, but he still felt that it was not stable enough. What if something unexpected happened when he went in?

It’s okay to go, but you have to be well prepared, Herage thought to himself.

"How long will it take for the Death Swamp ruins to be opened?" Herage asked.

Brack replied: "Three months."

"Three months should be enough. Okay, I'll prepare during this time." Herage thought, and then agreed.

Now he at least has some ability to protect himself and is not as fragile as before.

Now that you have decided to go to the Death Swamp ruins, you must be well prepared.

Your strength will not improve much in three months, so you need to use external objects.

Herage just took this opportunity to verify some of his ideas.

He returned to his underground laboratory: "Deep Blue, deduce how to make a demonized item. The requirement is that it must be stable enough and can be detonated by command. The structure can be similar to various bombs in previous lives, and the production materials must be relatively easy to obtain. .”

Herage wanted to make a bomb-like magic item. He had not seen such a thing so far. At least no wizard in the Barrens made similar items.

He has experience in his previous life, so he naturally knows what kind of power can be produced after compressing energy and then releasing it, so he just took this opportunity to try it.

"The mission has been archived and is being deduced. It is expected to take five hours." Shenlan gave the estimated time.

The method of making magic items has long been recorded in Deep Blue's database, but Herage has never actually made it.

Five hours later.

"The deduction has been completed. Based on the current data, the structure of the deduction is as follows."

A circular structure appeared in front of Herage's eyes. Inside the structure was a red crystal, and the outside was wrapped in animal fur.

"The materials used are as follows: salamander crystal, salamander fur, saltpeter, mandrake juice..."

Herage looked at it and found that the main material came from a monster called a salamander.

This kind of monster can be found in many places in the Barrens. When the salamander reaches adulthood, there will be a salamander crystal inside it.

Salamanders can emit extremely high-temperature flames from this crystal, which is also the most important source of energy for salamanders.

The structure deduced by Deep Blue is mainly based on the salamander crystal as the core, which is ignited by magic power, and then combined with the special structure and other ingredients to produce a powerful explosive force.

Because it is wrapped in salamander fur on the outside, it is naturally very compatible and can ensure sufficient stability.

The method of use is also very simple. Infuse a little magic into the ball before use, and then detonate it through preset syllable commands.

The structure is already there, now comes the experiment.

The first is the issue of raw materials. Herage went to Brak and asked: "Mr. Brak, can you help me purchase a batch of salamander crystals and salamander fur?"

"Salamander? What do you want this for?" Brak asked doubtfully.

Salamander crystals are used as casting materials for some fire spells, but Herag specializes in dark energy and would generally not purchase such things.

"To do some experiments," Herrag explained.

Brak didn't ask any more questions and nodded: "No problem. If I remember correctly, a portion of salamander crystals and salamander fur costs approximately thirty magic stones. This thing is not expensive. How much do you want?"

"Let's take ten portions first. We may need more later."

Herage didn't buy a lot. He needed to make this thing through experiments first, and then verify whether the power was satisfactory.

If you are not satisfied, you must change the material and formula. If you buy too much, it will be a waste.

Three days later, ten salamander crystals and ten salamander skins were delivered.

The fur of a salamander is very small, just enough to cover a portion.

Salamanders themselves are relatively small, only about the size of a domestic cat, and their fur is also very small.

After Hrag handed over three hundred magic stones, he returned to the underground laboratory without stopping and began to make his first magic item.

His status in the Church family has risen rapidly, and almost all of his requests have been met, which is why these materials were bought for him so quickly.

After Herage returned to the basement, he began to make magical items according to the structure of Deep Blue's deduction.

The structure is actually very simple, far less complicated than potion making.

But an hour later, Herage had a leather ball in his hand.

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