Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 182 Below

With these magic crystals, Herage will be able to save a lot of expenses in the future. β™¦β™‘β–²πΊπ‘œπ‘œπ‘”π‘™π‘’ Search for π‘ π‘‘π‘œπ‘π‘œπ‘šReadβ–²

The only problem is that this thing Herage is not easy to cash out for the time being, and there is no place to use it, so it can only be left temporarily.

The others are various potion materials and spell-casting materials. Herague basically knows all the potion materials, and the total value is estimated to be more than 10,000 magic stones.

I don’t know some of the casting materials, so it’s hard to estimate the value. I plan to show Brak later how much the magic stone can be sold for.

In addition to these material things, the most important thing is to verify the power of the bloodline mark.

In the ruins of the Death Swamp, due to the weak suppression of the world's will, Herage can inspire part of the power of the bloodline mark.

After the whole body was covered with a layer of metallic black, the whole person entered the monster form, and various data were greatly improved.

And this is still under the condition that the will of the wizard plane world is suppressed.

If there was no suppression of the world's will at all, Herage felt that he would be able to exert unimaginable power.

Herage glanced at the palm of his left hand and felt that the energy was almost full.

But now, even if the plane coordinate energy is full, he cannot rush to the abyss plane.

It was different there. In the Barrens, you would only encounter a second-level wizard at most.

Entering the abyss plane, you might encounter a monster with level 4 or 5 strength like a toad.

Who can withstand this?

It can be said that Herage was lucky the first two times and was able to wait until the toad came to save him.

If he had been a little later on those two occasions, he would have died in the abyss plane.

Although the power of the bloodline mark can be used over there, Herage doesn't think that after using it, the strength will be improved to the level of a toad.

In the abyss plane where there are so many powerful people, that level of strength is still not enough.

There is another point that Herage is very concerned about, and that is the identity of the toad.

Although Toad has been very kind to him so far, that is because Toad himself has forgotten many things and has not yet remembered them.

There was a familiar aura about him, but Herage didn't understand what this aura was.

If Toad completely remembered, they would no longer be friends.

Maybe next time you enter, a toad will jump over and eat you in one bite.

Herage thought a lot and was very cautious about entering the abyss plane. He must not go there easily.

"Huh... let's continue practicing."

Herage shook his head and stopped thinking about these far-fetched things.

The most important thing right now is to practice step by step.

He raised his head, looked at the stars in the night sky, and entered a meditative state.


Two months later.

Herage opened his eyes, his eyes calm. new

Herage has been practicing steadily for the past two months.

Herage sold some of the things he brought back from the ruins of the Death Swamp for 10,000 magic stones.

Herage planned to keep the rest instead of selling them all.

"The next step is to slowly enter the liquefaction stage."

Herage completed the meditation on the twentieth star, and his mind was filled with vaporized spiritual power.

The next thing to do is to compress these vaporized spiritual powers into a drop of liquefied spiritual power.

This is a very long and difficult process, and many people stop here throughout their lives.

Herage was not impatient and slowly began to liquefy the spiritual power.

As soon as he started trying, he felt some swelling and pain in his head.

The process of compressing mental energy is very painful and not everyone can bear it.

Herage's breathing became a little rapid, not as steady as before.

After trying to compress it for a while, he stopped.

This process cannot be rushed, it can only be done slowly.

Herage no longer continued to compress his mental power, but began to meditate to adjust his state.

He didn't want to hurt his mental state by acting too hastily, which would result in more losses than gains.

In the next period of time, Herage's mental power will enter a state of stagnant growth.

Before entering the liquefaction stage, his mental power could no longer grow and had reached the upper limit of the gasification stage.

The time it takes to enter the liquefaction stage is unpredictable and varies from person to person.

Some may enter the liquefaction stage in one or two years, while others may take decades.

Others may take hundreds of years, or may not enter the liquefaction stage for a lifetime.

In the early morning, the sun shines into the house through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Herage got up from the bed and moved his body.

Shalltear stood at the door with a basin of hot water and a towel in it.

Herage's life schedule was very regular. He ended his meditation practice at this time every day. Shalltear was waiting outside at this time.

"Come in." Herage said softly.

After Shalltear came in, she wrung out the towel with her small hands and handed it over while it was still exuding heat.

After Herag washed himself briefly, Shalltear asked, "Sir, are you hungry? I'll give you something to eat."

During this period of time, Shalltear had already figured out how to make noodles, mainly under the guidance of Herage.

With no shortage of flour, it didn't take long for Shalltear to make the noodles.

Herage tasted it several times and asked Shalltear to adjust it a few times. The noodles now are almost the same as in the previous life and can be eaten.

He usually eats noodles or pastries in the morning.

Herage shook his head and said: "If you don't want to eat noodles, just eat your steamed buns and let me see how they taste."

Shalltear just learned how to make some buns yesterday. Herague hasn't tasted them yet. He hasn't eaten these buns for a long, long time.

"Okay, sir, I'm going to steam the buns right now." Shalltear works quickly and never delays.

While Herage was having breakfast, Brak arrived.

"Mr. Brak, what's the matter?" Herrag asked.

Brak's face was solemn, and he was hesitant to speak.

Herage felt something abnormal and asked, "Is there something going on?"

Something that can make Blake so nervous must not be simple.

Brak sighed: "There is something, I don't know if telling you is a good thing for you."

"What's the matter?" Herage asked a little strangely.

Brak said: "The Land of Dawn is recruiting people and requires formal wizards under the age of sixty."

Herage was stunned, never expecting this news.

The Land of Dawn is recruiting?

Herage always felt that this news was false, and how could the Land of Dawn come to the Barrens to recruit people.

Seeing that Herage was surprised, Brak said, "I thought it was incredible when I first heard the news, so I went to find out more about it."

"The Land of Dawn is preparing to invade the elven plane on a large scale recently, and will need a large number of manpower. Since it takes a long time to invade a plane, the more people the better, the Land of Dawn will go to the Barrens to recruit people. ”

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