Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 194 Surrounded

Although the most powerful of these spellcasters are third-class wizard apprentices. ☜

But who knows if these spellcasters have any special means.

As long as there is a slight possibility of Base 27 being exposed, it is a huge risk.

Herage turned and left: "Let's go, we must report as soon as possible."

When they returned to Base No. 27, they found that wizards patrolling in other areas had come back.

Apparently they also found traces of the group of adventurers.

Parker quickly got the news and began thinking about a solution.

The first thing that can be determined is that these adventurers, at least the spell casters among the adventurers, cannot be allowed to approach Base No. 27.

Although there is a hidden witch formation, Parker and the others are experienced old wizards.

Naturally, we know that there are many methods that have nothing to do with strength.

The easiest way to prevent these adventurers from approaching Base 27 is to kill them all.

The only problem is how to kill them. These adventurers all work on their own. There are three or five people in a team, and they are very scattered in the mountains.

As long as we take action, we must ensure that no one can escape.

Adventurers were still coming, and Parker said: "Open the door first and let them in. This mountain range is big enough. Our position is relatively deep, so we don't have to worry about anyone coming over for the time being."

"When all these adventurers come in, guard the mountain pass and all directions, and then attack them all. ♧"

Herague asked: "But, Lord Parker. If this were the case, wouldn't it attract attention if all these adventurers died in this mountain range?"

Parker explained: "Every base is destined to be exposed. We can only delay the exposure as much as possible. When the base is fully constructed, it will not matter whether it is exposed or not. We will take the initiative to go out and do something."

"Just a group of adventurers dying will not cause much trouble. At least for the elves, it is just a group of adventurers dying, and it is not enough to attract their attention."

"Our most important enemy is the elves. There is no World Tree near Base 27, and there are no elves living there. However, conflicts with the human kingdom are within the acceptable range."

Base No. 27 is one of the bases for the invasion of the wizard plane, and it is inevitable that it will be exposed in the future.

When they make big moves to the outside world, they will definitely be noticed. This is inevitable.

The profession of adventurer is inherently full of high risks.

Countless adventurers die every day, but it is rare for a large number of adventurers to die while exploring an area.

But there are many such things, and for the kingdom's senior officials and the elves, it is really a trivial matter.

In other words, killing all these adventurers will only cause some turmoil in the local area.

But in the eyes of the entire Norn Kingdom, it was just a small matter.

Parker quickly made arrangements and distributed the people from the 27th base throughout the Limu Mountains.

These people were connected into a pocket, surrounding these adventurers.

The only opening is the entrance to the Limu Mountains, which is the direction from which these adventurers came.

No one has passed the entrance yet, and it's almost time for these adventurers to come in.

Kane will personally guard the entrance to ensure that no adventurer can escape.

For these adventurers, the strongest are the third-level wizard apprentices, the second-level wizard is an existence that can never be surpassed.

The three Herlags were also assigned to guard an area. Their task was to kill the adventurers in the area after receiving orders.

If there is a spellcaster, try to capture him alive.

These spellcasters have certain research value, and their spellcasting principles and spells are valuable information.

Whoever can catch him alive will be his prize.

This is what Bannings said before coming here. There will be no unfair treatment just because you come from a barren land.

It is true that Herage has not been treated unfairly during the four months he has been here.

In the entire No. 27 Base, there are only three of them from the Barrens, and the others are all wizards from the Land of Dawn.

The usual tasks and treatment are the same as others, no different.

However, there is still discrimination, and other people do not associate with the Herage trio at all.

Although they didn't say it, Herag could feel their contempt for him.

This feeling reminded Herage of how the nobles viewed him this way when he was a groom.

But Herage didn't care about that, let alone what others thought of him.

What he values ​​most is always the improvement of his own strength.

Everything else is external and false.

Herage wears a jade bracelet on his hand, which is a tool for communication.

There is no magic network in the elven plane, so runestones cannot be used.

This bracelet can be used for mid-range information communication, and is more suitable for use near Base 27.

Herague, David, and Reis hid in the mountains and forests, waiting for Parker's instructions.

When Asuna entered the mountains with her three friends, there were already many adventurers around.

Because this mountain range is so big, the group of people dispersed after entering the mountain range.

Asuna looked around, chose a direction based on her feeling, and then started moving in that direction to search for clues.

The soldiers in the team took out their shields and knives and walked at the front to clear the way.

It was difficult to walk in the forest, so he had to rely on him to cut a path in front of him.

Sadie was at the back of the team. Her duty was to protect Asuna and the Holy Magician, while also alerting the surroundings.

"There are a lot of bugs here!" Shadi used her dagger to fly away the small flying bugs that were lying on her arms sucking blood.

After entering the mountains, there are little bugs everywhere.

After Asuna observed the situation, she took out a bag of powder, which looked like some kind of crushed herb.

After she took out the powder, she chanted the syllables in her mouth, and the energy particles began to gather.

Afterwards, Asuna scattered the powder and attached it to the four people.

"You shouldn't have to worry about mosquitoes now."

These powders, combined with Asuna's spells, can have an insect repellent effect.

Wherever they went, the insects would automatically stay away from Asuna and the others.

Asuna and the others had experienced living in the jungle before, so they were naturally prepared.

The group of people walked slowly through the mountain forest. Apart from meeting a bear along the way, nothing unexpected happened.

"It's a pity. If we weren't in a hurry, that bear skin could be sold for a lot of money." Sadie was still thinking about the bear she just met.

Originally, she wanted to hunt, but Asuna said she shouldn't get into trouble and that it was more important to complete the task first, so Sadie had no choice but to give up.

"We not only have to rush for time, but we also have to try our best to maintain our own condition. We may encounter danger at any time in the Limu Mountains, and a battle may break out at any time." Asuna knew that Sadie was thinking about money, so she said a few more words .

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