Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 197 Value

Herage then dripped his own blood into the master's place, and the master-servant contract was formally established. ♞♢

"What's your name?" Herage asked.

Asuna felt a little confused and replied, "Asuna."

She didn't know what to do in the future. Now that she had signed a master-servant contract, her life and death were in the hands of the black-haired man in front of her.

"My name is Herague. Please wait here for a while. I will study your talent problem when you get back."

Herage jumped up on a tree and looked around.

At the same time, pay attention to the bracelet and wait for Parker's next instructions.

The wizards in Base No. 27 are all at least first-level official wizards.

The strongest of these adventurers are third-class wizard apprentices.

The strength gap between the two sides is too large.

If Base No. 27 hadn't wanted to wipe out all these adventurers, they wouldn't have gone into such a big fight.

Any one person can kill them all.

The only problem is, one cannot guarantee that nothing will slip through the net.

As long as one escapes, it will be a hidden danger to Base 27.

Under Parker's deployment, these adventurers had no chance of survival at all.

The moment they stepped into the Limu Mountains, if they didn't leave before sunset, they were destined to never go back.

After sunset, no new adventurers will arrive, which is just the right time to start.

All you need to do is deal with all the adventurers who enter the Limu Mountains.

Ordinary adventurers are killed directly, and only spellcasters can survive.

In addition to plundering resources when the wizard plane invades the elven plane, they will also learn many things about the elven plane.

Although the power systems of these spellcasters and the wizard plane look similar, there are still many differences.

For example, they do not need magic potions to be promoted to official wizards.

These are all issues that need to be studied and studied in the wizarding plane.

Therefore, spell casters generally survive, and their value is worth studying.

Asuna looked at the direction Sadie and the three left with a worried look on her face.

She had completely calmed down now, and after thinking about it, she suddenly realized that Shadi and the three of them were very likely to be in danger.

Herague signed a master-servant contract with her, and he should not be in danger of his life in a short time.

Asuna noticed what Herague was waiting for, and at the same time felt various magic fluctuations from all around.

"There are so many powerful spellcasters..." Asuna's face turned pale.

Judging from the surrounding magic fluctuations, there are many powerful formal spellcasters in the Limu Mountains.

She didn't know where Herrag and the others came from and which force they belonged to.

But from the analysis of the current situation, it can be known that Herage's force must have very important things to do hidden in the Limu Mountains.

The missing mountain patrol team must have died in the hands of these people.

And after his group of adventurers entered the Limu Mountains, people like Herage would definitely catch them all in one fell swoop.

Asuna guessed that it was because of her special talent that Herague made a temporary move and signed a master-servant contract with her to keep her alive temporarily.

But Shadi and the others were not so lucky.

Why doesn't Herage care that they leave?

After thinking for a moment, Asuna came to the conclusion that Sadie and the other three couldn't escape at all, and even if they left, they would die.

Herague had long known that they would surely die, so it didn't matter whether he kept them or not.

Asuna suddenly became anxious when she thought of this.

She glanced at Herage who was sitting on a branch, and said slowly: "Sir, can you save Sadie and the others?"

"Sadie? Oh, he's your companion, right?" Herage was confused for a moment and then understood.

Asuna knelt on the ground and cried: "Sir, please save them!"

Herague smiled, jumped down from the tree, squatted next to Asuna, lifted Asuna's chin with his hand, and asked her to raise her head.

"You have to know that you can survive because you are worth living. And your three companions are of no value to us. From the moment they stepped into the mountains, they were destined to die."

"I didn't do it myself. It was the greatest mercy. I didn't let your friend die in front of you."

"What's more, I don't have the ability to save them."

When Herage was preparing to keep Asuna, he no longer planned to kill Sadie and the others.

Because at that time, he was already planning to keep Asuna, the spell caster, to study it carefully.

The three of them, Sadie, obviously have a good relationship with Asuna.

If Herague had killed three people directly at that time, it would have left a hurdle in Asuna's heart that she could never overcome.

That will bring you a lot of trouble.

He just wanted to keep Asuna to study and study. If Asuna didn't cooperate, he would have to work harder.

All three of Shadi will die anyway, the only difference is whether they die by their own hands.

Herage hoped to have a servant who could truly obey his orders, rather than a servant who wanted to take revenge on him all day long.

Shadi and the three of them would not lose anything by letting them go.


After hearing what Herage said, Asuna slumped on the ground helplessly, covering her face and crying.

This feeling of knowing that her friend would die but being unable to do anything about it made her more desperate than she had ever felt before.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that it would be better to die with Shadi and the three of them than to live like this now.

Herage immediately noticed her abnormal mood and said coldly: "Suicide or self-mutilation, as well as any behavior that harms oneself, is not allowed."

Asuna's hand holding the dagger froze, and she looked up at Herague with tears on her face.

Due to the mandatory effect of the master-servant contract, Asuna almost inserted the dagger back with her hand.

Asuna can't die yet, Herague still has her useful.

If Asuna commits suicide, then his efforts will be in vain.

Asuna felt infinite regret in her heart, regretting that she should not have accepted this mission.

If they had not accepted this mission, Sadie and the others would not have died because of this mission.

There is also a younger brother at home. It seems that he will never go back, and he doesn’t know what will happen to him in the future.

She also regretted that she should not have let Sadie and the others leave.

At that time, I thought I would be safe if I left. Who would have thought that there would be so many powerful spellcasters in the Lim Mountains.

Asuna attributed all the mistakes to herself. As the leader of this adventure team, she had to be responsible for others.

After Hellage gave the order not to commit suicide, he ignored Asuna and paid attention to the movements around him.

There were still many magic fluctuations everywhere just now, but now they have gradually subsided, and it seems that they have all been resolved.

Thinking about it, it is too easy for formal wizards to deal with these knights and wizard apprentices, and it doesn't take much effort at all.

The ring in Herage's hand lit up with a blue light, and Parker's voice came from inside: "If everything is solved, clean up the traces of the scene, and then rush back to the base immediately."

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