Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 203 Cole

Severus looked at the confident young man in front of him and smiled. ‘’‘u’‘x’‘.’‘c’‘o’‘m’

Yeah, Cole has grown up.

As we get older, it is always easier to ignore the passage of time.

The little kid back then turned into a strong man who could stand alone in the blink of an eye.

The young eagle has grown into an eagle, and you really don’t need to worry too much.

"Then be prepared before you go, and be careful." Severus warned, feeling that he was really old at this moment.

Cole showed a sunny and confident smile: "Yeah, then I'm leaving, teacher."

Severus nodded and said, "Come back and I'll arrange a marriage for you."

Cole smiled bitterly and ran away as if running away.

He didn't want to be bound by marriage so early. The past few years of traveling outside had made him completely fall in love with the feeling of freedom.

Once you enter a marriage, many things become out of your control.

Severus thought more. If Cole wanted to become a grand mage, talent alone was not enough. He also had to have enough support behind him.

But even the entire Norn Kingdom does not have the conditions to train a great mage.

The marriage Severus mentioned was a marriage with the elves.

The elves are aloof beings and the rulers of the entire world.

If Cole can marry the elves, he will have a smooth road in the future, and it will only be a matter of time before he becomes a great mage.

But Cole has always been resistant to marriage, which troubles Severus.

Severus sighed: "Oh, there's no rush. Cole is still young. Take your time."

There really shouldn't be any rush when it comes to marriage. The current Cole may not be favored by the elves.

When Cole grows up a little more, if he can become a magister, then there is a high probability that the marriage will happen.

Severus had no doubt that Cole could become a Magister, the only problem was how to convince Cole.

If Cole marries an elf, his status will definitely be lower. I don’t know how to convince Cole to accept this.

The elves are a noble and arrogant race, and most humans cannot stand them.

Only people like Cole have a chance to connect with the elves.

Cole is still young and does not understand the importance of resources.

It had been so smooth for him, and Severus hoped that this trip to the ruins would cause Cole to encounter some setbacks.

Life cannot be too smooth.

A month has passed, and Herage has been relatively free during this time.

Since many adventurers who entered the Limu Mountains were wiped out a month ago, no trace of any adventurers can be seen anymore.

Although Base 27 still arranged for them to take turns patrolling and guarding, no one could be seen.

No one dared to come, and the patrol mission seemed a bit boring. ıllıllııllıllı

Although Herage felt bored, it was a good day like this.

Five months have passed, and in seven more months it will be one year.

When the time comes to return to the wizard plane, you will have the status of a permanent resident of the Land of Dawn.

Therefore, it is naturally best to have a leisurely life, and just have fun as long as you can.

During these days, Herage was practicing step by step.

The miserable base life had no impact on him. For him, it was just a change of place to practice.

Herage felt the plane coordinate mark on the palm of his left hand, and the energy inside was already full.

He can now activate the plane coordinate mark at any time and go to the abyss plane.

But not yet.

He is still in Base No. 27, and all his actions will be noticed by the wizards in the base.

If Herague dares to activate the plane coordinate mark, Parker's attention will be attracted the moment he disappears.

A large living person disappeared out of thin air in the base, which was too unusual.

When he comes back from the abyss, what awaits him is endless interrogation.

"Let's go, it's time to go back."

Herage glanced at the sky. Today's patrol mission has been completed and it's time to change shifts.

David and Reis followed Helag and walked towards the base.

Since Herage showed his strength in the valley last time, David and Reis have become more convinced of Herage.

The combat prowess displayed by Herage surprised both of them.

That kind of absolute power and speed, even David and Reiss were not confident that they could withstand it.

Wizards, pursue the truth and pursue the principle of strength first.

A strong person will naturally be respected by others.

Herage's power gave David and Reis more confidence.

They are regarded as one, and tasks are arranged together.

The more powerful Herag is, the safer they will naturally be.

When the three Herrags returned to Base No. 27, it was already nightfall.

There are many people moving around in the base, coming and going.

During this time, some new people came to the base, all wizards from the Land of Dawn.

These wizards have distinct factions. When they first arrive, they can find people of the same power and gather together to act.

The three Herrags came from the Barrens and seemed a bit weak here.

Fortunately, they were not bullied, and others did not interact with them at all.

The three Herages also behaved honestly, never caused trouble, kept a low profile, and have not had any conflicts with other wizards so far.

The three of them are very clear about their purpose. They just need to spend a year here and try to avoid any unexpected conflicts.

When Herage returned to his cabin, he saw Asuna reading a book.

When she saw Herage coming back, she immediately stood up and came over and bowed: "Sir, you are back."

"Well, how did you learn?" Herage nodded and asked.

Asuna has been learning Sivir recently and is making rapid progress.

Under Hellage's order, Asuna didn't leave the house all day.

As long as Herage goes out on a mission, Asuna will stay in the cabin and refuse to go out.

She couldn't cause Herrag any trouble.

Asuna knew deeply that she could survive because she was still valuable.

If he brought trouble to Herague, he would have no chance of survival.

Herague learned a lot about Asuna through questioning during this period.

He asked almost everything about Asuna from childhood to adulthood.

Through Asuna, Herag learned more about the world.

Because Shalltear's status was too high, the things she talked about were all the internal affairs of the elves, and she didn't know much about the lower levels of the world.

Asuna worked her way up from the bottom, so she knew all about this.

"Sir, I have mastered basic grammar and vocabulary." Asuna replied in Sivir.

Herage nodded without saying anything more and sat down by the bed to rest for a while.

Asuna lit the fire skillfully, brewed a pot of coffee, and then poured a basin of hot water over to wash Herage's feet.

Asuna has endured hardships since she was a child, and she is very efficient and diligent in doing these things.

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