Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 21 Nosentin College

I don't know where to find Meteorite Grass at the moment, so Herag can only wait to find out the news after arriving at Nosentin College. {What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and Google them}

Herage looked at the rising sun and felt that his whole body was full of energy and energy. Even the fatigue from the journey had disappeared.

He stayed up all night and meditated instead.

Herage saw Emil sneaking out of Melissa's carriage and said hello with a smirk on his face. "Emil, good morning."

Emil was so frightened that he trembled all over. When he saw Herague, he smiled and said, "Good morning. Are you going to sleep on this haystack all night?"

"Absolutely." Herage didn't bother to explain that he was meditating.

Recently, Emil and Melissa have become more and more passionate. They had all kinds of worries before, but now they can be together without any worries.

Herage watched Emil leave and thought: "Baron Buck said before that Emil and Melissa were not suitable. He probably knew that Emil was his son, but he didn't know that Melissa was not his daughter. In this world, It’s really outrageous.”

Half a month later.

Herage was lying on the top of the carriage, looking at the star in the sky. At this time, the position of the star had shifted somewhat, and the star in his mind was almost solidified.

"It's done right now!"

Herage has not been impatient for the past half month and has been practicing starry sky meditation method step by step. new

It didn't take long for the star in his mind to take shape completely, and there was a shining star in his mind.

Herague had an unprecedented feeling, the magic power bursting out from the star, and the magic power spread in his blood vessels, bones and flesh.

He has a wonderful perception of the surrounding environment. He can 'see' the magic power flowing within himself, and no longer needs dark blue to mark it with color.

He could clearly detect the ants crawling in the grass, the pupae emerging from their cocoons, and the mosquitoes flying by.

This feeling is like plugging in a data cable connecting the world.

"Starry Sky Meditation Method The first star meditation is completed, and the physical fitness is improved. Deep Blue gave a hint.

"Deep Blue, check the current body data."

"Herag Merlin: Strength 0, Agility, Magic 100%."

Herage was a little surprised: "Physique can actually be improved!"

Deep Blue previously reminded that his physical data had reached the genetic upper limit and theoretically could not be improved.

At that time, the only way to break through the upper limit was to awaken the life seed and become a knight.

Now it seems that wizards can also break this limit.

He somewhat understood why Baron Buck was helpless in front of Malcolm.

I'm afraid that even without the use of magic, Malcolm can still compete with Baron Buck with only physical strength. This is a difference in the level of life.

"The magic power has also been restored to 100%, and judging from the magic power, it is more than before. This is the role of mental power." Herage felt the abundant magic power in his body and felt a special sense of satisfaction.

"Deep Blue, record three things that need to be done. The first is to find the meteorite grass, the second is to find out where the Sixth Ring Tower is and how to get there, and the third is to find out which place and era the glorious calendar is. "


Herage had an intuition that Nicholas Carlos Camby was probably not from the same era as him.

The problem this involves is that the wizard organization of the Sixth Ring Tower may not still exist.

"Take it one step at a time." Herage shook his head. He could only write down these things first, and there was no point in thinking about them.

Two months later, Herage and his party arrived in Swan City.

Swan City is the largest city in the Pearl Province, and Nosentin College is located here.

"Registration is complete, let's go into the city."

Because this group of people brought weapons and official knights, they needed to register in detail and have their identities checked when entering Swan City.

Melissa is now becoming more and more like a hostess, and the girl she once was seems to be a thing of the past.

She has a courtyard in the city, which Baron Buck bought specifically for her, and she lived here when she was in school.

This yard is located next to the King's Road. Because the price is too expensive, Baron Buck can only afford a small yard.

A group of people temporarily settled in this courtyard.

It used to be quite spacious when Melissa lived alone, but now it's a bit crowded.

Emil and Melissa shared a room, Herague had a separate room, and the others crowded into the remaining three rooms.

"Herag, I will take you to see Master Claude tomorrow." Melissa came to Herag's room and said.

"Thank you, Miss Melissa!" Herrag thanked her.

Melissa showed a moving smile: "Thank you, if you can become a wizard, we will have to count on you to take care of you in the future."

Herage smiled politely and didn't say much. He always felt that Melissa had changed a lot.

"Then I'll leave first, you have a good rest!" Melissa turned around and twisted her graceful body, and carefully closed the door for Herage when she left.

"Melissa is a little... too snobbish now?"

Herage is only fourteen years old in this body, but he knows a lot from two lifetimes.

Melissa became very mature overnight, and consciously or unconsciously always wanted to build a relationship with him.

And here, the way a woman builds a relationship with a man...

He smiled helplessly: "I don't want to lose Emil as a friend, so I have to keep my distance from her."

Herage's only friend in this world was Emil, and he couldn't do such beastly things.

After seeing the wizard's path, he no longer had the intention to waste time on these things.

In the dead of night, Emil and Melissa's room is next to Herage's.

The soundproofing of the house here is not good, and Herrag's hearing is very good.

Herage had no choice but to meditate and relax himself. After entering the meditative state, he would not be disturbed by external objects.

Early the next morning, Emil, Jimmy and several other knights went out to find something to do.

A group of people cannot just sit there and have nothing, they must always find some source of income.

Melissa took Herrag to Nosentin College.

Nosentyne College is the largest noble college in the Kingdom of Norton. It is a comprehensive college that covers astronomy, geography, humanities, politics, economics, military and other subjects. It also has dance, etiquette and other subjects specially prepared for nobles.

Melissa majored in linguistics, and Bachelor Claude was an expert in linguistics. It was said that he was proficient in more than seventy languages.

Nosentin Academy is open to everyone, as long as they do not carry weapons.

Melissa led Herage around the academy and came to a place that looked like a garden.

There is a pavilion deep in the garden, and the environment is very quiet.

The two came to the second floor of the pavilion, and Melissa knocked on the door.

"Teacher Claude, I'm here to visit you!"

"Well, it's Melissa, come in." Although Claude's voice was old, it was full of vitality.

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