Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 225 Impact

After the four of them escaped back to the military camp, Miranla had been waiting for the other two to come back. new

But until dawn, the other two were nowhere to be seen.

Lu Qiao sighed: "They probably won't be able to come back."

Parado walked to a tree, placed his right hand on his heart, closed his eyes, and seemed to be mourning for his people.

The two elves who failed to come back were from his tribe.

Parrado did not blame Milan and the four others. He also knew that the situation inside was simply out of control.

It’s already very difficult to have four people back, so we can’t ask for too much.

"There are many altars in the Limu Mountains, and each altar is guarded by a wizard. There are also various monsters scattered in the mountains, and there are a lot of them." Miranla reported the intelligence information she had discovered.

Lu Qiao nodded and said: "Well, it's not easy for you to destroy an altar. Without an altar, over time, there will be fewer monsters."

They stayed up all night, discussing the follow-up plan.

At this moment, a soldier ran into the camp in panic: "Commander, no... it's not good!"

Tai Lun frowned: "Why are you so panicked!"

He has been burdened with various things recently, and he is under great pressure and upset.

Seeing his soldiers in such a panic, he immediately became angry.

The soldier didn't care about this anymore and said hurriedly: "The monsters are out! The monsters in the Limu Mountains are out!"

"What!" Talen sat up suddenly. ♜

Lu Qiao turned his head instantly and asked: "You said the monsters in the Limu Mountains have come out? How many are there?"

"At least tens of thousands! There's no end in sight!" the soldier replied, with some vibrato in his voice.

He had never seen a monster since he was a child. He had never seen such an overwhelming army of monsters sweeping over him. He was so frightened that he lost his mind.

Lu Qiao was also a little surprised at this moment.

In their estimation, these wizards would not attack so early, and they would definitely summon as many monsters as they could.

If they don't hinder the summoning process, these wizards will definitely grow silently.

I didn't expect that the monsters in the Limu Mountains would come out in large numbers at this time.

This situation was beyond their expectation, and they were at a loss for a while.

The first one to react was Tai Lun. He said in a deep voice: "Herald, send the order immediately, and the whole army is ready to fight! All the ordnance is pulled over. This battle can only be won but not defeated! Behind us is Oberstein, and No. The Kingdom of Grace!”

The herald immediately went down to issue the order, and the 50,000 border troops immediately began to move and arranged the defensive front in an orderly manner.

Lu Qiao said solemnly: "We also have to participate in the war, and we cannot let these soldiers die too many casualties. Otherwise, we alone will not be able to defend in the future."

The number of the elves is too small, and the main defense force still relies on the 50,000 border troops.

Lu Qiao and others set off immediately, with more than 60 people distributed throughout the defensive front.

They have two tasks, one is to kill the incoming monsters, and the other is to reduce the casualties of these soldiers as much as possible and save their lives as much as possible.

There is an open plain area between the border military camp and the Limu Mountains. Except for some small woods, there are almost no obstacles.

When the monster army attacked, countless soldiers were already here ready for battle.

"Fire the arrow!"

When the commander saw the monster army entering the shooting range, he immediately directed the arrows to be released.

Round after round of arrows flew out, drawing a graceful arc over the earth before falling.

Countless arrows fell on the heads of the monster army, and soon many monsters were hit by the arrows.

Some monsters lost their balance after being injured and fell to the ground.

Before it could get up, it was immediately trampled to the ground by a steady stream of monsters running behind it.

Not long after, there was a bloody mess on the ground.

Some monsters had arrows stuck in their backs, but the arrows did not damage any vital parts, only causing flesh wounds, and they still ran forward at extremely fast speeds.

The rain of arrows never stopped and kept falling.

Monsters were constantly being hit by arrows.

But overall, the monster army's progress was not hindered, and it was still rapidly approaching the border army's defense line.

At this time, some flying monsters had already flown to the front of the border army.

There are some bat-like monsters that, after flying to a certain distance, open their mouths and spit out streams of green mucus.

After the slime fell on some soldiers, their armor was quickly corroded and white smoke emitted.

Since armor cannot fit perfectly, there are always some places that cannot be covered by the armor, and there are also gaps in the connections between various parts of the armor.

The mucus penetrates through these gaps and uncovered areas and comes into contact with the soldier's skin.

At the moment of contact, the soldier fell to the ground and rolled and screamed.

His hands kept scratching the corroded area, feeling itching, pain and other painful sensations there.

It made him want to cut off that piece of flesh and blood, as if this would relieve his pain.

However, the flesh and blood in the corroded areas are already very fragile.

The soldier easily scratched his skin to pieces when he grabbed it. Green fluid flowed out of his flesh and blood, and the pain he felt became even more intense.

Some soldiers reacted quickly and immediately blocked the slime with a shield.

White smoke immediately erupted from the shield, and a big crater formed in the thick shield.

The archers' arrows were instantly aimed at these flying monsters, and dense arrows were fired at them.

These flying monsters are very fast, but the density of arrows is so high that it is impossible to avoid them in some places.

Some flying monsters were directly shot by arrows and turned into hedgehogs, falling to the ground.

The moment it fell, countless swords slashed down, directly cutting the flying monster into pulp.

After seeing that monsters could be hacked to death, many soldiers felt slightly less fearful.

Soon, the monster army was close at hand.

A large number of monsters began to clash head-on with the border troops, and countless monsters rushed over.

Some soldiers at the front of the defense line were slashing at these monsters with swords in their hands.

These monsters are more powerful than they imagined, and almost every monster has knight-level strength.

His speed, strength, and physique are all much stronger than most soldiers.

The only advantage these soldiers have is the armor on their bodies.

But these monsters are not afraid of death. Even if they are stabbed in the stomach, they will bite your throat before dying.

Every monster is fighting for its life, and its attack methods do not consider defense at all, but are purely offensive.

But most of these soldiers have no such will to fight.

In just one encounter, these soldiers suffered widespread casualties.

The casualties of the monsters were also very heavy. Those monsters at the front basically fell to the ground before they could last long.

The strong smell of blood rose, and the entire battlefield was filled with a pungent and unpleasant smell.

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