Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 26 Farewell Moment

The red hair probably appeared near Swan City to wait for the ship. ♙♜Google search Situ 520 to read the latest error-free novel chapters

Herague felt a little relieved after hearing what Claude said. The red-haired teacher probably wouldn't live long, and it wasn't certain whether he was still alive. There shouldn't be any need to worry about someone seeking revenge later.

"I will notify you as soon as there is news about the ship. During this time, you should study more. Although I don't understand wizards, the wizards I have visited are all very knowledgeable. Knowledge is always the sharpest weapon." Lauder's eyes were full of nostalgia when he spoke, and he didn't know what he was reminiscing about.

Claude said with some shame: "Although I am your teacher, I actually took advantage and it was selfish. I hope you can take care of my descendants in the future."

Herage smiled and said: "Teacher, there is no need to say this. If you help me, I will naturally take care of your descendants within my ability in the future. You have to pay for what you want. This is the price, I understand."

"Hahaha!" Claude laughed after hearing this, "You are indeed very suitable to be a wizard."

Time flies, and three months have passed.

In the past three months, Herage spent most of his time in the library of Nosentin Academy.

Every book in the library has been recorded by Deep Blue. Herrag scanned and entered each book in Deep Blue first, and then selected the ones he wanted to read from these books. ♞♢

In terms of starry sky meditation, I have also successfully meditated on the second star, and am now meditating on the third star.

"Herag Merlin: Strength 1, Agility 7, Constitution %."

After the second star meditation was successful, physical data such as strength also increased slightly.

Herage discovered that starry sky meditation does not mean meditating on one star to increase mental power. The second star increases mental power by 1. The subsequent increase should be more, but it will also take more time. Meditation The difficulty will get higher and higher.

The meteorite grass had been used up, and Claude later found two more through his connections, but then he never found any meteorite grass again.

Herague has no choice. This kind of thing cannot be rushed. The resources of Colson Continent are indeed too few.

Emil formed a mercenary team with Jimmy and others who followed him at the beginning. After completing a few orders, he gained some fame. The team gradually grew in size and now has more than 60 people under his command.

Melissa said that when there is an opportunity to form a caravan, Emil and his group have enough force, there will be no problem in running a business, and they can make a lot of money.

During this time, each of them had something to be busy with, and Herage had less and less time to interact with them.

For some reason, Herage always felt that since he showed off a fireball, Jimmy and others, including Melissa, were a little in awe of him, or perhaps fearful. ♚

Although they usually looked normal to him, Herage could still feel the fear lurking in their hearts.

Emil, on the other hand, was always honest and forthright with Herague as before, but recently he was obviously a little tired, and his face had a sense of the vicissitudes of life.

His strength has improved a lot recently, and Herage estimates that Emil has hope of breaking through to the Great Knight.

Herage once thought that the Great Knight was the top fighting force in the world, until...

"Baron Buck concealed his father-son relationship with Emil. Even Emil himself didn't know about it. He must have some conspiracy, but..." Herage sighed. No matter what Baron Buck's purpose was, it would all die with him. The smoke cleared.

Herage's ordinary days were broken on this day at the beginning of spring. News came from Claude that the ship would arrive at the port of Swan City within five days.

Swan City's port is very large. Due to its great geographical location, it is the largest port in the entire Colson continent.

There were many ships coming and going in the port, and once Claude was old enough, he came to see Herrag off in person, with Melissa and Emil supporting him.

"Teacher, you really don't have to come." Herage said with a bitter smile.

Claude smiled kindly and said: "You are still young and you don't understand. Once you leave, we probably won't see each other again in this life. It's okay to walk a few more steps."

"Herage just comes back to see you often. Teacher, you are in very good health!" Melissa said from the side. She was becoming more and more feminine now, and she no longer looked like the girl she once was.

Just a month ago, Melissa confirmed that she was pregnant, but it was still hard to tell and her belly was not showing.

The two held a simple wedding, and a group of people had a casual meal, and the down-and-out noble could not make anything grand.

"What you don't understand is that the world of wizards is different from ours. The time it takes for them to conduct an experiment may be enough for an ordinary person to spend a lifetime. Moreover, it is not easy to sail on the sea, and you can't come back in a short time." Lauder said with emotion.

Emil patted Herage on the shoulder: "You kid, don't forget about us. I don't care if you are a wizard or something else. In my heart, you will always be the kid who works hard on practicing swordsmanship in the training ground."

"Yes, I know." Herage recalled with emotion when he first learned the sword and breathing techniques.

"You are our child's future godfather. Remember to take more care of him after he becomes a noble wizard." Melissa touched herself and said alone.

Herague nodded: "It's a pity that I didn't have time to see him born. I will write to you after I settle down there. Keep in touch."

"The ship is coming." Claude said suddenly, looking at the horizon.

Everyone looked around and saw a ship moving at high speed where the sea and the sky met.

They didn't think anything was wrong at first, but when the ship got closer, Herage and others realized that the ship was much larger than ordinary ships.

The ship has a total of five floors. The outer skin of the ship is wrapped in a strange metal. I don't know what kind of material it is, and it emits a dark light.

There were a dozen sailors standing on the deck, busy pulling up the sails.

Herage discovered that among these sailors there were at least five knight-level masters.

The ship sailed into the port and stopped, and the sailors immediately began to move the goods on the ship. It looked no different from an ordinary merchant ship.

Claude explained: "This ship is organized by a wizard in the Karag continent. It is mainly responsible for running business and making money. Because their ship is solid enough and can sail in dangerous seas. Their crew is very strong, and there are official wizards Sitting there is enough to deal with many situations. Therefore, their merchant ships can travel to far away places to buy and sell goods and make a lot of money. After all, wizard organizations also spend a lot of money."

"And transporting you wizard apprentices is actually just a matter of convenience. It doesn't matter if we take them with us or not."

Herague noticed a man wearing a black hood standing on the bow of the ship. This man had a very good aura and a strong magical aura.

Deep Blue also gave a warning: "High-energy magic source detected!"

"It seems that he is the official wizard on the ship." Herage muttered to himself as he looked at the man.

The man seemed to be aware of it, turned to look at Herage, then walked down the gangway and approached Herage.

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