Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 332 Difficulties

Normally, as long as enough time is given, many wizards can crack the wizard formation.

But the problem is, it may take hundreds of years.

In a polluted area, it would be impossible for anyone to spend hundreds of years cracking the witchcraft formation in this ruins.

There isn't that much time.

Thranduil's pioneer team is probably also working intensively on cracking it now.

They sent this video back because they wanted to gather everyone's strength to crack it together, which would be faster than just a few of them.

If it still cannot be cracked after a while, this relic will probably be abandoned.

There are too many uncertainties in the contaminated area, and they cannot stay there forever.

If you still can't crack it, you can only record the location and figure out how to crack it later.

However, no one can be sure about the situation in the contaminated area, and the ruins may not be visible in a few days.

After watching the roulette spin around, Herage found that it was indeed extremely difficult to crack.

The eight rings are eight witch formations. Each witch formation has hundreds of runes. The influence of the eight rings on each other must also be taken into consideration.

According to the normal cracking method, you first need to observe the operating rules and obtain some data.

Then conduct rigorous and accurate calculations based on these data. The amount of calculations involved cannot be solved in a short time. ♡

Herage quickly thought of the conventional cracking method, and then realized that it was impossible to crack it in a short time according to the conventional cracking method.

You must think of some very tricky methods to crack this witchcraft formation, which tests your brain's flexibility.

It's no wonder that the wizard in the pioneer team couldn't crack it. That wizard must not be a novice, and he must have very high attainments.

But this thing has nothing to do with rich experience. If you can't think of a way, you won't be able to crack it.

Either you know the correct solution, or you have to calculate the solution hard.

Although wizards have extremely high mental power, it is impossible for them to calculate such complex things in a short time.

Herak observed the others and found that most of them were thinking hard.

Those who can participate in this exchange meeting are all excellent wizards, so they can naturally see how difficult it is to crack the wizard formation.

Some people were already leaning against the table, holding quills and parchment and drawing something on the paper, obviously starting to calculate.

Herage took a look and knew that it was almost impossible to calculate using pen and paper, at least not in a short period of time.

Everyone else was thinking hard, and Herague frowned and pretended to think.

"Deep Blue, start calculating and analyzing the solution to this roulette wheel."

"The task has been archived and is being analyzed and calculated. It is expected to take twenty-three minutes. New𝘹.𝘤𝘰𝘮" Deep Blue gave the approximate time.

Herage thought: "Twenty-three minutes, not too slow."

For Deep Blue, all it takes is to try out every possibility.

At its speed, twenty-three minutes was a long time.

Herage waited silently for Deep Blue's calculation to be completed, glancing at the others from time to time.

I just hope that Deep Blue can complete the calculation before anyone else gives the answer.

Herague will not underestimate these wizards. Every wizard can be said to be a genius in the true sense. Someone may have thought of a way to solve the correct answer.

This is entirely possible.

The entire Avila restaurant became very quiet, except for the rustle of some quills writing on parchment.

Some people are writing, and some, like Herrag, think that it is impossible to calculate with a pen, so they are still observing the roulette wheel.

Ten minutes later, a hoarse voice broke the calm of the scene.

"I probably know how to solve it." Old Man Moore walked out of the crowd and came to Goodwin and said.

Goodwin turned to look at him with a smile: "Oh, it's Mr. Moore. Do you already have the answer?"

Old Man Moore put his hands behind his back, glanced at the people around him with disdain, and said in a deep voice: "Of course I have an idea, but you guys just have too little knowledge. This is just a chain of witch formations, with fixed The solution is to think of the eight rings as a whole, and then work backwards using the same idea."

As he spoke, he took out a rolled piece of parchment and handed it to Goodwin: "This is my solution. Let them try it."

Goodwin took it and unfolded it to examine it carefully.

After he read it, Israel also took it and looked at it, and then passed it around to three other people.

"What do you think?" Goodwin asked Israel.

Israel frowned: "This is just some speculation. Without concrete data to support it, it may not be possible."

As soon as he said these words, Mu immediately shouted hoarsely: "You know nothing! This method of mine will definitely work!"

Israel spread his hands indifferently: "I don't think it's possible anyway, let's look at the others."

A total of five people will review it. As long as three people think it can work, they can pass it to the contaminated area for a try.

Goodwin thought: "The lack of data support is indeed a problem, but I think the idea can still be tried. What do you think?"

The other three people had similar opinions to Goodwin, and they all thought they could give it a try.

Herage watched this scene without saying a word. Deep Blue was still calculating and had no specific results.

He could only hope that the method given by Old Man Moore would not work, otherwise he would not be able to get the reward.

Goodwin took the parchment and went to the rear, probably to circulate it to the contaminated area.

While waiting for Goodwin to get a reply, Old Man Moore looked around with disdain in his eyes.

He saw Herage still frowning and thinking, and then remembered Herage's previous rude behavior towards him, and sneered: "What's wrong, kid, can't you think of it? Go back and read more, but with a brain like yours, No amount of reading can solve this problem."

Moore did not know Herage, nor did he understand Herage, but he only regarded him as a young man who had some relationship with Israel.

"I don't know if I can solve it, but your method will definitely not solve it." Herage smiled.

When Moore gave it to Goodwin, the parchment was rolled up.

Out of respect, others cannot have the magic sense to detect the content.

But Herage has Deep Blue's environmental detection and has already read what Old Man Moore wrote.

I can only say that the idea is possible, but it does not meet the actual situation of this disk.

Even if this disc is treated with a holistic approach, the relationship between it is still too complicated. Old Man Moore's parchment did not mention how to solve this problem.

So Israel vetoed it at the time. Goodwin and others also knew about this problem, but thought that this idea was okay and they could give it a try. Maybe a blind cat would solve it if it ran into a dead mouse.

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