Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 336 Surveillance

Herage underestimated the impact he had at that meeting. β–²πΊπ‘œπ‘œπ‘”π‘™π‘’ Search for π‘ π‘‘π‘œπ‘π‘œπ‘šReadβ–²

During this time, some people occasionally invited him to have a meal or something.

The identity of the inviter is not ordinary, so it is difficult to refuse.

Herage also learned a piece of news while having dinner with Israel, Moore, and Goodwin.

That was Thranduil's pioneer team. They were very grateful to Herague and planned to come over to express their gratitude in person when they came back.

Herage was quite curious about the pioneers and was ready to chat with these people.

Although there are many social activities, Herage's focus is still on meditation practice and has not fallen behind.

Whenever he is free, Herage will come to the Wizard Tower to meditate and practice.


As usual, Herage walked out of the wizard's tower and walked home after finishing his meditation.

Ever since he learned about the internal and external troubles in the Land of Dawn, Herage had the habit of always turning on environmental detection.

He was walking on the King's Street with a normal expression on his face, but he was extremely vigilant in his heart.

Herage found it in a hotel outside King Street.

A young man was sitting on the hotel bed. He spread his right hand and there was an eyeball in the palm of his hand.

Although Herage didn't know where the young man was looking with his eyeballs, he was certain that this young man was probably an Abyss cultist.

The eyeball looked very similar to the one that appeared above Israel's house, but it was a smaller version.

Herage suspected that the other party was spying on him, but he didn't feel like he was being watched.

Herague was not completely sure, because if that eyeball was the power of the evil god from the abyss plane, it was very possible that he was completely unaware of it.

Anyone who has been promoted to an official wizard will have very keen senses.

If it were a conventional surveillance method, the wizard being monitored would definitely be aware of it.

Therefore, it is often necessary to use some special means to prevent the person being monitored from noticing.

If Herrag hadn't had Deep Blue's environmental detection, he wouldn't have been able to detect this young man's behavior.

He wasn't sure who the young man was spying on.

The people living in King Street are all people from Thranduil, and it is normal for the Abyss Cultists to monitor this place.

Herage carefully observed the young man's movements and found that he only looked at the eyeballs in his hands and made no other movements.

The other party did not behave abnormally, and Herage did not act rashly.

It was impossible for him to tell Pris directly that there was an abyss cultist here and he should come and catch him.

Because normally, Herage had no reason to find an Abyss cultist living in the hotel across the street.

That would seem too unusual.

Herague returned home as usual, and did not mention the incident to Reis. Everything was as usual.

He kept paying attention to the young man and found that the other man's eyes were staring at the palm of his hand.

"This person keeps staring, isn't his eyes dry?" Herage asked doubtfully.

If the man wasn't still breathing, Herage would have thought he was a dead man.


In the hotel, Brown stared at the eyes in the palm of his hand.

He seemed to be staring at the palm of his hand, but in fact his field of vision had switched to Herrag, who was a street away.

This is a power blessed by the gods, which can make the person under surveillance unaware.

Unless the other person is a level three wizard, there is no way he will notice that he is looking at him.

Brown has always been very cautious.

Although Herage was only a wizard in the liquefaction stage, he still did not act rashly.

After arriving near King Street, the first thing Brown did was to start monitoring Herlag.

He had to first figure out Herlag's pattern of action, and then find the right time to strike based on the pattern of action.

Brown had already arrived at the hotel in the afternoon, until Herague entered the wizard tower to practice.

The protective witch formation at the wizard tower was very special, and even his evil eye could not see clearly what was going on inside.

Brown was patient and waited for Herrag to come out.

When Herage came out, Brown silently remembered the time when Herage came out.

He is a patient hunter and is in no rush to strike.

When he strikes, it's a one-hit kill.

There are many members of Thranduil in King Street, so we need to find a suitable time.

In Brown's eyes, Herague was already a prey that was within his control.

For the next five days, Herage's life was monotonous and simple.

I meditate and practice in the Wizard Tower, go home to sleep at night, get up and continue to practice in the Wizard Tower. My life is very regular.

Brown stayed at the hotel during this time, keeping an eye on Herrag except for meals and occasional naps.

After a few days, Brown felt that he had almost mastered it and it was time to take action.

According to his observations, it was almost evening when Herague came out of the Wizard Tower every day, close to nightfall.

The path leading out from the Wizard Tower is also less crowded, so it is suitable for taking action.


Herague came out of the wizard tower a little late today, later than usual, and it was already dark.

After this period of observation, he was almost certain that the young man in the hotel was spying on him.

Because of King Street, few people stayed here all the time during the past five days, and they would go out for more or less activities.

But the young man has been staying in the hotel, which means that the person he is monitoring has also been staying in this area.

Herage related his experience some time ago and guessed that he was being targeted by the Abyss cultists.

He directly or indirectly killed several Abyss cultists several times in succession, probably because he attracted too much hatred.

Every time Herage is on the road, he looks relaxed on the surface, but in fact he is fully focused and ready to fight.

The rune stones are also prepared to ensure that the news can be communicated to Prius as soon as possible.

As long as the Abyss cultists dare to take action against him, Herage will at least ensure that he has time to react.

He has observed it thoroughly in the past few days, and the only other person seems to be the one in the hotel.

The young man also appeared to be acting alone, with no other helpers.

This man's strength seems to be very ordinary, he is just a third-class wizard apprentice.

But Herage didn't think that he only had this strength, and he probably had some hidden tricks.

When Herage came out of the wizard's tower, he was surprised to find that the young man was no longer in the hotel.

The young man was already on the road that Herage had to pass on his way home. He was leaning on the side of the road in an ordinary way, drinking from a bottle of wine in his hand.

The flow of people here is relatively small. Occasionally, someone passing by just glances at him and leaves without paying much attention.

Because in King Street, no one dares to cause trouble casually.

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