Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 349 Falling into the contaminated area

Although Preuss didn't know why Herague had a conflict with Franz, it was still a fight to the death. 【】

It looks a bit haphazard, but the result is good.

After Preuss and others explored the situation underground, they felt a sense of fear.

There is a huge witch circle underground in the entire Mozambi slum. The function of the witch circle has not yet been determined.

Because this witch formation is so huge, just recording it will take a long time, and analysis will take even more time.

Judging from the complexity of the witch formation, this is no longer an ordinary second or third level witch formation.

The secret hidden behind it must be very important. Judging from the traces on the scene, the witchcraft array seemed to have been activated briefly, but it seemed that the activation failed.

Goodwin personally took over the investigation work related to the witchcraft formation and convened a group of outstanding witchcraft masters to investigate, analyze and study together.

It will take some time to get the results, and other aspects of the investigation will also need to be carried out simultaneously during this period.

Herage was missing. Judging from the traces at the scene, he did not leave here, but disappeared suddenly.

The place where it disappeared was right next to Franz's head. It seemed that Herage had been carrying this head before.

Then, without knowing what happened, Herage disappeared.

Preuss guessed that it must be related to the witch formation. We will know roughly when the investigation results of the witch formation come out.

As for whether Herague was still alive, Price preferred that he should be fine for the time being, as no traces of injuries were found at the scene. ☜

At the moment, the only thing we can do is to send out news to find Herague's whereabouts. The news will be sent to the entire Land of Dawn.

Herage looked at the black ground beneath his feet and fell into deep thought.

He had obviously come to a contaminated area.

The only question is, where is this contaminated area?

Herague did not have a detailed map of the contaminated area. It was estimated that no one in the entire Land of Dawn had such a map.

He looked up at the sky, felt the position of the stars, and after identifying the direction, began to move towards the east.

The Land of Dawn is located to the east of the contaminated area.

As long as Herage is not to the east of the Land of Dawn, you can reach the Land of Dawn sooner or later by walking eastward.

If you reach the seaside, it means that the Land of Dawn is to the west.

Herage could only choose to take a gamble. Anyway, it was impossible to go west now.

If you are to the west of the Land of Dawn, going west will only lead you deeper and deeper into the contaminated area.

From a probability perspective, the area to the east of the Land of Dawn is also much smaller than the area in other directions.

Therefore, the probability of him landing in the east of the Land of Dawn is relatively low.

All things considered, it makes the most sense to go east.

But these are all long-term problems. The immediate problem is how to survive here.

Needless to say, the dangers in polluted areas are dangerous. Herage has heard about them countless times.

He first checked his body and found that the space rings and rune stones were all there.

As long as the space ring is there, it's fine. It stores a lot of supplies.

There are a lot of potion materials, enough to open a potion material warehouse.

There are also several sets of complete sets of magic potion refining equipment, and you can complete the magic potion refining work when you need it.

There are also a lot of finished magic potions, and the quantity is extremely large.

Herage has always had a sense of crisis, so the space ring has always been stocked with various types of magic potions.

There are many types and quantities, and the main one is rich and sufficient.

There is also a lot of food, including a lot of dry food, which I can eat for more than half a year.

The only problem is water. His space ring only has enough water for about a month.

There is nothing to worry about at the moment, but the water reserve is too small compared to other supplies.

After Herrag finished checking the supplies, he began to pay attention to the movements around him.

The surrounding scenery is very monotonous, except for the black land, there are bare rocks and mountains.

Herage hasn't seen any vegetation growing yet, nor has he seen any living creatures.

Further away, there are some mountains, and the scenery further away cannot be seen.

Herage still maintains his Titan power to deal with situations that may arise at any time.

The absolute defensive shield on the body is also maintained. If the magic power is gone, just drink medicine. There are plenty of magic medicine in the space ring.

Safety is the most important thing.

Deep Blue's environmental detection is also constantly unfolding, always paying attention to the movements around it.

Herage walked for a while and found that the surroundings were a little too quiet. There was no sound at all, as if there was no living thing in the world.

The sky in the polluted area is also different from that in the Land of Dawn. There are clusters of black clouds and gray fog in the sky, and it is difficult to see what is hidden inside.

If it weren't for the starry sky meditation method, Herage wouldn't be able to tell the direction by looking at the stars.

He can determine the direction by directly sensing the position of the stars.

Herage walked alone on this desolate and lonely black land for three whole hours without meeting anyone who could breathe.

Fortunately, the scenery around him was always different, and Herage could know that he was always moving forward.

If the surrounding scenery is about the same, it will give people the illusion that they have been standing still.

Herage suddenly stopped and looked down at the ground.

There are some gravels on the ground, and these gravels are shaking very slightly.

Normally, Herage wouldn't care about these situations.

But he has been here for so long and already has a certain understanding of this place.

This is a subtle change that is an anomaly, and behind the anomaly represents a possible situation.

He immediately paid attention to the situation underground and found nothing yet.

But the next second, a huge object broke into the deep blue environmental detection range and rushed towards Herlag at extremely fast speeds.

The speed was so fast that the next moment, the ground under Herage's feet was cracking.

Herage immediately flashed and moved to a place ten meters away.

Where he originally stood, an earthworm-like insect that was enlarged countless times came out.

At the top of this insect, there is a large hollow mouth, like the entrance of a huge cave.

This cylindrical bug is visually estimated to be twenty meters in diameter, and its body is extremely large.

With such a huge body, he can still move so fast.

Herage even suspected that if he hadn't noticed the abnormal trembling of the gravel on the ground, he might not have had time to react.

By the time the bug broke into Deep Blue's environmental detection range, it was already too late.

This bug is so fast.

After the insect emerged from the ground, it opened its mouth and closed it, and then realized that it had not bitten anything.

It seemed to have acquiesced that it had bitten Herage and would definitely eat him, but unexpectedly the bite was empty.

The bug sniffed around, and soon the drill pointed its big mouth at the location of Herague.

It has no eyes, just a huge cylindrical body and a huge mouth.

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