Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 360 Crawler

Herage stood outside the city wall, thinking about whether to go in or not. ◆𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞 Search for 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝟓𝟐𝟎𝐜𝐨𝐦Read◆

At this moment, the sky is gradually getting dark, and it won't be long before it will completely enter the night.

This city is very large and covers a very large area.

Herage followed the traces of the city wall and looked to both sides. The city wall stretched endlessly, with no end in sight.

He wasn't surprised when he saw the city.

Because there are many cities like this in polluted areas.

At that time, pollution was widespread and people could walk, but not the city.

After everyone left, these cities gradually became deserted and dilapidated until they became ruins and lifeless.

In the Land of Dawn, there are occasional legends about these cities.

There are stories that there are some strange beings inside, which are quite scary.

Some people have also said that there are many treasures hidden in these cities, because the people who left back then did not have time to take them all away, so they hid them in some corner of the city.

Some people even said that they had seen people in these abandoned cities. Eyewitnesses claimed that these people lived in these abandoned cities and had continued to thrive from that era to the present.

But many people sneer at this statement.

The story you make up should also be logical.

How many years have passed since the pollution first occurred, how it is possible for people to thrive in the polluted areas is simply a fantasy.

Herage used to know this information when he had time, so he knew a lot of relevant things.

Herage looked at the dilapidated and ruined city in front of him, and finally decided to go in and spend the night there.

At least you can find a bunker in the city and have room to turn around if something happens.

There were no bunkers outside the city, and the target was too obvious.

Moreover, there are no safe zones in polluted areas. It’s the same everywhere. It’s better to stay in the city.

The sky has completely darkened, and it has completely entered the dark night.

Herage walked into the city and walked along the wide road.

There is a lot of dust and gravel on the road here, as well as some strange debris.

There are almost no weeds.

Because of the spread of desolation, this abandoned city was not overwhelmed by vegetation.

If cities in other places had been abandoned for so many years, they would have become overgrown with weeds and resembled virgin forests.

But it is precisely because of this that Herage can still see the original appearance and general structure of the city.

Herage could also see from those collapsed buildings that the architectural style was completely different from the current one.

"It must have been tens of thousands of years ago..."

Herage recalled that the era before the spread of desolation was called the Era of Glory.

After the desolation spread, the current era is generally called the Dawn Age.

The implication is probably that after successfully repelling the invasion of the abyss plane, sooner or later the wizard plane will return to the polluted area, completely eliminate the pollution, and start a new era of the wizard plane.

As for how long the Era of Glory is now, Herage has not yet found detailed historical information. He only knows that it is calculated in units of ten thousand years.

Herage always felt that there were some problems with the history books he saw in the Land of Dawn. They felt unclear and seemed to have been tampered with.

He shook his head and didn't think about it for the time being. It had nothing to do with him.

Herage observed the surrounding environment through the dark blue environment detection. There were very few buildings that remained intact.

He walked along the avenue for a while before he found a room that looked relatively complete.

Judging from the surrounding ruins and the current appearance, this place should have been a large mansion before, but now the wall is completely invisible.

The main hall in this courtyard is very tall, and the main hall is constructed with very huge stones.

I don’t know what type of stone this is, but it still has high hardness after so many years.

The main hall is basically built from these large stones. The hardness of the stones itself prevents the main structure of the palace from collapsing.

After Herage walked in, he found a room and prepared to spend the night here.

There was thick dust on the ground, and after just walking a few steps, a lot of dust started to rise.

The conditions were limited, and Herage couldn't ask for more. It would be nice to have a place to shelter from the wind and rain.

There were several chairs in this room, all made of wood, which would rot and collapse at the slightest touch.

Herage gathered some wind element energy particles and blew out all the dust in the room.

After cleaning it up a bit, I finally had an open space to sit down.

After all the dust in the house settled, Herage took out dry food and drinking water and began to replenish his strength.

He calmed down and began to meditate to restore the consumed magic power and adjust his condition at the same time.

Now my mind is completely filled with liquefied mental power, and my mental power can no longer grow.

If you want to go further, you can only compress these liquefied mental powers into a crystal and enter the crystallized wizard stage.

As soon as you enter the crystallized wizard stage, the upper limit of your mental power becomes extremely high.

As the Crystallizer's spiritual power increases, the crystals will grow a little larger.

Normally, it takes a lot of spiritual power to increase the size of the crystal.

For most wizards, the mental power crystals in their minds will not change much until they are promoted to a second-level wizard.

There are also many wizards who have stopped in the crystallization stage for life, and the mental power crystals in their minds until they die are about the same size as they were at the beginning.

Because if you want to increase the size of the mental power crystal, it requires too much mental power.

Most wizards can only increase their spiritual power by meditating for a lifetime, and the crystals will not become particularly large.

Herage still did not start the work of compressing his mental power, but relied on meditation to restore his magic power and adjust his own condition.

While he was meditating, he suddenly noticed a figure on a street a few hundred meters away.

That object can only be described as a human figure, because it is a humanoid creature that is completely black.

When Herage saw it, he immediately realized what it was.

He had seen relevant records and descriptions in the diary he picked up. This was a common monster in contaminated areas, called a crawler.

Creepers are mostly transformed by people who died in contaminated areas before. These people may have been wizard apprentices or knights.

He has a certain strength, but his strength is not too strong.

Although the strength of the crawlers varies from individual to individual, generally speaking, they are at the level of third-class wizard apprentices or knights.

The Creeper itself is said to be immortal, with no fatal wounds on its body.

Even if their heads are cut off, they can still move freely and will not be affected.

The way wizards deal with crawlers is to use fire spells to burn them completely.

If it is just chopped into several parts, each part of the crawler can still move independently, which is extremely weird.

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