Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 363 Third Level Witch Array

"Master Bawei, Master Booker and the others have been out all day, and they haven't come back yet. Could it be..."

A young man wearing glasses said worriedly to the middle-aged man beside him.

Bawei thought: "There are indeed some problems. They may be in trouble. Booker has a two-way fixed-point transmission witchcraft in his hand. Logically speaking, he should be able to come back immediately after exploring the ruins. So far, he has not come back, so he can only It means they were either trapped in the ruins or encountered something."

"But Lord Booker and the others should be able to teleport back through the magic weapon even if they encounter any danger." Sean, who was wearing glasses, said.

Bawei shook his head: "It takes time to activate the magic weapon. If you encounter any special circumstances, there won't be that time for you to slowly activate the magic weapon and teleport back."

"Lord Booker is a second-level wizard. No matter what kind of trouble, he won't even have time to activate the magic weapon..." Sean realized that things might be more troublesome than imagined.

They are all full members of Eye of the Storm and one of its pioneer squads.

The captain of this pioneer team is Bawe, and Booker is the vice-captain.

The pioneer team composed of two second-level wizards is supposed to be very powerful, and generally it will not encounter too difficult things.

They can handle most things.

Booker specially brought a few students out this time in order to train them.

Although Ba Wei had some opinions, Booker was also an old man with very senior qualifications, and he couldn't control Booker.

Bawe couldn't say much about Booker's behavior and could only let him go.

Anyway, if something happens, it's not his problem. Booker is responsible for it.

Booker said during the day that he was going to explore the ruins he discovered last time, so Bawe and others waited here.

Ba Wei also knew about the ruins. Just by looking at the shape of the castle, he knew that there shouldn't be anything too good.

Correspondingly, the risk will be much smaller.

Bawei and others erected a protective witch formation on the spot, waiting for the return of Booker and others.

Who knew that after waiting for a whole day, Booker and the others had no news at all.

Bawei looked at the dark night sky and felt a bad feeling in his heart.

It is no small matter that a level two wizard will never come back.

Bawei and others are now in a bare hill.

From the outside, it looks like a very ordinary hill, no different from the bare mountains in other polluted areas.

You can't feel the breath of Bawei and others inside the mountain, and the sounds, smells, etc. will not be leaked out.

This is a protective witch formation commonly used by pioneer teams. It is used to have a relatively safe shelter when taking a short rest.

Although this hill looks ordinary, it is actually a level three witch formation. New 🅇.🄲🄾🄼

With this witch formation, you will be much safer when spending the night in a polluted area.

Once the witch formation is deployed, it will automatically change according to the surrounding scene to conceal the figures of those inside.

At the same time, this level three witch formation also has strong defensive capabilities. Even level three wizards cannot break through this witch formation for a while.

Bawe did not expect that Booker had not come back after being out for so long this time.

The question now is how long he can wait here.

Booker's witchcraft is located here. If he leaves, there will be no safe place for Booker to return.

But if you don't leave, even if there is a level three witch formation, it is very dangerous to stay in one spot in the contaminated area for a long time.

Bawe has to take responsibility for the other five players in the camp now.

"One day...if I can't come back the day after tomorrow, I have no choice but to leave first."

After thinking for a long time, Bawe decided to stay here for another day tomorrow.

If Booker still hasn't come back, it can only mean that something happened to him.

If something happens to Booker, it's probably not something he can solve.

Bawei will not rush to find Booker. He is only responsible for passing the news back, and the specific how to do it is decided by the superiors.

Of course, the more important reason is that he has a very average relationship with Booker, and he even hates Booker a little.

Therefore, I will definitely not take risks for Booker. Being able to stay for one more day is already the end of my kindness.

"Lord Bawei, did you hear some sounds?" Sean suddenly asked, interrupting Bawei who was deep in thought.

"Sound?" Bawei was a little confused, and then listened carefully.

After listening carefully for a while, his expression changed. He indeed heard movement coming from far and near, coming this way.

Bawei then stretched out his hand, and the magic power gathered in his hand, condensing into a blue mirror.

A distant scene appeared in the mirror, and the first thing that caught my eye was a large swath of crawlers running wildly.

Bawe manipulated the mirror to change the angle of view, and soon discovered who this army of crawlers was chasing.

It was a young man flying in the air, wearing dark golden armor, and he looked like a person.

Bawei was a little surprised as to why a lone ranger appeared in the polluted area.

No matter which force is in the Land of Dawn, their pioneer teams will all act together and will never act alone. This is a taboo.

The dangers in contaminated areas are too high and there are too many uncertainties.

Even an entire team of pioneers is at risk of being wiped out, let alone one person acting alone.

Bawei didn't recognize this young man, and he didn't see any symbol of power on his clothes.

It can only be speculated that this person was alone, and was hunted down by such a large number of crawlers for unknown reasons.

"Creepers! Why are there so many of them!" Sean exclaimed after seeing them, shocked by the scene in front of him.

It's not like he has never seen crawlers before, but this is the first time he has seen such a scene with densely packed crawlers everywhere.

"Sir, these crawlers are coming this way, we..." Sean looked at Bawe with some worry.

Bawe knew what he meant.

The third-level witch formation is naturally not afraid of these crawlers, no matter how many there are, it is useless.

The problem isn't the crawlers, it's the fact that so many crawlers create too much noise.

In polluted areas, keeping a low profile is the most important rule of thumb.

You can't light a fire at night. If you light a fire, you will become a conspicuous target.

Similarly, you can't make too much noise, otherwise it will attract inexplicable existences.

Now there are so many of these crawlers, they are like locusts passing through the polluted area, making too much noise.

Such a big movement will definitely attract the attention of many beings in the polluted area.

Although Ba Wei and others can be temporarily safe in the third-level witchcraft formation, it does not mean that they will always be safe.

If there is an existence like a legendary monster, there is no use hiding in the witch formation, it will still be able to detect your presence.

Even if the third-level witch formation is very powerful, it will not be able to withstand the fierce attack of the legendary monster.

Staying in the witch formation is like catching a turtle in a urn, and you will definitely die.

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