Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 381 Secret Room

"Can you send me away from Solti City? I want to go to Silver Beach City." Herage asked directly.

Sam thought: "Silver Beach City..."

He knew that Herage was definitely not the normal way mentioned, otherwise there would be no need to come to him.

If it is an abnormal way, it will be a bit troublesome. It is not that easy to send a living person out.

Sam's usual business is to take some things out, and he has also done business with people, but there is no guarantee of 100% safety.

In the past, it was risky for him to take this business. If he died, he would die, but this time it was different.

Herage's life was equal to his life. If Herage died, he would not be able to live.

Sam said: "There are ways. In the past, people usually stayed with the goods, and then sneaked away after they were delivered to the destination. We have people loading and unloading the goods, so we can arrange it. But the problem is, When the airship arrives in every city, there is a certain chance that someone will check the cargo. Once it is found out that someone is hiding, it will definitely be arrested and interrogated. "

"The people being interrogated usually have some problems, so they often end up miserable..."

Sam told all the risks involved, hoping in his heart that Herague would not take any risks.

After hearing what he said, Herage thought for a moment and asked: "I know, is there any other way, such as forging identities?"

If you can have a legal identity, you don't need to take these risks and can reach Silver Beach City through normal channels.

Sam said helplessly: "Sir, if it's just a fake identity, it's easy. But if it's an identity that can withstand inspections in various cities, it's not easy. It's not something that can be done in a short time. Yes, it will take at least half a year, but I don’t think adults can wait that long.”

Herage nodded, he also knew the difficulty.

To forge an identity that can withstand inspections in various cities, the only way is to construct a real identity.

Due to the magic network in the Land of Dawn, a lot of information is not so easy to forge. To forge such an identity is equivalent to creating a person out of thin air.

Although Sam seemed to have quite a lot of connections and abilities, after all, his level was not high and he was nothing compared to the real big shots in Solti.

He wants to forge such an identity, which is almost the limit of his ability, so it will take a long time.

Naturally, it was impossible for Herage to stay in Solti City for half a year. It was too long and there were too many variables.

Another way is to contact the people in Thranduil through Sam's runestones and inform Helag's situation.

But this method is also risky, because every wizard organization can monitor the communication of rune stones, especially Sam's rune stones, which are most likely to be monitored.

Once the news is sent out, Herag may not have time to wait for Thranduil's people to arrive, and he will be exposed first.

Herage thought for a while and said: "In that case, let's send me out according to the previous method. If there is danger, we can only adapt to circumstances."

"Sir...well, I will try my best to take care of it, at least try to prevent this batch of goods from being inspected." Sam hesitated, but there was no other way but to do his best to do this.

"When?" Herrag asked.

"In three days, a batch of smuggled goods will be sent out in three days. At that time, I will find a way to arrange it and do my best to ensure your safety." Sam said.

"Okay, prepare a quiet room for me and don't let anyone disturb me." Herage planned to spend the next three days here.

Sam is also considered a somewhat powerful person, and his house is relatively safe.

"Sir, I have a secret room there, it's absolutely safe." Sam said immediately.

Herage nodded and looked out the window.

It was already dawn at this time, and a ray of sunlight came in through the window, shining on the sleeping Qiao Ellie.

"Take me to your secret room." Herage looked away and said.

"My lord, this woman..." Sam suggested again.

"Don't cause trouble for me." Herage is not a thief, and he doesn't want to cause trouble.

Sam could only nod: "Okay."

Sam led Herage forward on this floor and came to an oil painting. The oil painting depicted a naked woman, but her face looked very dignified.

He gathered magic power in his hand and input it into the oil painting, which immediately rippled.

The naked woman in the oil painting suddenly came to life, her eyes looking at the two of them intently.

Sam said: "Open the door."

The woman nodded and waved her hand. The wall where the oil painting was located immediately began to change, and a door appeared on the side.

Sam opened the door and said, "Sir, please come in."

When Herage walked in, he found that this was a very exquisite room.

The area is not large, but it has everything, including magic potions, armor and other weapons, as well as a lot of storable food, and some drinking water. It seems that this is the hiding place Sam prepared for himself.

The only drawback of this room is that it has no windows and can only be illuminated by lights, which makes it a bit depressing if you stay there for a long time.

Herage naturally didn't care about this and nodded: "That's right. You can go do the work and let me know if you have anything else."

Sam said: "If you have any orders, please tell me."

Herage nodded and said nothing. After Sam left, he lay on the bed and began to meditate.

Sam walked a little quickly when he went out, obviously very anxious, and immediately started to prepare for this matter.

This time is different from the past, and it must be handled very well.

The management of each link will only be more than before, and the money cannot be reduced.

It’s a matter of life and fortune, so there’s no way to think about saving money.

For three days, Herage stayed in this secret room without leaving the door, just meditating quietly to adjust his state.

"Sir, everything has been arranged." Sam came to report.

Herage still looked like he had taken the Thousand Changer potion, and he drank another dose in the past two days to maintain the effect.

In order to facilitate things, Sam had sent Qiao Ellie back to his home.

It would be late at night, and Sam was going to take Herrag out under the cover of darkness.

At this point, most people in Solti were already asleep, but for the airship dock, it was just the time when work was just beginning.

A large number of goods need to be loaded and unloaded, and the loading and unloading work needs to be completed before dawn.

When daybreak comes, the airship will depart for the next city.

As planned, Sam took Herague to the dock in a carriage.

The dock of Solti City is located on the east side of the city. There is a vast square here, and a huge airship is docked quietly next to the square.

This airship is much smaller than the one Herage took to the Land of Dawn, but it is still huge, with a visual height of about three hundred meters.

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