Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 400 Picture

Aisles, ladies in black stockings, huge red claws, flames...

Herage saw various fragments of scenes from a few days ago through Lu Luo's perspective. ♡

This is a unique magic method of the elves, which can communicate with nature.

The pictures are all very fragmented and cannot form a continuous process.

Herage didn't miss a single moment, carefully observing every scene that flashed by.

He got a lot of information from these screen clips and roughly deduced the situation at that time.

Although David's figure was not found in the picture, he knew the general direction of the crowd's escape.

Judging from these scenes, most of the people who fled at that time ran towards the south.

Because the north is actually the area where the red monster is, these people were forced to stay away and could only run to the south. There were also some shadows running to both sides.

But the number of people running to both sides was much smaller, and most of them went to the south.

There is no city in the south, but it is bordered by endless polluted areas, covering a vast area.

After sorting out all the footage, Herage analyzed it and decided to go south.

Since David's body was not found at the scene, the probability that David fled south with the crowd was relatively high.

"Titan Power."

After Herage decided on the direction, he directly entered the form of Titan Power to ensure that he had enough combat power to deal with various emergencies. ♦♜

Since entering the crystallized wizard stage, due to the improvement of mental power and the existence of mental power crystals, the intensity of various spells has increased slightly.

The increase in Titan's power has naturally increased accordingly, and it is essentially still a spell.

Herage, who was more than four meters tall, looked ahead, kicked his feet, and sprinted out like an arrow.

He took out the Flying Feather from the space ring and placed it directly on the back of his hand, ready to activate it at any time.

After Herrag launched Deep Blue's environmental detection, he headed south in the contaminated area at an extremely high speed.

Just about two kilometers out, Herage saw a corpse.

It was a female wizard with a curvy figure. It seemed that she must have been a beauty before she was born.

However, she had turned into a corpse at this moment, with an obvious huge wound on her neck.

At a glance, you can tell that this kind of wound was not caused by a cold weapon, but by a spell similar to the wind blade. The marks on the incision are completely different from the scars caused by the cold weapon.

This man was killed by other wizards.

Herage guessed that there was some enemy, otherwise normal people would not think of killing others on the way to escape.

There must have always been grudges, and then the attack happened to be at this suitable place.

The skin on the surface of the corpse has turned black in many places. This black color is very similar to the black color on the body of the crawler.

Herage knew that if this corpse was left alone, a new crawler would appear soon.

He gathered magic power in his hand and cast a fireball spell over the corpse, completely incinerating it.

This woman probably didn't want to turn into an ugly creeper after her death. There was only so much Herage could do.

Purifying the environment is everyone’s responsibility.

After Herage finished dealing with the corpse that was about to mutate, he quickened his pace and explored forward.

He felt that something was not good about David's situation.

The contaminated area is inherently dangerous, and now we have to be wary of threats from other people.

There were so many people fleeing there at that time. These people were all wizards, and no one was a good person.

When resources such as food and drinking water are insufficient, various disputes will inevitably arise.

Herage knew very well that there were almost no food sources and drinking water in the contaminated area, so he basically had to stock up in advance.

Since Herage had always been cautious, he always had enough supplies in the space ring, which allowed him to persist in the contaminated area for so long.

But this is not necessarily the case for those on the airship. Who would usually prepare so many things in the space ring if they have nothing to do.

Space rings are very expensive. The bigger the space, the more expensive they are. Most people have to use their space on their fingers.

This was the ninth day after the airship accident. David hid in a pile of rubble, took out a piece of bacon from the space ring, chewed it, and then drank some water to moisten his throat.

There is still plenty of food, enough to last for several months.

The only thing I worry about is drinking water, which is only enough for a month.

David did not dare to drink more, and would only drink a little when he was very thirsty.

He wasn't sure when he would get out, or even if he could get out.

So you have to use water sparingly to last longer.

David learned how to store so much food and water from Herage.

He used to not understand why Herage always carried so many supplies with him, but now he understood that this was to be prepared.

Although David didn't understand this principle before, he felt that Herage was very powerful, talented and smart, and it would be right to learn from a smart person.

So after David came to do business, he followed suit and stored a lot of supplies in the space ring.

Unexpectedly, it would actually be useful one day, and it was also a critical moment to save lives.

David watched the sky darken completely, knowing that he was about to enter a dark night without any light.

He felt that he probably wouldn't be able to go back this time.

At that time, he ran away in a hurry and ran very far. When he stopped, he could no longer tell the direction.

It seems that there is also a problem with the sense of direction here, and the direction cannot be accurately located.

David took out the runestones and after opening them, he found that he still couldn't use the magic network.

His only regret was that he did not transfer the magic stones and gold coins he had earned in the past few years to Herage and Reis in time.

If he died like this, then all the money would be in vain.

Leaving it to Herage will allow him to exchange for more resources and become stronger, which will be more beneficial to the Church family.

Leaving it for Ruisi will also allow her to buy more things she wants to buy. Even with Herrag around, she shouldn't be short of money to spend.

No matter what, it's better than just wasting it.

David was still wondering whether Thranduil's bank could directly determine that he was dead and then transfer the money out.

He sighed. Although he was still a little afraid of death, he wasn't that afraid.

When David decided to start a business, he had already anticipated that such a day would come.

I have only been working for so many years, but it seems that I have not made any results or created much value.

David gradually felt sleepy and tired, but he knew he couldn't sleep.

This place is dangerous in the polluted area, and it is even more dangerous at night.

He almost lost his life several times in the past few days. Once, in order to save his life, he even let a salamander bomb explode at close range between him and the monster.

Although David was injured and had several broken bones, the monster died and he survived.

New 𝐱.𝐜𝐨𝐦

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