Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 405 Lava Giant

As a second-level wizard, Irina would naturally not be able to sense the existence of cracks in the plane.

When plane cracks occur, there will be obvious spatial fluctuations in the surrounding area.

Irina has a keen sense and can sense the existence of spatial fluctuations from a distance.

She approached with Herage between her legs, and a fiery red stream of light streaked through the air, leaving an afterimage.

Herage was not completely immersed in tenderness, but was observing Irina's flying method.

He couldn't quite figure out what spell Irina used, and could only guess that it was a second-level spell related to rules.

Judging from Irina's performance, she should be a wizard specializing in the fire system, and most of the rules she understands are also in the fire system.

Herage guessed that her spell should use the rules of the fire element system to give herself power similar to elementalization, thereby achieving this kind of flying speed.

He couldn't help but feel a little envious. These spells that could use the power of rules were much stronger than first-level spells, and they were not from the same world.

Herage was about to turn his head to see what was going on on the other side of the space crack, but was pressed down by Irina's hand again, almost out of breath.

"Don't move." Irina said.

The wind was blowing all around, which meant that Herage was in good health, otherwise he would definitely be sick if he was not wearing clothes and was blown by the wind like this.

“Arrived. ☜”

As soon as Irina finished speaking, the two of them landed on the ground.

As soon as Herag stood still, he took out the robe from the space ring and put it on.

Although there was no one here, he really didn't have the habit of running around naked.

After Irina landed, she looked seriously at the black vortex in front of her and the plane crack.

After Herrag put on his clothes, he was also observing the cracks in the plane.

The plane cracks have increased in length and width compared to when he left.

It's not a huge increase, but it's slowly increasing.

This is not a good sign. It shows that the cracks in this plane cannot be healed automatically by the self-repair of the will of the world alone.

If left alone, the cracks in this plane will become bigger and bigger by the existence on the abyss plane.

Irina took out a red stone from the space ring, placed it in the palm of her hand, and chanted a few weird syllables. Magic and fire energy particles gathered around the stone.

"Lava Giant."

Irina let go of her hand, and the red stone in her hand floated out, quickly condensing into a six-meter-tall lava giant in front of her.

The lava giant's whole body is made of stone, and there is magma flowing between the stones.

"Stay here and kill all the targets that come out of the crack. ☞" Irina gave the order.

The lava giant roared angrily, then turned around and walked towards the crack in the plane with clumsy steps, leaving traces of burning wherever he walked.

"Let's go back quickly."

Irina does not repair the cracks in the plane. She just uses her speed advantage to quickly detect the situation so that she can go back and report it.

This lava giant is comparable to a second-level wizard in terms of strength and defense.

Irina was mainly afraid that monsters would come out through the cracks in the plane while she was away.

With the lava giant here, there is no problem in dealing with ordinary monsters.

After Irina confirmed the situation here, she casually dropped two red crystals on the ground.

After the red crystal fell to the ground, it sank directly into the ground. Herage guessed that it was a tool used for positioning.

Not everyone can accurately identify directions in contaminated areas like him, and other wizards can only rely on other means.

After Irina threw the two red crystals into the ground, the ends of her hair turned into burning flames again.

When Herage saw this scene, he anticipated what was going to happen next.

Sure enough, my head was pressed into the gentleness again, and I almost couldn't breathe.

In this painful and happy process, Herage was carried flying quickly and returned to the Crystal City not long after.

"Come with me to see the Lord of the City. This matter is very important." Irina said to Herage.

Herage nodded and knew that the situation was serious, so he followed Irina towards a tall wizard tower.

This wizard tower is obviously much taller and thicker than other wizard towers in the city, and it is particularly conspicuous.

Irina led Herage in. With her leading the way, many interrogations were eliminated, and the guards guarding the door let him go.

After Herage followed Irina into the wizard tower, he found that the first floor seemed to be much larger than it looked from the outside.

This is a place similar to a living room with a very large area.

There was a circle of leather sofas in the middle of the living room. When Herage came in, he saw a huge oil painting on the opposite wall, depicting a black goat's head, which looked very weird.

Shouldn't the oil painting hanging in a normal person's home be a portrait of the owner? Why is there a black goat's head hanging here?

Herage was a little confused, but he didn't ask any more questions.

"Irina, I understand what you are talking about. I have contacted Master Mot of the Wizard Association, and we will set off when he arrives." A young man in a black dress was in the living room, holding a glass of red wine. said.

"Lord Dormer, this is Herague. He discovered the situation there." Irina introduced.

Dormer turned to look at Herage and said with a smile: "It's from Parker, right? He's done a great job. You've made a great contribution this time. If you hadn't discovered the plane crack there in time, the consequences would have been disastrous."

"This is what I should do." Herage said politely.

He had already inquired about it on the way here. This Duomo was the lord of Crystal City and a third-level wizard.

Not every city lord is a third-level wizard. The lord of most cities may only be a second-level wizard.

There are not many level three wizards like Parker in the Land of Dawn who can get themselves a third-level wizard from the floating city.

Duo Mo smiled and said: "I will report your matter, and your contribution will definitely be indispensable."

"Thank you Lord Dormer, thank you Ms. Irina." Herage thanked him.

Irina glanced at him and said charmingly: "Unfortunately, if it wasn't an emergency this time, I would have to play with you."

Herage smiled helplessly, not knowing what to say.

Dormer just smiled and took a sip of red wine. He seemed not surprised at all by Irina's behavior and had become accustomed to it.

"My friend was injured and is still being treated, so I took my leave and went to see him." Herage said quickly.

Naturally, Domo would not have any objections. Their focus now is still on how to solve the plane rift.

Herage couldn't help at this point. He was a drag even on his way and needed to be carried by Irina.

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