Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 418 World No. X617

Chapter 418 World No. X-617

After Herage entered the Land of Dawn, he did not pay attention to the opening of war in the elven plane. He did not expect that the difficulty of passing would be so high. new

He thought about it carefully and understood that among the people who participated in the opening war at that time, except for Malcolm, who was a crystallized wizard, the others were basically wizards in the gasification and liquefaction stages.

The age limit is under sixty, which is considered very young among wizards, and most people are not strong enough.

At least at the level of plane warfare, level one wizards are considered very weak.

In the Barrens, it is not easy to be promoted to a formal wizard, let alone a crystallized wizard before the age of sixty.

The wizards who participated in the selection probably either died in the elven plane, or their performance was not good enough to meet the requirements for passing.

"Isn't Mr. Bannings over there in the elven plane?" Herrag asked.

Bannings adjusted his monocle and said: "Last time I just organized the selection of the Barrens and did not actually participate in the war to open up the elven plane."

"That's it." Herage nodded and said.

Bannings glanced at Herlag and suddenly said: "I didn't expect you to be promoted to a crystal wizard so quickly. Are you here to participate in Operation Cradle?"

"That's right, I just came here and prepared to participate in Operation Cradle." Herage said.

Bannings smiled: "That's a coincidence. I am also responsible for organizing this Operation Cradle. It just so happens that I have nothing to do now, so I will take you in to go through the formalities."

"Thank you, Lord Bannings," Herrag said.

The first floor of the Wizards Alliance Hall is no different from other offices. It is very wide and has some classified windows to handle various matters.

The registration procedure for Operation Cradle is very simple. You only need to take out the rune stones and register briefly. All that is left is to wait, and it will officially start in one month.

When Herrag registered, he also read some information about Operation Cradle.

These materials are more detailed and describe the situation.

The number is converted from the spatial coordinates after some calculations and is unique.

This world was discovered by the surveyors of the Wizards Alliance expedition team. After exploration, it was determined to be a living, habitable, and exploitable world.

After rating the world and measuring various data, it was determined to be a low-level world.

As for the question of who this world belongs to, after the round table meeting, the Cradle Operation was launched.

Calculated according to the time of the wizard plane, there have been 3.5 billion years, and various life forms have appeared, but no civilized race with advanced intelligence has yet appeared.

Since there are no advanced intelligent races, there is no difficulty in conquering it. All you need to do is control the will of the world.

Therefore, the Wizards Alliance was not in a hurry and directly regarded Operation Cradle as a trial for potential junior wizards.

After Bannings took Herlag through the formalities, he smiled and asked, "Have you considered joining our expedition team in the future?"

"Can I also join? I'm just a crystal wizard now, and I don't know exactly what the expedition team does." Herage thought for a while and said.

He knew very little about the expedition. Apart from a brief contact in the Barrens, he had no contact with members of the expedition such as Bannings.

"Of course. For a wizard like you, it is only a matter of time before he is promoted to the second level wizard. What's more, even a crystallized wizard is enough to become a member of the expedition team. Our expedition team is an organization under the Wizards Alliance, and its main purpose is It’s about discovering and conquering other planes and plundering resources,” Bannings said.

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Herage began to think about this problem seriously. In the future, more and more resources will be needed.

His most reliable way to obtain resources currently is to earn contribution points and then exchange them for resources through Seranduil's channels.

But the problem is that the normal way to earn contribution points is too slow, and it may be difficult to support subsequent resource needs.

Joining the expedition team is indeed a very good choice. Although the risk is higher, the rewards are also very generous.

It will be relatively safer to participate in plane expeditions after being promoted to a second-level wizard.

Herage was cautious by nature and felt that he still needed to have enough understanding before making a decision.

Seeing him thinking, Bannings smiled and said: "You don't have to answer me in a hurry, I'm just asking. When you think about it clearly, just contact me through the rune stones at any time."

"Thank you Mr. Bannings." Herrag said gratefully.

After Herage said goodbye to Bannings, he left the Alliance Hall, where Bannings still had to deal with some expeditionary affairs.

The street outside the Wizarding Alliance Hall was empty, and there were no carriages. It seemed that the carriages were not allowed to park idle here.

Herage was going to walk to the next street to see if he could hail a carriage.

There is an alley connecting the two streets, which is long, narrow and dark.

Herage walked into the alley, and when he was halfway there, he suddenly stopped.

Suddenly a person appeared in front of him, a boy with freckles on his face.

Herage looked up and recognized the man: "Malcolm."

He didn't expect to meet Malcolm here.

Malcolm showed a simple and honest smile, like a little boy, and said with a smile: "What a coincidence, we meet again. I didn't expect that you are already a crystallized wizard. It seems that you must have some secrets. Part 1 You're lucky to have escaped this time, otherwise I would have had a very interesting experimental material."

"This time, I won't let you escape again."

The magic aura surged around Malcolm's body, and he was obviously ready to take action.

Herage was not afraid at all, and looked at Malcolm's expression without any change. Now he was no longer powerless to fight back against Malcolm.

The last time he faced Malcolm, if Barty hadn't arrived in time, Herage would have died in Malcolm's hands.

But now, everything is different.

Although Malcolm knew that Herague was already a crystallized wizard, he still did not take him seriously.

Just when he was about to take action, a voice came from behind Herage: "Malcolm, if you take action against Herage, I have the right to disqualify you from Operation Cradle."

Herage looked back and saw it was Bannings.

Bannings walked over with a calm expression, patted Herage on the shoulder and smiled, then looked at Malcolm: "You are all participants in Operation Cradle. You cannot attack each other, at least not now."

"You are so lucky." Malcolm did not dare to make a mistake in front of Bannings. He glanced at Herlag with an indifferent expression, then put away the magic aura surging in his body and turned away.

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