Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 422 Operation Cradle Begins

Bannings continued: "What you have to do is go in and find where the will of the world is, and then use this world scepter to control it, and everything will be over."

Although he said it in an understatement, as if it was very simple, everyone knew that this was not an easy task.

The will of the world is an illusory thing. Those present are all first-level wizards who have never even been exposed to the power of rules. It is not easy to complete this task.

Herage glanced at the World Scepter in Bannings' hand. It looked like just a short wooden staff, nothing special.

He probably also knows why he has entered the one hundred and eightyth place. This number is very small for the entire Land of Dawn. It is probably because there is not enough World Scepter.

One hundred and eighty level two witchcraft weapons are no longer a small amount of money.

Although the Wizards Alliance has invested heavily in the plane opening war, it is not unlimited, and there are only so many resources.

After Bannings introduced the World Scepter, he took out a ring inlaid with black jade: "This is a teleportation ring, which records the coordinates of the teleportation point here. As long as you activate this ring, you can leave. Please Use as appropriate.”

A world scepter and a teleportation ring were distributed to all those involved in Operation Cradle.

Herage put the teleportation ring on his finger so that he could activate it at any time.

The World Scepter is stored in the space ring. This thing is not used at ordinary times. It will be useful only at that time.

After the items are distributed, it is time to enter the final stage, which is transmission.

It is a very small altar, only about ten square meters. Compared with the altars at other teleportation points, it is considered a miniature altar.

The way to teleport is to walk up to the altar, and then the wizard next to you will be responsible for activating the altar and starting the teleportation.

The order of transmission is according to the rune number, with the one with the earlier number entering first.

Because this altar can only teleport one person at a time, you have to wait in line.

Herage was a little speechless. If you go by the order, his runestone number is the last one.

Among these people, only he and Malcolm were from the Barrens, so they were numbered at the bottom.

The others are all natives of the Land of Dawn and have already had rune stones.

Herage wanted to ask why the names were not arranged according to the first letter of the last name, but after thinking about it, he held back. He had no place to speak here.

Medel was the first to teleport, and his runestone number ranked first among these people.

Naturally, there is a big advantage in going in first. After entering, you don’t have to worry about other people ambushing you, and you can get familiar with the environment faster.

Those who enter later are different. Those who enter last, like Herague, must pay attention to whether there are people ambushing and attacking them immediately after entering. The degree of danger is different.

Herage watched the people in front of him go in one by one without any anxiety.

Although he lost at the starting line at the beginning, he was not short of time.

Malcolm was also very calm, looking at the altar in front of him and not knowing what he was thinking.

Herage waited several hours for his turn, and the place was now empty.

After Malcolm walked onto the altar, he turned around and looked at Herrag with a squinted smile. Then the altar's light flashed and Malcolm disappeared.

The person responsible for teleportation next to the altar was an old wizard with a white beard. He waited for the altar to calm down for a while before shouting: "Next, Herage Merlin."

Herage immediately walked over and stepped onto the altar. When he turned around, he saw Bannings giving him an encouraging look.


Herage smiled back, then adjusted his breathing and prepared to teleport.

The white-bearded wizard stretched out his hand, condensing magic power in his hand, and then poured the magic power into the altar.

The altar began to tremble slightly, and then with a flash of light, Herage disappeared on the spot.

Herage felt the familiar space fluctuations. This was not the first time for similar space teleportation. He was already very familiar with it.

After the altar was activated, the surrounding scene instantly disappeared and turned into various twisted and colorful flowing light curves.

This scene only lasted for a moment, and the surrounding area became bright again.

Herage's pupils narrowed slightly, adjusting to the suddenly brightening light.

"The sound of the waves..."

Herage immediately heard the sound of waves crashing on the beach. When he looked carefully, he was on a beach, with the vast ocean in the distance.

Behind him is a dense jungle with many tall and strong trees.

"Titan Power."

"Absolute defense."

Herage didn't care about anything, but first armed himself to ensure that he could cope with various emergencies in full strength at any time.

He immediately launched an environmental survey, and found no trace of other wizards except for some unknown animals and plants.

He also observed those animals. They were all ordinary animals. They did not have high energy in their bodies and were not extraordinary creatures.

All around you can hear the sound of waves crashing against the coastline, the chirping of birds in the jungle behind you, and occasionally one or two long beast roars.

Herage looked at the fragments of clothes on the ground, stretched out his hand and used magic power to collect all the fragments.

Not to protect the environment, but to leave no traces and clues.

After confirming that there was no crisis around him, Herage tried to activate the bloodline mark.

His body surface began to flash with some electric light, and dark golden skin gradually appeared under the dark golden armor.

After Herage confirmed that the bloodline mark could be activated, he stopped activating the bloodline mark.

The power of the bloodline mark must be used at critical moments. After all, it is the power of the bloodline in the abyss plane.

Herague was not sure whether the Wizards Alliance could sense the situation here, so he would act more cautiously.

If there was a crystal ball looking at him over there, he would be waiting to die if he transformed on the spot and took it back.

Herage did not intend to fully activate the bloodline mark in this plane, as the full form would be too powerful.

Once it is used, everyone will probably have to be driven out and killed.

But in this way, how can you explain a problem after going out, let alone not sure whether anyone is watching here.

Another question Herage is still considering is whether this plane can carry himself in his complete form if the bloodline mark is fully activated.

He still doesn't know what level of strength the complete form belongs to. If it is only the third level wizard level, it will be fine. It is within the carrying capacity of this world.

But if the strength reaches the level of a fourth-level wizard, it may cause some serious consequences.

Herage thought about it and felt that just activating part of the power of the bloodline mark and strengthening his physical strength should be enough to deal with this operation. (End of chapter)

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