Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 425 Son of the Plane

In the world of X-617, in a valley, there is heavy fog.

Medel was sitting next to a fire, on which a marinated chicken was roasting.

This chicken was not hunted here, but Medel had prepared it in the space ring before.

He knew that the food would not be very good after entering here, so he prepared it in advance.

There were two people next to the fire, a man and a woman. The man looked forty or fifty years older, named Wade.

The woman is younger, looks to be in her twenties, has blond hair, and her name is Tessa.

These two people are the two people who previously said they would help Medel seize control of the world. Both of them are official members of Serantil.

But there is a gap between formal members and formal members. Most people neither have a background like Medel nor have the potential to be valued like Herage.

For these people, they are in a position where they are neither up nor down, and it is difficult to go further.

Wizarding organizations like Thranduil have very loose management of their members.

For example, although Herage belongs to Parker's faction, if his qualifications are mediocre and he doesn't show much potential, no one will care about him.

In this case, if he went to Medel and the Taylor family, Parker wouldn't say anything or care about such a thing.

These people do not have much value, so they are naturally not worthy of the attention of those above them.

But Herrag is different. If he wants to join Medel, Parker will definitely ask.

This was one of the reasons why Herage had not agreed before. In his opinion, staying under Parker was much better than Medel.

Medel had previously valued Herage's potential and wanted to win over him.

And behind him is the Taylor family, who is not afraid of Parker, so he has the courage to win over Herage.

Wade and Tessa have some qualifications but not much. They have potential, otherwise they would not be selected to participate in Operation Cradle.

It's just that this potential is not very high, and it has not received the attention of any big shots.

So when they met Medel's olive branch, they naturally grasped it tightly and hugged it.

Tessa sat by the fire, carefully turning the chicken so it wouldn't burn.

Medel finally felt a little warmer by the warmth of the fire.

The three of them got together not because of luck, but because Medel relied on his background and let someone do a little manipulation, which allowed the three of them to teleport to a very close area.

After entering this world, they quickly gathered together.

When three people set off together, safety is greatly improved.

The people who come here are all crystallized wizards. Normally, it is difficult for anyone to fight one against three.

Unless others also join forces, there is a high probability that they will suffer when facing the three of them.

Moreover, Medel is not only loyal to these two people, but for the time being, only these two people can teleport to the same area as him, and the others will meet him sooner or later.

There are six people who have clearly expressed their loyalty to him. When he gathers all these people together, he will be almost invincible in this world.

Medel couldn't help but smile when he thought of this. This is the influence and appeal of the Taylor family. What can others use to fight against them.

"Sir, it should be roasted and ready to eat." Tessa looked at the situation of the roasted chicken and then said.

Medel nodded, took out his dagger, cut off a piece of chicken, and ate it.

"Sir, we have no idea how to control the will of this world right now." Tessa asked tentatively.

Wade also raised his head and looked over. Like Tessa, he didn't know exactly what to do.

"Do you know about the plane guardian?" Medel asked pretending to be profound.

Wade and Tessa both looked confused and shook their heads to express their ignorance.

"In fact, each plane has its own guardian of the plane. The will of the world will select some people with potential and help them grow quickly so that they have enough strength. Since their growth has a lot to do with the will of the world, the will of the world will When faced with some crisis, these people will stand up and solve the crisis," Medel said.

"But shouldn't the world's will be strong? If there is a crisis, they can solve it themselves." Tessa asked.

Medel shook his head and said: "That's not the case. The world will is a collection of rules, so it is also restricted by the rules. The world will must abide by the rules and cannot do whatever it wants. The world will will be restricted in many aspects, and many things cannot be done. It’s convenient to do it, or it’s impossible to do it.”

"It is precisely because of this situation that the will of the world will select some people who are worthy of training and give them sufficient strength. We usually call such people the chosen ones and the children of the plane."

After listening to this, Wade and Tessa both began to think and digest the information.

They had never heard of these things before, and they did not have access to this information through their channels.

"Sir, but does this have anything to do with our Cradle Operation? According to the data, there is no advanced intelligent race in this world. There should be no children of the plane." Wade asked after thinking.

"No, there is. There must be children of the plane in this world, but they are not necessarily a race with advanced intelligence. It's just that we haven't discovered it yet. So our next goal is to find the son of the plane and kill him. "Medl said.

"Kill him?" Tessa asked in surprise.

Medel nodded: "Yes, the Son of the Plane is favored by the Will of the World. As long as we want to kill him, the Will of the World will definitely appear and will help the Son of the Plane tide over the difficulties in some form. The Will of the World It doesn’t understand conspiracy. As long as the Son of the Plane is in danger, it will definitely help the Son of the Plane in whatever way it can. When it appears, it is our opportunity to control it."

"That's it. It seems that the adults have already planned it." Tessa praised.

Wade and Tessa finally understood now and were no longer confused.

Herage, who was hiding in the shadows in the distance, also understood: "So that's what happened."

Herage discovered the three of Medel before sunset, but they never showed up. Instead, they relied on the shadow corner spell to hide in the dark.

After discovering the three Medels, he planned to follow these three people.

Because Medel, who was born in the Taylor family, must know a lot of information. If you follow him, you will most likely be able to find clues to the will of the world.

Herage didn't expect to get so much information just by hiding in the distance and eavesdropping for a while.

During this time, he has been thinking about how to control the will of the world. He has always had many doubts, but now he finally has an idea. (End of chapter)

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