Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 428 Blacksmith Shop

This world is still in a very primitive stage. If a life like White Deer appears at this time, it is basically certain that it is an existence blessed by the will of the world, that is, the son of the plane.

Medel quickly said: "Lead the way, we must catch the white deer!"

Alimu nodded and said: "Sir, the white deer just disappeared. It's not clear in which direction it was."

"Then look for it." Medel smiled.

This smile made Alimu feel inexplicably scared. He lowered his head and said, "Sir, I'll go find him right now."

Alimu appeared in front of him in a flash, and got into the jungle to start searching.

Medel then said: "Let's go and look for him too. By the way, you two have been following me and moving with me."

"Understood." Wade and Tessa lowered their heads.

"White Deer..."

Herage lurked behind and clearly heard the conversation of several people.

Alimu didn't know where the white deer was, but Herag knew. He saw the position where the white deer had just flashed past through the dark blue environment detection.

Although it was only for a moment, and it quickly exceeded the range of environmental detection, at least I knew where the direction was.

Herage glanced at the three Medels who were searching in another direction, and then looked at the direction of the white deer.

With a thought, he lifted the shadow corner spell and entered the form of Titan's power.

Herage entered this state just to be able to rush as fast as possible. The shadow corners were only suitable for sneaking, and the speed was much slower.

Herage took out the storm shield, put it on his left hand, and then let the storm shield shrink to prevent it from getting too big and affecting his speed.

A burst of lightning flashed across his body, and then he disappeared.

The way Herague was traveling now was like flashing at a very long distance. The movement process in the middle could no longer be seen at all. The speed was too fast.

His speed naturally attracted the attention of other wizards.

It's just that he is now huge and has an intimidating aura, so other wizards consciously stay away when they see him.

Herage's perception and reaction are now particularly sharp. After activating a little bit of the blood power of the ancestor of the Thunder God, it is not just his speed that is enhanced.

His processing speed of various information is now much faster, and the information he can receive at the same time has also increased significantly, so that he can observe the movement in every corner around him while moving at high speed.

At the top of a tall tree, a giant wearing dark golden armor suddenly appeared.

Herage stood at the top of the tree, detecting the surrounding movements through the dark blue environment detection.

Except for some wizards walking around, there was no sign of the white deer for the time being.


Herage suddenly saw through environmental detection that on the other side of the opposite mountain, a white deer with white light suddenly appeared at the foot of the mountain.

The white deer looked around, and after finding no enemies, he lowered his head and gnawed some young grass that had just grown on the ground.

After Herage caught the movement of the white deer, he disappeared from the top of the tree in a flash.

After a few flashes, Herage's figure appeared on the hillside not far from Bailu.

Bai Lu seemed to notice something and turned his head to look over.

Just as it turned its head, Herage had already arrived in front of the white deer.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed the white deer's neck. It looked like he would be able to catch it.

Unexpectedly, he missed the opportunity and his hand went directly through the white deer's neck.

"Illusion? No." Herage was a little confused, but he didn't catch it.

The white deer was frightened, roared softly, jumped and disappeared in place.

In Herage's perception, the white deer appeared again eight hundred meters away.

After Herage sensed the position of the white deer, he followed it again.

But this time he did not continue to approach, but hid behind and observed.

Herage was certain that the white deer was not an illusion. The young grass on the ground had indeed been partially chewed by the white deer.

This shows that the white deer has an entity, but it seems to have some regular power on it, preventing him from touching it.

Herage was not sure whether this was the White Deer's own ability, or whether the will of the world was secretly helping it.

He was going to observe the white deer for a while, looking for some patterns, but brute force alone would probably not be enough.

While Operation Cradle was going on, there was a dilapidated shop in an alley in the central area.

The name of the shop is Alanis's Blacksmith Shop. Although it is called a blacksmith shop, it is actually a shop that makes and sells witchcraft tools.

The owner of the shop is Alanis, a famous wizard master.

Alanis did not learn anything related to wizards until he was twenty years old. Instead, he worked as a blacksmith apprentice, doing very ordinary blacksmith work.

It wasn't until he accidentally discovered that he had high wizarding qualifications that he was led to embark on the path of a wizard.

However, due to his age, Alanis used too many Amanda potions when he was promoted to an official wizard, despite his high qualifications, causing his lifespan to burn out.

Normally, you will die if your lifespan is exhausted during the promotion process.

But Alanis miraculously survived and was promoted to official wizard.

Although he successfully became an official wizard, those overdoses of Amanda's potions still left him with serious hidden dangers.

After Alanis was promoted to Crystal Wizard, he could never go any further.

According to his qualifications, he had great hope of being promoted to a second-level wizard, but unfortunately he would stop there in his life.

Alanis later began to study the making of witchcraft. He found that he was also very talented in making witchcraft, and he dived into it from then on.

Over the years, Alanis has become a famous wizard master.

He opened a witchcraft shop named Blacksmith Shop to commemorate his former life as a blacksmith.

The blacksmith shop is in a remote location and its facade is dilapidated, but no one dares to look down on this place.

Nowadays, ordinary wizards are not qualified to ask Alanis to make magic weapons. It depends on his mood and he has to find someone to trust him.

Alanis has grown very old over the years and is approaching the end of his life.

He completed a large order some time ago, which was to help the expedition team make a batch of teleportation rings.

After Alanis completed this batch of teleportation rings, he smiled and said to the expedition team: "This is the last batch of witchcraft I will make in my life. I am old and it's time to rest."

He didn't charge any fees for this batch of magic weapons, and he was determined not to let people from the expedition team transfer the magic stones into his account. He said he didn't need them anymore.

Alanis stayed in the dimly lit room, lying on his favorite recliner.

The recliner was swaying, and he was drowsy, muttering to himself: "Great God, this is the last thing I can do for you. It's time for me to come and see you..." (End of this chapter) )

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