Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 63 Leaving

The next day, Herage came to Larry's house. β–²πΊπ‘œπ‘œπ‘”π‘™π‘’ Search for π‘ π‘‘π‘œπ‘π‘œπ‘šReadβ–²

He was wearing light armor and had a long sword on his waist. He didn't look like a wizard at all.

He bought this light armor from the flea market for seven magic stones. It is harder than regular armor. It is also enchanted with some reinforcement spells and has certain defense capabilities against spells.

Herague planned to act as a knight after going out. Wearing a wizard's robe, he would be too conspicuous in the world of ordinary people.

"Ready?" Larry asked.

"Yes." Herage nodded slightly.

"Follow me." Larry led Herage upstairs.

Herage had been to the fourth floor before, but he had never been to the floors above, so he didn't know what was on it.

He followed Larry all the way up, Herage counting silently in his mind, and they stopped when they reached the eleventh floor.

This floor is similar to a living room. The space is very spacious and sofas are placed everywhere.

There is a fireplace in the innermost part, and there is a wall of firewood stacked neatly next to the fireplace.

"Why do I come here when I go out?" Herage was a little confused as to why he came upstairs after leaving the Moonlight Grove.

Larry smiled and explained: "Do you want to go out by the east or south road? I won't stop you if you want to go, as long as you go out and be ready for battle. β™œ"

"It seems the situation is more serious than I imagined." Herage looked solemn, and he understood what Larry meant.

It is no longer safe outside Moonlight Grove. If you go out, you may encounter people from the Green Cabin.

"So, we need to find another way to get out, a safer way, and that's the Floo Network." Larry said and walked to the fireplace.

"Floo network?" This was the first time Herag heard this term.

Larry introduced: "You don't know it's normal, because there are only three fireplaces in Moonlight Grove connected to the floo network."

"The so-called Floo network means that after the fireplace in many wizards' homes is connected to the Floo network, you can use Floo powder and name the place you want to go to reach that place."

Herage thought: "Wouldn't that be dangerous?"

He thought about the scene where people were sitting at home, and a man suddenly appeared from the fireplace at home.

"So, wizards who dare to connect to the Floo Network must have a certain level of strength. If you find that you have gone to the wrong place with the Floo Network in the future, you must be careful. The Floo Network here is registered in Moonlight Grove. This time Floo network travel has also been notified to the woodland in advance and permission has been obtained." Larry took out a wooden box from above the fireplace.

When he opened the box, he found a box of green powder inside.

"To use it, grab a handful of Floo powder, then stand in the fireplace, recite the name of the place you are going to, and then throw the Floo powder down. The place you are going to is called the Violet Cottage. There is a long-abandoned wooden house, located in the southern Kingdom of Konakani, in a forest."

"After you get there, walk south for two days to reach the Violet City. If you go further west, you can go to the Kingdom of Doris." Larry introduced the route planned for Herage.

"It's very simple, go ahead." Larry patted Herage on the shoulder and motioned for him to go over to the fireplace.

Herage stood in the fireplace, checking to see if there was anything he had forgotten.

Larry stretched out the floo powder box in front of him, and Herrag grabbed a handful of floo powder in his hand. It felt no different from ordinary sand.

"Remember, it's the Violet Cottage," Larry emphasized at last.

Herage nodded, took a deep breath and said, "Violet House!"

He then threw the Floo powder down, and a burst of green flames appeared instantly, wrapping Herag's body. In an instant, Herag disappeared.

Herage felt his eyes go dark, and then his head and feet seemed to be inverted, and he seemed to be moving downwards in a black pipe. After a while, a white hole appeared in front.


Herage felt himself rushing into a pile of debris, making a rumbling sound and the sound of the wooden frame falling to the ground.

He opened his eyes and found that it was a dilapidated wooden house, with broken sofas, broken chairs, broken wood and other debris piled on the floor.

There was a lot of dust in the room, which seemed to be caused by his collision just now.

He glanced behind him and saw a large fireplace behind him, which looked like he had come out of it.


The large amount of dust choked Herage and caused him to cough.

"Dark energy shield!"

Herage first put a shield on himself, and then squeezed out of the debris, squeezing a way out alive.

Anyway, there is a shield covering it, so there is no need to worry about scratches.

After Herage squeezed out, he found that he should be on the first floor of the wooden house. The stairs leading from the first floor to the second floor were rotten and broken, and many steps were broken.

He glanced around, found the door, and tried to open it. He accidentally twisted the door handle off, and Herage was speechless: "How long has this house been unoccupied?"

He tried to push the door, but found that it couldn't be pushed at all. He saw that the lock was rusted.


Herage kicked open the door, sending up a large plume of smoke and dust again.

He ran out as if running away, and found that his face was cold. When he looked at the sky, he saw dark clouds and light rain falling.

Looking around, there is endless wilderness all around.

The violet hut is the center of the wilderness, surrounded by forest at its edges.

Herage took out the map and checked the direction, confirming that it was the place Larry mentioned.

"The position of the stars..."

After sensing the position of the stars, Herage found the south and started moving forward.

According to Larry, it would take him two days to get out, so he had to hurry up.

It took ten minutes to walk through this wilderness and into the forest.

While walking through the forest, water dripped from time to time, and Herage became quite wet after walking for a while. Using magic power to block the rain was too extravagant. Now walking in an unfamiliar forest, he did not dare to waste magic power at will.

Every time Herage walked a certain distance, he would take out a map to mark the location and adjust the direction and route.

"It's time to find a place to camp." Herage glanced at the sky and saw that it was almost dusk.

He found a place at the foot of a mountain that was sheltered from the wind, and there were dense trees nearby that blocked most of the rain.

Herage took out a set of tents from the space ring, threw a tent on the ground and it stood up. All that was left was to manually fix a few corners.

"I haven't hunted for a long time." Herage could sense traces of many animals in the forest, all of which were common animals.

He took out a fine steel bow. He hadn't used it for a long time, but he kept it, and he didn't expect it to be useful now.

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