Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 634 Crystal of Life

Herage rubbed the life crystal in his hand and felt a little strange.

This was the first time he felt the power of blood from inanimate things.

It's just that this energy is not exactly the same as the power of blood, but it is very similar. It can be felt that their essences seem to be the same.

Herage looked forward and found that many of Yom's monsters were already eating and taking away the life crystals in their mouths.

There are a huge number of life crystals in the pasture, and almost two-thirds of the entire honeycomb-shaped pasture is filled with life crystals.

Herage suddenly realized why Yom had brought so many people with him. It was to make it easier to move things and to reward his men.

As long as you can participate in this battle, you can eat and take it at the same time. This kind of good thing will definitely be rushed for.

It's no wonder that so many non-squirrel monsters are willing to follow Yom, and they can enjoy good food and drink with him.

In front of Herage, life crystals as tall as a person were piled up, which Yom signaled his men to distribute to Herage.

He didn't delay, and even though he had no contribution at all, he accepted it.

Herage waved his hand and took these life crystals into his own small plane.

Yom felt the spatial fluctuations here, turned his head and looked over in surprise, feeling more in awe of Herague.

Herage also noticed this scene, and he thought to himself: "It seems that even sixth-level creatures cannot have small planes in their bodies at will."

With Yom's strength, he must have felt that the space fluctuation just now came from a plane, not just a space.

Being able to have a plane within the body is not something that everyone can do.

Herage continued to observe the life crystal in his hand, and a desire to devour it emerged in his body.

This desire comes from blood instinct, and it seems that swallowing it up will be good for him.

Yom flew over and said, "Mr. Eternal, this should be very helpful for your recovery."

Herage nodded and directly put the life crystal in his hand into his mouth.

After the life crystal enters the mouth, it immediately turns into a stream of pure energy and flows throughout the body.

Herage's body completely absorbed this energy almost instantly, and the speed surprised even him.

He felt that after absorbing this energy, his blood power seemed to become stronger.

To be precise, it is not that the power of the bloodline has become stronger, but that certain powers in the bloodline have been activated and released.

Herage felt that a person originally had a punch with a force of one hundred kilograms, but because he was too hungry, he could only punch twenty kilograms of force.

The energy in this life crystal is like rice, which can make people full and exert more power.

Herage suddenly realized that the ancestral bloodline power in his body was very thirsty for this kind of life crystal.

If there are a large number of such life crystals, the power of the ancestral bloodline he can exert will be very strong.

No wonder these monsters are so enthusiastic about life crystals. Most monsters rely on the power of their own blood.

Their bloodline power is different, with different upper limits and different levels of power they can reach.

Herage's ancestral bloodline belongs to the highest level, and the upper limit is naturally the ceiling level of the abyss plane.

So after he saw the life crystal, his body instinctively had the desire to devour it.

"Very good." Herage praised.

Squirrel Yom smiled and said: "I know this thing is helpful to you. If it is not enough, I can continue to provide some to Mr. Eternal."

"No need, are there any ranches like this nearby?" Herage asked.

Squirrel Yom can always provide only a small amount. He also has an army of monsters to support, and he can't give himself too much.

After the observation just now, Herague has judged that there is no problem in taking over a ranch in his true form.

The guarding force in the pasture is actually not very strong. For the dark elves, there are too many pastures, and it is impossible for every pasture to be allocated a strong force to guard it.

Yom quickly understood what Herage meant, took out a map and pointed out several locations to Herage.

Herage looked at what was barely a map and learned that there were three such ranches nearby.

The next destination for Yom and the others is another ranch, and there should be two more that they don’t have enough time to capture.

"If Mr. Eternal has an idea, he can go to these two here." Yom pointed at the map and said.

The map in Yom's hand was very crude, just like a child's graffiti, with a few symbols scrawled on it.

There was no scale or anything like that, but luckily Yom remembered how many days the journey would take, and Herage figured out the approximate distance with a little guesswork.

"Mr. Eternal had better rush back as soon as possible after seizing the next one to avoid being entangled by the Dark Elves." Squirrel Yom thought for a while and said.

Herage nodded, indicating that he understood, and then left alone.

He had no intention of plundering both ranches.

If there is such a big movement here, the dark elves are not just there for the taking, and there will definitely be a reaction, so reinforcements should arrive soon.

Now it's a race against time. Herage needs to secure a pasture before reinforcements from the dark elves arrive.

Herague activated the bloodline mark, and his whole body instantly turned into a dark golden color, with lights lingering on the surface of his body, and his hair stood on end.

When he passed by a waterhole, he took a surprised look and realized that he looked quite like a Saiyan now.

There was a flash of lightning, and Herage appeared a few kilometers away.

It would be faster if teleportation spells were used, but that would inevitably cause some magic power fluctuations to spread out, causing unnecessary trouble.

Herage found that the power of his ancestor's bloodline was many times stronger than before, and it seemed that he had unlocked a lot of bloodline power.

The power of rules and the power of the ancestor's bloodline that were tempered in his body seemed to have some subtle reactions. The blood of the ancestor seemed to be well integrated with the power of these rules.

Herage has not fully revealed his true form yet, but has only activated part of his blood power, greatly increasing his body's strength and speed.

He found that when he flashed past, he actually mobilized some power of space rules, so that he could appear several kilometers away in a flash.

This was all done with physical strength, without any magical power.

Soon, Herage had already seen the huge pasture in the distance.

It seems that there has not been any news about the attack on the ranch over there. The dark elf slaves are still coming in and out of the ranch, busy.

Herage observed carefully for a while, and with the help of Deep Blue's environmental detection ability, he decided to take action after confirming that there was no particularly powerful individual here. (End of chapter)

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