Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 641 Destruction

Herage's punch passed through the clouds, fell from the sky, and landed on top of Lian's head.

Lian looked solemn and caught the punch with both hands.

Although he caught it, the huge force on his fist still forced him to bend down.

The mountain peak that Lian stepped on was directly trampled to the top, and rocks and soil rolled down.

The power of Herage's punch almost reached the level that it could shake the earth. It was already the ultimate power.

The buffing effect of the Titan Power spell is based on the physical fitness of the body itself.

After Herage entered the true form of his ancestor, his body's basic strength was already extremely high. Coupled with the buffing effect of the Titan's power, Herage directly possessed the ultimate unparalleled power.

"Herag Merlin: Strength 1000, Agility 1002, Constitution 1001, Spirit 236."

The body's strength, agility, and physique all exceeded three digits and reached a thousand points.

Herage felt that a thousand points was like a certain limit point. After breaking through this limit, the feeling would be completely different.

The last time he came to the abyss plane, he considered whether to try the effect of Titan's power.

But at that time, I felt some danger, and had a premonition that some uncontrollable situations might occur after using the power of Titan, so I gave up.

It seems now that he was lucky that he did not use the power of the Titan at that time, otherwise such a violent force would have directly torn him apart, and his body would not be able to bear such power.

Herague is now able to control such power because he has discovered a lot of the ancestor's bloodline and has the blessing of the inner realm.

When power reaches such an extreme level, even rules can be shattered.

Herage even felt that maybe he could swim in the torrent of space.

He didn't know if it was his illusion or if he could really do it to this extent.

Lian withstood Herage's punch with both hands, and there was a strong fighting spirit in his eyes.

He let out a long roar that resounded throughout the whole world. The thunder armor on his body emitted brilliant light, and his whole body turned into a light man in the form of thunder and lightning.

Herage felt that his men were empty and Lian disappeared.

Looking up, Lian was hanging high in the sky like a god, holding a thousand-meter lightning spear.

Lian raised the lightning spear and threw it at Herague instantly. The thunder spear carried an intimidating momentum, as if it was going to destroy the world.

Herage felt the terrifying power contained in this spear, and even he did not dare to take it forcefully.

If it were an ordinary fifth or sixth level creature, it would probably be penetrated by the spear before it could even react.

Herage could now feel all movements within the domain, so he captured these movements of Lian.

With a thought in his mind, he appeared in the clouds far away, avoiding the world-destroying spear.

The thunder spear flew past the place where Herage originally stayed, and pierced directly through the clouds towards the ground.

The moment the spear made contact with the ground, a huge amount of energy poured into the earth and surged in all directions.

In an instant, the earth collapsed, hundreds of kilometers around became a piece of scorched earth, and countless wide and narrow canyons opened.

The surrounding monsters that had not yet had time to escape were instantly turned into charcoal, and many weaker ones were directly annihilated by the huge energy.

Herage, who was far above the sky, saw this scene and finally felt for himself why there was an upper limit to the individual strength that the low world, the middle world, and the high world could accommodate.

Just this blow would have almost destroyed the world in an ordinary low-level world.

The rules of the lower world are very fragile and cannot withstand such violent and high-level power.

Even in an intermediate world like the wizard plane, this lightning spear might be able to shatter a continent.

In a high-level world like the Abyss Plane, the basic rules are strong enough, so it has not been greatly affected.

The surrounding monsters have dispersed in the form of birds and beasts. At this time, it depends on who can run faster.

As early as when the two of them first came into contact, the monsters around them had already begun to flee.

It's just that many weaker monsters couldn't run very far before being affected by the aftermath of the battle.

Herage could feel that Lian's blow should be some kind of blood power, but he had not yet awakened it.

If he didn't have the Ancestral Domain and noticed this extremely fast attack in advance, he would have been severely injured.

The Ancestral Domain, combined with some of Deep Blue's abilities, gives Herag 100% control over the movements within the domain.

Any movement of Lian will be captured by Deep Blue and immediately synchronized to Herage.

There is no delay in this synchronization. When Shenlan sees Herague, he also sees it.

Herage still lacks the offensive means corresponding to his own strength, and the only thing he can rely on is a strong enough body.

With a sharp look in his eyes, he took the initiative again and could not let Lian take the initiative.

Herage appeared behind Lian in the next frame and punched Lian hard in the back.

Even though Lian was huge, he was still thrown away by this punch and fell into the mountains in the distance, overwhelming countless peaks.

Herage followed closely behind, not prepared to give Ryan a chance to breathe.

At this time, he was using various fighting techniques that he first learned when he was an ordinary person.

These techniques apply now to maximize your strengths.

Herage never forgot these things, it was an instinct rooted in memory.

Almost the moment Rian landed on the ground and overwhelmed the mountain range, Herague had already appeared above Rian's head.

A fist bigger than a mountain peak fell down, and Lian was a little shocked. He didn't expect Herage's strength and speed to increase so much in an instant.

Herage's development of the power of the ancestor's bloodline was obviously not as good as his own. Logically speaking, he should be able to master all the abilities Herage knew.

But now the ability Herague is using has exceeded Rian's knowledge.

He had never dealt with a wizard, and he didn't know that Herague was actually using a wizard's spell, so he subconsciously thought it was the blood power of his ancestor.

It is normal for Lian to have this kind of inertial thinking. After possessing the blood of the ancestor of the Thunder God, the blood of the ancestor is the strongest power. There is no need to learn other powers.

Normally, this is indeed the case. For ancestral bloodline owners, they only need to do everything possible to develop their own bloodline power.

The battle was still going on. Herague relied on his own strength to avoid Lian's attacks while seizing every opening to attack.

With the support of Deep Blue, Herage will not miss any opportunity.

Deep Blue in its normal state would definitely not be able to support such a high-intensity battle, but after Deep Blue was combined with the Ancestral Domain, Deep Blue also underwent some changes.

Herage guessed that it might be related to the blood power of the Ancestral Realm itself, which allowed Deep Blue to combine with the Ancestral Realm. (End of chapter)

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