Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 643 Fusion

Herage felt that the ancestor blood in his body seemed to be cheering for joy, growing very rapidly.

As the power of the ancestor's bloodline increases, a lot of information and knowledge emerges from the bloodline.

Herage greedily absorbed this knowledge and understood many things in an instant.

This knowledge comes from inheritance in the blood, and there is no need to read books and learn slowly like humans.

After the bloodline becomes stronger, it will be followed by a rapid increase in strength, agility, and physique.

The ancestral bloodline in Lian's body was already powerful, and Herague has grown particularly rapidly after absorbing the power of this bloodline.

Herage even had a vague feeling that he was about to break through the sixth level.

But that's not a good thing.

Herage's intuition is now very sharp, and he senses that if he breaks through this limit, something bad will be waiting for him.

Herage thought for a moment, combined with the knowledge flowing from his blood, and soon understood what was going on.

His soul is too weak.

Herague is actually in a very deformed state now. His bloodline and body are extremely strong, but his soul is very weak.

The current state is almost the limit that his soul can support. If he breaks through and is promoted, what awaits Herague is likely to be the annihilation of his soul, leaving only an empty body.

Herage also realized the importance of the true spirit at this moment. Only by condensing the soul into a true spirit can it carry such power.

He began to consciously control the speed of bloodline power growth, deliberately suppressing those bloodline powers that had not yet awakened.

Due to the knowledge inheritance brought by the power of blood, Herage quickly learned how to control himself.

About half a month later, Herage was able to stably control the surging bloodline power in his body, blocking those bloodline powers that could be unlocked but had not yet been unlocked.

This is a kind of self-protection.

If these bloodline powers are allowed to fuse and grow without limit, death will be waiting for them.

Herage did not want to become a specimen for others to study.

His current physical body has indeed reached its ultimate level, and even if his soul annihilates his physical body, he will still be alive.

It's just that without a physical body, it's just a walking corpse. By then, it might become a major monster in the abyss plane.

When a new consciousness is born in the body, it will no longer be the Herague it is now.

Rian probably knew this, but he didn't care.

To him, it didn't matter whether Helag or another being was alive. What was important was that the bloodline of the ancestor of the God of Thunder needed someone to take that step.

Another half month later, Herague had completely controlled the bloodline power in his body, completely controlling all the bloodline power absorbed from Li An.

There is still a large amount of sealed ancestor blood power hidden in his body.

As long as Herage is willing, he can unlock these powers at any time and step to a higher level.

For Herage, the most important thing now is to cultivate the soul to be strong enough as soon as possible until it can condense the true spirit, which means that it needs to be promoted to a sixth-level wizard.

This step is actually not difficult, you just need to meditate step by step.

The starry sky meditation method is the top meditation method, which is enough to support the wizard's practice to reach the sixth level wizard.

Herage now has no upper limit of mental power. For him, he only needs to find various ways to increase his mental power.

When the mental power is sufficient, you can mobilize your own soul to combine with the mental power to generate soul power.

In the wizarding academia in the border area, this is actually called the spiritualization of the soul.

When the soul becomes completely spiritual, it actually condenses the true spirit.

The process of cultivating soul power is the level of a fifth-level wizard.

What Herage needs to do now is to improve his spiritual power to the point where he can cultivate soul power.


Herage opened his eyes, and two substantial dark golden rays of light flashed through his dark golden pupils. The surrounding wind suddenly rose, and then stopped after a moment.

He is now a real sixth-level creature based on his physical strength alone.

If you don't want to save your soul from being annihilated, you can step into the level of a seventh-level creature at any time.

It's just that based on the wizard's power system, he is still only a fourth-level wizard, and his mental power is not enough.

Herage did not release the Titan's power form, but controlled his size to shrink rapidly until he was only three meters tall.

He looked at the broken scene around him, the collapsed mountains, the cut off and redirected rivers, and countless bottomless canyons.

These are all traces after the war. The monsters around him have long since died and fled.

Those who were secretly watching had already quietly left, for fear of being spotted by Herague.

In their opinion, Herague will naturally become a very terrifying existence after absorbing the power of Lian's blood. If he can afford to provoke him, he should run away quickly.

After observing for a while, Herage found no potential danger.

But for the sake of caution, he still chose to stay away from this place and find a place where no one was around to reorganize.

Herague can now control his own breath perfectly, and even in the true form of the ancestor, there will be no leakage.

After condensing his aura and sneaking for thousands of kilometers, Herage chose an extremely deep canyon to hide in, and then entered the small plane.

As the creator god of his own plane, Herague naturally would not cause harm to his own plane and was very careful in every move he made.

After he entered the small planes, he also understood more about the fragility of these planes. They really cannot accommodate the existence of higher levels, otherwise the planes will collapse if they are not careful.

When Herage was in the small plane, the rules all around him were flowing around him, and he was naturally very close to him.

Naturally, he will not make mistakes in his ability to control power now, looking at the rules lingering at his fingertips.

World Tree sensed Herage's arrival and seemed very happy, sending out some information.

These messages are different from animals' emotions such as excitement, but essentially mean the same thing.

Herague looked at the nearly two-meter-high World Tree in front of him. After thinking about it, he cut his arm with his dark gold nails and dripped some dark gold blood for the World Tree to absorb.

After the World Tree absorbed the blood, the whole tree trembled a few times, and there was a hint of inexplicable aura.

Herague felt that this world tree should be different from the mother tree of the world tree in the elven plane. As for what kind of changes would occur, he himself did not know.

After all, I don’t have much experience. It’s my first time cultivating a world tree, so I’ll wait and observe it slowly in the future.

Herage looked around and found that the expansion speed of the small plane was countless times faster than before. (End of chapter)

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