Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 645 Soul Power

Fergal knew very well that it would be enough for him to bring those powerful beings from the abyss plane to the wizard plane.

After studying and studying the knowledge gained, Fergal studied the principles and theories related to messengers for a long time.

Not only that, he also delved into the methods of communication between gods and believers and the principles behind the delivery of objects.

Fegal combined various theories and knowledge and finally developed a summoning method similar to that of a messenger.

Through this method, existences from the abyss plane can be summoned to the wizard plane.

It's just that summoning requires a lot of energy. Fegal has been preparing for so long, but it's still a bit behind and is still in preparation.

In the past two years, Fergal established communication with a certain high-level being in the abyss plane. The other party seemed to want to come to the wizard plane to find some kind of bloodline.

According to the communication, the being from the abyss plane deduced that the bloodline he needed might be in the wizard plane, so he wanted to search for it.

But since there is no way to reach the wizard plane, Fergal's help is needed.

Fergal was naturally very happy to hear the news.

His research happened to be coming to an end, so he could take this opportunity to experiment.

It’s just that for some reason during this period, the existence in the abyss plane suddenly lost contact.

Fegal didn't think too much and continued to prepare, sending messages there from time to time to see if there was a response.

Half a year has passed.

During this time, Herage has been focusing on meditation practice and increasing his spiritual power.

"Herag Merlin: Strength 1223, Agility 1311, Constitution 1265, Spirit 576."

This is the data of his ancestor's true body currently in the form of Titan Power. After digesting and absorbing part of Lian's bloodline power, his body data has increased a lot.

In half a year, my mental strength has been greatly improved through meditation.

At this time, Herage had gradually understood how to cultivate soul power.

When your mental power reaches a certain level, you will naturally understand many things.

Herage can already clearly feel the existence of his soul. This is the benefit brought by the improvement of spiritual power.

Being able to perceive the existence of one's own soul is actually a sign of entering the fifth level wizard, which means that Herage can rely on meditation to practice spiritual power from now on.

Herage visualized his soul. The little finger of his left hand had already been partially spiritualized. This was the trace of soul power he currently possessed.

When the entire soul is fully spiritualized, it means that the condensation of the true spirit has been successful.

Herage was sitting in a dry river valley at this time. It could be seen that there should have been a big river here many years ago, but he didn't know why it dried up.

When he was about to get up, change places, and continue meditating, he felt something in his heart and entered a divine state.

During this period, a very annoying believer has been sending him messages, and it's not Reiss or Asuna, but someone he doesn't recognize.

Herage was also a little surprised. When did he gain an unknown believer? That small point of light was not the believer he developed.

In addition to this small spot of light, there are many other spots of light that are unfamiliar to me, all of which are inexplicably extra believers.

Herage was a little curious, so he clicked on the light spot that often sent him messages and read the messages that had been sent to him.

Believers' prayers to gods can be retained, which is a stream of information.

When Herage opened the light spot, he could see all the prayers that had been sent to him.

He randomly clicked on an information stream, and a message came: "Dear Supreme God, the summoning ceremony has been basically confirmed to be feasible. There is currently a lack of large supply of energy, and it is being collected. Please give me some time..."


"Dear Supreme God, I have collected most of the energy sources and can start the summoning ceremony. But for the sake of safety, I need to prepare more energy to prepare for possible unexpected situations."


"Dear Supreme God, the energy source is accurate and complete, the summoning ceremony is ready, and your most devout believers are waiting for your arrival at any time."


A string of information flowed into Herage's mind. With his current information processing ability, he understood what was going on almost instantly, and understood all the causes and consequences.

Through previous deductions, Lian sensed that there might be a complete bloodline of the ancestor of the Thunder God in the wizard plane, which was exactly what he needed.

Therefore, Lian tried to find a way to go to the wizard plane. At first, he originally wanted to find stable spatial coordinates and establish a spatial passage.

However, since he could not find a stable space coordinate, Lian started another plan, that is, he found Fergal and asked him to help him find a way to summon himself to the wizard's plane.

Later, Lian learned the news that the monsters on the other side had obtained stable spatial coordinates and had begun to establish a spatial channel.

After he learned the news, he still did not let Fegal stop his research work. Instead, he prepared to run two lines in parallel and make preparations on both sides to avoid any accidents on one side.

Sure enough, there was a problem with the space channel being built over there, and the construction was forced to be suspended.

Lian didn't know that it was the wizard at the junction who discovered the space passage. He only knew that the plan there was ruined anyway.

So next, Lian's focus will be on Fegal, giving Fegal resources and providing support in all aspects.

Fergal's progress is also going very smoothly. Although the progress is not fast, he can see the hope and Lian has the patience to wait.

Herage's appearance was beyond Lian's expectation.

The moment Lian sensed Herage's bloodline aura, he rushed towards this direction. He lost his target for a while because Herage entered the small plane, but the distance was already very close at that time.

The moment Herague came out of the minor plane, Lian caught the trace of blood and arrived in the blink of an eye, and what happened next happened.

After the battle with Lian during this period, Herage has been practicing quietly to stabilize his condition and improve his strength.

So during this period of time, for Fergal, Rian was out of touch and completely unreachable.

But he had to report the progress and still hinted at passing on the news.

After Herage absorbed the power of Lian's bloodline, he also absorbed some of Lian's believers. The power of faith is also a kind of power.

"This man..." Herage saw this impoverished man through Fergal's perspective.

Her long hair was dirty and messy, like a pile of garbage. The clothes she was wearing had not been washed for who knows how many years. They were stained with traces of oil accumulated over the years. You could probably scrape off a layer of grease with a knife. (End of chapter)

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