Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 650 Conquering legendary monsters

Fergal, who knew this, didn't even have the slightest thought of resistance in his heart. He never did these meaningless things, and he would just die.

Fergal knew that it was impossible for him to perform such a summoning ceremony again, and he had no motivation to continue.

As for Herague, the fact that he came here through the summoning ritual involves too many secrets of his own, and naturally it is impossible for the second person to know.

Fergal knew too much and he had to die.

Herage stretched out his finger, moved forward a little, and rolled the Rule of Destruction, crushing it instantly.

Fergal, who was kneeling on the ground, showed no resistance and was immediately annihilated by the rules of destruction, leaving no trace.

The body and soul are all destroyed by the rules of destruction and no longer remain.

This is the power of the rules of destruction, and it is also one of the power of rules contained in the bloodline of the ancestor of the God of Thunder.

The wizard plane also has rules of destruction, so Herage can be mobilized.

It's just that the rules of destruction are high-level rules, and it's difficult for ordinary wizards to understand this level of rules.

After Herage dealt with Fergal, he swept away all the traces in the cave, leaving no trace behind.

Although he now has the strength to not be afraid of many things in the wizard plane, he still maintains a cautious attitude.

With a thought, Herage appeared in an area a hundred kilometers away, suspended in mid-air, and the night wind made his robes vibrate.

This is a polluted area, and polluted areas at night are very dangerous.

In the past, it would have been impossible for Herage to dare to float in mid-air with such a big fanfare like now. It would be tantamount to seeking death.

But now, nights in polluted areas are as quiet and peaceful as those in the countryside.

When Herague appeared, even though he did not release any breath, the monsters around him instinctively did not dare to approach him, and they all behaved like rabbits.

Herage raised his head and glanced deep into the clouds. There was a monster that was quickly moving away from the place, as if it sensed some threat.

He smiled and disappeared in the next moment, appearing deep in the clouds in the distance.

Herage saw clearly the appearance of the monster deep in the clouds and recognized what it was.

One of the legendary monsters in the contaminated area, Skybreaker, is a level five monster.

Skybreaker has wings like an eagle, but has a body like a dragon and a head like a dragon.

It is said that it is a hybrid between a certain monster from the abyss plane and a dragon. As a result, Skybreaker not only possesses the attributes of a dragon, but also has the blood of an abyss monster.

Herage couldn't help but sigh, it's outrageous that a race like dragons can really produce offspring with any creature.

After Skybreaker saw Herague appear, he subconsciously wanted to escape.

Herage immediately released his aura, and Skybreaker immediately did not dare to move. Instead, he nodded and bowed and conveyed a message: "What are your orders, sir?"

"Become my slave or die." Herage said bluntly.

"It's my honor to be your servant." Skybreaker was very sensible and had no objection at all. He just gave in.

He has the bloodline of monsters from the abyss plane, and he can sense the breath released by Herague very clearly, and he knows what kind of existence he is in front of him.

Herague didn't talk nonsense. Since the other party understood the situation, there would be less trouble.

He stretched out his hand and directly formed a blood contract with the sky. Skybreaker volunteered his own blood in a very shameless manner and became Herrag's slave.

This is very similar to the master-servant contract commonly used by wizards, except that Herage's effect is even stronger.

This is a master-servant contract signed with the blood of the ancestors, and it is extremely binding on legendary monsters and fifth-level creatures like Skybreaker.

Although Skybreaker was a little helpless at first, he thought he couldn't resist, so he had no choice but to accept the reality.

It's not shameful to be able to become a servant of the ancestor's bloodline. Many people want this opportunity but haven't yet.

This is indeed true. In the abyss plane, low-level bloodline monsters like Skybreaker are indeed not qualified to be the slaves of the ancestors.

From this point of view, the short-breakers have taken advantage.

It's just that you will lose some freedom. In the wizard plane, Skybreakers are very free and have no natural enemies or huge threats.

"Do you know where the Incinerator is? There are several other monsters at the same level as you in the contaminated area." Herage asked.

Skybreaker thought: "The Burner has no fixed territory and often runs around. However, I met him not long ago and can take you there to look for him."

"Lead the way." Herrag appeared on Skybreaker's broad back in a flash, letting Skybreaker take him to find Burner.

The Burner was the legendary monster that Helag happened to encounter when he first entered the contaminated area.

If it hadn't been for the appearance of the Burner, he might have died in the hands of the second-level wizard in the Eye of the Storm.

First-level wizards are too weak in front of second-level wizards, and are no different from wizard apprentices.

The purpose of Herage's search for the Burner is also very simple, that is, to expand his own power.

What is powerful about him now is his own individuality, but once he leaves the wizard plane, his own strength will not be able to take care of it.

Herage had thought about this problem before, but there had been no good solution.

Because if he wants to cultivate his own power from scratch, it will take many years, and loyalty cannot be guaranteed.

A powerful wizard would naturally not listen to him, let alone sign a master-servant contract with him.

If you want to train wizards from scratch, the investment will be huge, and it may not be possible.

After Herage appeared in the contaminated area, he quickly thought of a solution, which was to lead the legendary monster in the contaminated area.

These legendary monsters themselves are strong enough to cope with many situations in the wizard plane and can be used.

Herage has the blood of his ancestors, and if he signs a master-servant contract with these legendary monsters, they won't have much resistance.

This is one of the potential functions of the high-level ancestor's bloodline. In the abyss plane, bloodline is everything.

Skybreaker led Herage quickly through the depths of the clouds, passing through a large area of ​​​​the contaminated area and entering a mountain range in the north.

In the mountains, Herage stood in the clouds and saw the Burner below.

The Burner is essentially an ape whose body is burning with fire all the time, and is currently sleeping in the valley.

After he noticed the movement on the clouds, he opened his eyes alertly and looked at the Skybreaker above, wondering why this thing came to him.

Skybreaker is considered very strong among the legendary monsters in polluted areas, but he usually moves in the sky area and has little interaction or conflict with other legendary monsters in polluted areas. (End of chapter)

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