Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 663 Solving contaminated areas

The Desolation Plague is essentially a bloodline power. Herage can feel that this bloodline power is indeed very strong, but it is still a few levels behind the ancestor's bloodline power.

After a little research, Herage understood the general principle of the desolate plague and its essence.

He came to the sky above the polluted area and activated the desolate plague. As expected, he sensed the power of the desolate plague hidden in the large land below.

Herage immediately began to use the desolate plague, trying to absorb the remaining power of these desolate plagues from the earth.

Soon, the power of the desolate plague in the black land below was absorbed by him and integrated into his body, enhancing the effect of the desolate plague.

The black earth in the polluted area is the result of the desolate plague, and can be seen as a power that can last for a very long time.

Many attack methods dissipate immediately after being used. The immediate lethality of Desolate Plague is very weak. It mainly has an eroding effect on vitality and can exist for a long time.

Since Herage also has the bloodline power of the desolate plague, the remaining desolate plague in the contaminated area is equivalent to a tonic for him, and he can directly absorb and enhance his own desolate plague bloodline power.

It's just that in the past, because the strength was too weak, it was impossible to do this.

But now that his strength has improved, he can naturally do this.

Herage became immersed in his mind, using all his power, frantically absorbing the remaining desolate plague in the contaminated area.

He is now like a water pump, and the desolate plague in the contaminated area begins to flow towards him and merge into his body.

The black in the surrounding black earth gradually became lighter, and then turned black again. That was because the desolate plague in the distance flowed over.

The desolate plague in the entire contaminated area began to flow here.

The desolate plague in the original contaminated area was evenly distributed and in a state of balance.

But now this balance has been broken, and the concentration of desolate plague on Herrag's side has been decreasing.

Every time it is lowered, the surrounding desolate plague will automatically flow here without the need for Herrag to actively attract it.

After Herage was in the true form of his ancestor, he could absorb things like desolate plague without any pressure at all, and he could do so very quickly.

However, because the contaminated area was so large, it took Herage more than half a month to absorb all the desolate plague in the entire contaminated area.

The originally black earth has returned to earthy color again, no longer giving people a feeling of despair at first sight.

Herague has not been absorbing it all the time during this period, and from time to time he enters the small plane to be gentle with Misu.

More than half a month later, the entire contaminated area underwent tremendous changes. The pioneers in the contaminated area were the first to discover this change.

When they discovered that the black color of the earth in the contaminated area had faded away and turned into an earthy yellow color, they were all surprised and had no idea what had happened, so they immediately reported the news to the organization.

The news from Herage's side was faster. He quickly sent a message to the Wizards Alliance that the pollution in the contaminated areas had been removed by himself. All the land in the contaminated areas belonged to him. Any force or organization in the wizard plane, Land in contaminated areas cannot be occupied without permission.

Naturally, Herage would not work in vain and directly put all the land in the contaminated area under his own name.

He planned to choose a good place in the polluted area for the subsequent location of the Sixth Ring Tower. By the way, it should not be called a polluted area now, but the Karag Continent.

The Land of Dawn only occupies a small area of ​​the Karag continent, and the remaining large area is still blank.

Except for some weird and monsters in some places, many places are already in normal use.

Herage also planned to command his eight legendary monsters to eliminate some troubles during this period.

Some things have been in the contaminated area for too long and will not leave for a while. At this time, you have to ask them to leave.

Herage believed that it would not be long before the long-dormant continent of Karaage would regain its former prosperity and glory.

After the news spread, the entire wizarding plane was shaken again.

The problem of contaminated areas has existed for a long time, and it is also the biggest pain in the wizarding plane.

The continent of Karag is the most suitable continent for the development of wizards in the wizard plane. It has a high concentration of free energy particles and rich resources. It is a treasure land for wizards. It is not as barren as other continents.

However, due to the existence of contaminated areas, the area available to wizards has been greatly reduced, leaving only a pitiful small area.

Now that the pollution in the contaminated area has been removed, it means that the development space of the wizards has expanded countless times, and they no longer have to crowd into the Land of Dawn.

When the news first came out, many people couldn't believe it.

It's not that I don't believe Herage, but I feel that this reality is a bit magical, making it hard to believe that it is real.

Solving the problem of contaminated areas is a topic that wizards have been studying since ancient times. Unfortunately, although countless outstanding wizards have devoted themselves to it, they have never been able to come up with a solution that can solve the root cause of contaminated areas.

Even if someone had a way to clean up the pollution, they would be powerless to deal with such a large area of ​​pollution.

But now that Herage has directly eliminated the pollution in the entire Karaage continent, it is really shocking.

This time, many people in the wizarding plane had to lament the power of the junction and the Sixth Ring Tower, which could even solve the problem of contaminated areas.

They subconsciously thought that it was Herage who had the help of the Sixth Ring Tower to solve the problem of the contaminated area.

I wonder how they would feel if they knew that Herage solved the pollution by himself.

Now that the problem of contaminated areas has been solved, there are so many things that can be done next, and many people's minds suddenly became more alive.

Businessmen like Vernon, for example, sensed the business opportunities very keenly and immediately began to contact Herage to discuss relevant matters.

Such a large area cannot remain empty like this.

It is necessary to build cities and small towns, and a large number of people will inevitably migrate to these areas.

There is also the restoration of the natural environment in the polluted areas. Although the pollution in the polluted areas has been removed, there is still no grass growing there.

Ordinary plants simply cannot grow in the polluted area, so it remains bare.

Therefore, it is necessary to restore the natural environment in the polluted area as soon as possible so that people and animals can live normally there.

For wizards, this is not difficult. There are many ways to quickly rebuild the natural ecological environment of contaminated areas.

Then there are many issues such as the location and construction of towns, as well as population migration. (End of chapter)

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