Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 679 Preparations before the expedition

If Helag uses all his means now, his strength can reach the peak level of a sixth-level creature.

But even so, it is difficult to participate in the battle level of the star realm.

After all, this is a joint operation of three real ancestors, and the level of combat is naturally extremely high. A person like Herage who has not even entered the legend can only follow along.

The Thousand-Eyed Ancestor invited Herage here, naturally not expecting him to participate in the battle, but just hoped that he could grow up as soon as possible and become another pillar of the abyss plane.

Afterwards, the three Thousand-Eyed Ancestors began to discuss the follow-up plan in detail, involving a lot of secret information, and they did not avoid Herage.

Herage listened attentively, barely speaking, and there was no topic that he could participate in.

While listening, he discovered that the wizard plane and the junction were occasionally mentioned.

The Thousand-Eyed Ancestor and others seemed to be troubled because they were always stuck to the borderland and the wizard plane, making it impossible to leave the abyss plane and conquer other planes.

Originally, if we wanted to conquer the star realm this time, we could directly move the abyss plane to the vicinity of the star realm, which would make many things much more convenient.

But now we can only establish space channels across long distances, which is actually very troublesome and takes a lot of effort and time to complete.

In order to solve this problem, the most direct way is to destroy the wizard plane and the junction.

The wizard plane is just a middle world, and the junction can only be regarded as a high-level world.

Strictly speaking, the borderland is actually only a middle world, because the high-end combat power is seriously insufficient and is far inferior to the abyssal plane.

On the surface, it seems that it is very simple for the abyss plane to solve the problem of the wizard plane and the junction.

Thousand-Eyed Ancestor and others thought so before, but when they actually did it, they found many difficulties.

The wizards in the border area have too many tricks, and they can always detect some small movements in the abyss plane and nip them in the cradle in advance.

The method used by Thousand-Eyed Ancestors and others to enter other planes is still very primitive. They still find stable spatial coordinates, establish spatial passages, and then invade. This has been the case for countless thousands of years, and they have long been accustomed to this method.

As a result, it won't work in the wizard plane. Even if some stable spatial coordinates are obtained by bewitching people in the wizard plane, it will be useless.

As soon as the space channel was established, it was discovered by the wizard at the junction and destroyed.

It's like this every time, and there's nothing the Thousand-Eyed Ancestor and others can do.

This was also the reason why Fergal decided to use the summoning ritual method in the first place. He understood that establishing a space channel was probably not feasible.

Fergal speculated that the junction may have global monitoring of the wizard plane, so as long as a space channel is established, it will be detected.

That's why he decided to find another way and take the summoning ritual route.

Fegal naturally guessed wrong. There is no such means at the junction. It only uses very high-frequency patrol detection to check whether there is a space channel established, but in fact there will be omissions.

For example, if Herag had not proactively reminded him last time, the junction would not have discovered that a space channel was being established. In this case, there would have been fragments of the future that Herag had seen.

The Thousand-Eyed Ancestor and others had nothing to do for a while, so they put aside the matters on the wizard plane for the time being, preparing to get some benefits from the star realm first, and then slowly figure out how to solve the problem at the junction.

The space passage from the abyss plane to the star realm has been established, and advance troops have already gone there. Some monsters who are good at detecting and concealing have entered the star realm to lurk, secretly exploring a lot of information.

The main purpose is to determine the current status of the star realm and whether there is any danger near the space channel.

Now that these problems have been checked, and it is confirmed that there are no problems, and they have not attracted the attention of the protoss and titans in the star world, the Thousand-Eyed Ancestors are now preparing to officially invade.

Since the star realm is also a high-level world, the three Thousand-Eyed Ancestors do not need to use projection to come to the star realm and can go there in person.

Although this strength will be somewhat suppressed, it is still countless times stronger than projection.

The actions of the Thousand-Eyed Ancestor and others were generally low-key, and they tried their best to avoid causing large-scale, high-level battles.

Their goal is the Well of the Star Boundary, not a full-scale declaration of war with the Star Boundary. The strategic purpose is very clear.

And because it was an away game, the overall strength would be affected to some extent, and they did not dare to engage in an all-out war with Star Boundary.

This time, the abyss plane decided to officially take action after exploring the target location.

Thousand-Eyed Ancestor and others have obtained accurate information and know the location of an astral well, and have made a strict plan for this place.

The Star Boundary is different from many planes in the Endless Plane. In most planes, there is only one planet in which civilization and life exist. This is usually the main birthplace of civilization in that plane.

In fact, the difficulty in obtaining the stable spatial coordinates of the wizard plane in the abyss plane lies here, because what is displayed in front of them is the entire wizard plane, that is, the entire universe of the wizard plane.

It is understandably difficult to obtain the stable coordinates of the planet where the wizard's plane is located from such a universe.

Over the years, stable coordinates have been obtained only a few times.

After the civilizations in some planes develop to a certain level, they will expand to other planets and their distribution will be wider.

However, this is related to the specific type of civilization in the plane. Some types of civilizations can reach wider areas of the universe even if their combat power is not high, and the seeds of civilization will spread more.

But in some planes, even if the individual strength can reach a very high level, the overall development of civilization is not high.

The result is that even if there are strong individuals who can cross the void and reach other planets in the plane, they are only a very small number of people.

But the star realm is different. There is no so-called planet where civilization originated in the star realm.

The indigenous residents inside them are distributed in various places throughout the star realm.

This involves two special life forms in the star realm, the Protoss and the Titan.

The Protoss and the Titan are both born in some special planets and stars in the star realm. For them, some specific planets are a placenta.

Some planets are born with Protoss. Protoss has different forms and there are all kinds of them. At the beginning, their strength is not very strong, only the strength of a fourth-level creature.

But their upper limit is extremely high, and there is no bottleneck in their growth. As long as there is time, they can reach the level of the eighth or even ninth level ancestors. (End of this chapter)

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