Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 686: Success, Leave

For Muhe, the seventh-level legendary life is just qualified to communicate with it, and the eighth-level master is the life that can truly help Muhe develop.

Herage was able to advance to the seventh level through blood power because the blood runes in his body were originally recognized by the mother river and could communicate directly with the mother river.

These are all due to the blood of the ancestor of the Thunder God. As long as the blood of the ancestor in Herage's body is strong enough, he can be directly promoted to level seven.

There will be no obstacles in this process, because it all comes from the inherited power in the blood.

This is also the reason why Thousand-Eyed Ancestor and others want to help Helag.

There will be no obstacles to the promotion of a life like Herage who possesses the power of the complete bloodline of the ancestor. He can be promoted quickly by helping the leader and become another helper in the abyss plane. Naturally, Thousand-Eyed Ancestor and others are willing to do such a thing of.

After Herage figured out these things, he suddenly thought that he could make use of these things.

He plans to create a spell by himself. This spell is very simple. It uses the ability of his own blood runes to communicate with the mother river.

It looks like it uses magic to communicate with the mother river, but it is essentially achieved through the power of blood runes.

In fact, these are not important. All Herage needs is a form, and it is enough that the appearance is like this.

While Herage was thinking about this, the Thousand-Eyed Ancestor was also discussing with the Spider Queen how to get rid of the Astral Well.

They discovered that the Astral Well is completely integrated with the planet and is difficult to separate separately.

The Astral Well is a very special thing. In essence, it is similar to the protoss and titans. They were originally conceived in certain planets and were born after a long period of gestation.

Herage was also a little surprised when he learned about it. He did not expect that the Astral Well, like the protoss and titans, was also conceived and born.

It's just that the Astral Well itself is not a living body, but more like a natural phenomenon. After birth, it will integrate with the planet that originally gave birth to it.

When the Astral Well is born and integrated with the original planet, it will begin to affect the surrounding planets.

The surrounding planets will begin to breed new protoss, titans, and even new astral wells.

The Astral Well is like a seed in the star realm, driving the development of one star field after another and giving birth to many new protoss, titans, and astral wells.

The Well of the Star Boundary is of great significance to the Star Boundary, which is why there is an ancestor guarding it.

Any well in the astral world represents countless future living forces to the star world.

The Thousand-Eyed Ancestor has figured out the situation in the Astral Well, but a problem has arisen.

The Astral Well has essentially become integrated with this planet, and there is no way to separate it.

The Thousand-Eyed Ancestor has calculated that if the Well of Star Boundary is directly stripped out, there is a high probability that the Well of Star Boundary will lose its role and turn into nothingness.

This is not what the Thousand-Eyed Ancestor wants to see.

"How about... just move the entire planet away?" Spider Queen suggested after thinking for a while.

Thousand-Eyed Ancestor’s eyes lit up and he said: “It’s feasible.”

Herage was speechless as he listened to the conversation between the two. Could the ancestor be so willful? To move such a large planet at the slightest thought would require a power beyond what humans can imagine.

The Thousand-Eyed Ancestor and the Spider Queen just did what they said and took Herag directly to fly away from the planet and to the outskirts of the planet.

Herage looked at the rapidly rotating planet and couldn't help but wonder what methods the Thousand-Eyed Ancestors were going to use to move the entire planet away.

The Thousand-Eyed Ancestor looked at the planet in front of him. The aura emitting from his body was getting stronger and stronger, and the fluctuations were getting stronger and stronger. It seemed that he was preparing to take action with all his strength.

For him, destroying the planet is relatively easy, but moving it away will indeed take some effort.

The Thousand-Eyed Ancestor began to recite some very strange syllables, and each syllable echoed out with an ancient atmosphere.

Every time he uttered a syllable, Herage could feel some changes taking place in the world here, and countless rules were flowing and rotating at an extremely fast speed.


Herage didn't know if it was his imagination. He felt that the planet in front of him seemed to have become smaller.

This change only lasted a moment. Although Herague keenly captured this change, because the change was not obvious, he was not sure whether it was his illusion.

Soon, Herage knew that it was not an illusion.

As the Thousand-Eyed Ancestor spit out syllables one after another, the planet in front of him was shrinking and changing.

These ancient syllables occupied this world as if they were substantial, solidifying space and time, and all the rules seemed to no longer exist.

Herage didn't know how much time had passed and couldn't feel the passage of time.

It seems like a moment, and it seems like an era has passed.

What appeared in front of Herage's eyes again was a blue, crystal-clear glass bead-like thing.

This is the huge planet in front of us just now. It has become a glass ball that can be held between two fingers.

But Herage knew that this thing was not something he could hold with just two fingers.

If he really wanted to use physical strength to clamp it, the only result would be broken fingers.

Although the planet has become smaller, its mass has not changed.

Herag was not arrogant enough to think that he could hold a planet with two fingers with his physical strength.

"Let's go!" The Thousand Eyes Ancestor said hurriedly after he succeeded.

On the other side, the place where the Skeleton King was guarding.

The Spider Queen's purple light ball was still deforming violently at this moment, and the Centaur Protoss was still struggling inside, trying to break through the restraints.

Now looking at the trend of the purple light ball's deformation, it is likely that it will not be long before the purple light ball can no longer restrain the Centaur Protoss.

The Thousand Eyes Ancestor, the Spider Queen, the Skeleton King and others did not want to stay any longer. Their goal had been achieved, and they immediately began to run towards the direction of the portal at a very fast speed.

In almost a blink of an eye, several people had arrived on the desolate planet, and the portal was still standing there.

The monsters responsible for guarding the portal were distributed around, and when they saw several ancestors coming back, they all saluted respectfully.

"Go back." The Thousand Eyes Ancestor gave an order, and then entered the portal. All the monsters knelt beside them to send off the ancestors.

At the same time, a long howl came from the depths of the universe on the other side. The sound formed a substantial energy wave that reached here, and it actually shook this desolate planet.

Herag's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly followed and stepped into the portal. (End of this chapter)

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