Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 696 Seeing Through

Before the plane transfer was completed, Herag had already smelled the familiar breath of the Abyss Plane, blowing towards him.

After Herag stood still, he looked around and found himself in a jungle.

He looked up at the starry sky and quickly determined the location, finding the location of the lava cave of the Thousand Eyes Ancestor.

The distance was not far, at least not far for Herag's speed.

Herag stood there and waited for a while, he was waiting for Toad.

After Toad returned to the Abyss Plane, he could sense Herag's location, but it would take some time to rush over, just like many years ago.

Herag waited for about a few minutes, and space ripples appeared around him, and Toad came out from it.

"It seems not far away." Herag smiled.

Toad jumped onto his shoulder and said, "No, it's far, farther than any previous time. It's just that my strength has improved a lot, so the speed is much faster."

The Toad came through space after sensing the direction of Herag.

Since there is no specific coordinate of Herag, it is impossible to directly transmit through the space channel in the body, and it has to be crossed in space.

The abyss plane is very large, so it will naturally take some time.

"Let's go." Herag nodded and began to move towards the lava cave of the Thousand Eyes Ancestor.

With a light step, Herag crossed thousands of kilometers and crossed a large area.

His speed was not slower than that of the toad crossing the space, and it was even faster.

Herag could travel so recklessly because his bloodline status was high enough.

Even if he crossed over the territory of some monsters, those monsters dared not say anything, and dared not speak out.

It took Herag only half a day to reach the vicinity of the lava cave.

Although it took only half a day, you have to know that Herag's speed is very fast, and the abyss plane is indeed large enough.

Herag could not even sense how big the abyss plane was, as if it was boundless, and he could not feel the existence of the boundary at all.

Outside the lava cave is a large plain area, with only the center being a volcano and lava area. Smoke coming out of the volcano can be seen from afar.

As soon as Herag arrived here, a thousand-eyed monster appeared in the void in front of him.

"I'm here to pay my respects to the Thousand-Eyed Ancestor." Herag said in the common language of the Abyss Plane.

The thousand-eyed monster blinked, sent back a respectful message, and then retreated to report back.

The vast plains nearby look barren, but in fact there are countless thousand-eyed monsters in the void here.

Soon, the thousand-eyed monster appeared again and told Herag that the two could go in.

Toad stood on Herag's shoulder and looked around vigilantly. It was his first time to come to the territory of the Ancestor.

In the past, these places were restricted areas for him, and they were dangerous areas that he could never approach.

Don't look at these thousand-eyed monsters being so polite, that's because Herag is here.

Toad believed that if he came here alone, countless powerful thousand-eyed monsters would emerge in a minute and kill him on this plain.

"See you again, Herag." The Thousand-Eyed Ancestor's huge black eyeball appeared in front of him and blinked.

Herag was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "So you know."

The Thousand-Eyed Ancestor laughed: "My big eyeball is not for display, but it doesn't matter. In the Abyss Plane, only blood is considered."

Herag didn't expect that the Thousand-Eyed Ancestor would tell his human name as soon as they met.

He had never said this name, and he didn't know how the Thousand-Eyed Ancestor knew it.

Herag glanced at the Thousand-Eyed Ancestor's huge black eyeball, and guessed in his heart that it should be some kind of bloodline talent ability of the Thousand-Eyed Ancestor, most likely he could see through many things.

It seems that the Thousand-Eyed Ancestor probably saw a lot of things when he first met him.

At that time, Herag was still trying his best to hide his own breath and information, but he didn't expect that he had been seen through long ago.

Herag still underestimated the ability of the ancestor. His hidden things seemed too childish and ridiculous in front of the ancestor.

It was as if a child hadn't wiped the oil off his mouth, but he was holding his head high and saying confidently that he didn't steal the chicken leg.

The Thousand Eyes Ancestors didn't expose Herag at the beginning, and I don't know if they were afraid of embarrassing Herag.

Herag suddenly remembered that the Skeleton King seemed to have jumped the soul fire at the beginning, and he looked very happy. Could it be that he was laughing at himself?

He recalled the scene at that time and felt that this possibility was very high...

The Thousand Eyes Ancestor smiled and said, "We have been dealing with the wizard plane for so many years, how could we not smell the breath of the wizard plane on you."

The Abyss Plane has the breath of the Abyss Plane, and the Wizard Plane naturally has the breath of the Wizard Plane.

It's just that Herag has been in the Wizard Plane for a long time, so he didn't feel it.

"Don't be nervous. I recently observed that the borderland is merging with the wizard plane. It seems that it is finally planning to leave our Abyss plane, which saves us from having to take action." The Thousand Eyes Ancestor said.

The Abyss plane has naturally been observing the movements of the wizard plane and the borderland. It is impossible for them not to notice such a big thing as the plane fusion.

The Thousand Eyes Demon Clan is very good at observation. There are many thousand-eyed monsters under the command of the Thousand Eyes Ancestor who are responsible for observing the movements of the wizard plane and the borderland.

They discovered the fusion of the wizard plane and the borderland at the first time.

If Herag hadn't been there, the Thousand Eyes Ancestor would have definitely tried to sabotage it.

Although the plane fusion is an internal matter of the two planes, it is difficult to intervene from the outside.

But there are so many Abyss Cultists, someone will succeed.

It's just because of Herag that the Thousand Eyes Ancestor didn't send anyone to interfere, but quietly waited for the two planes to merge.

The goal of the Thousand Eyes Ancestor and others has always been to get the border area out of the Abyss Plane, so that the Abyss Plane can leave this place.

Now that the border area has merged with the wizard plane, it automatically helps them solve this problem.

In addition to Herag's relationship, the Thousand Eyes Ancestor and others will naturally not interfere.

After Herag figured out these things, he said, "Thank you."

"No need, which ancestor doesn't have a few planes of his own? It's just a small matter. Don't worry, we won't take action against the wizard plane and the border area again. With your current strength, these two planes should be under your rule." The Thousand Eyes Ancestor said.

Herag didn't reject it, but just nodded.

Although the actual situation is similar to what the Thousand Eyes Ancestor said, it should not be what the Thousand Eyes Ancestor imagined.

Herag is not greedy for power, nor does he care about many external things.

What he cares about from beginning to end is the improvement of his own strength, which is the fundamental. (End of this chapter)

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